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<br />— "' S0018—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO..Printing,Litkographting and Counly Supplies;Omaha. "'' ! `�' �`-- — --- --'"
<br /> FROIVI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for reccrd this---- --------- --1-0-----------day of__--------Ar>_r_7��-------- ---------------
<br /> - .- -- -- - -- -- ---_. -__- -- - -- - - -
<br /> A. D., i912 � at - - - -- - -�•54 --o'clock- ------ -F.-M.
<br /> �rtr.u� _L��unr.- arc� �ri�'e_ ------ -- Warranty �
<br /> - - ��
<br /> TO
<br /> Deed. ��'������
<br /> I�e___1-- -- - -- --- -- --- -- - - -
<br /> �ister o�' Peed G��p���
<br /> - -G-1_,'d� -d..P.��de� -- . -- ---
<br /> - -- - -- -- -- - -
<br /> - --- --- - Deputy. -
<br /> Know All 1VIen. by 'rhese Presents:
<br /> T.hat--___ �Ia, A�`_L�iur--L.Dunn--ar:i___AS L-e_l1�_ _G_.�unn�- ------ --- - - - --- -- -- -- -- -- - --- -- - =-- - - -- ---- --
<br /> ---- - - ------
<br /> -- -- -- -- - - - -- -- - --- --- ---- -1-iiu�'�;_anci __ar�d_ .�if� �- - - --- ---- -
<br /> �:all l,,e%"-` �t'"-
<br /> of the County of_ --- -- ---- - ----arid Sta�te of_- -_ T.....ra �� -.... -- - -- ---- -- ------------------------Grantor-�--, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of__ - - -F1,ft-y--�'ix_ s_±unuT_�a--dnci_ _nQ/1C�9--------- ------------------------------ ----- ---------------- --------------------------- -------DOLLARS,
<br /> in haiid paid, do--------------hereby GRANT, BARG�lIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_ ____C_1-ycle--l�_.�o.Aaez'----------._ -.-------- _-----__ --- ------------------------ .
<br /> ---- ------ ---- ------ --- --. --
<br /> --- - -- - ------- - - - - - -- -- - - -- __ - -- --- -- -- ---- - - - ------- ---------- ---- ----- --
<br /> of the County of_-- - -- ----- �'''�-11- -- - - - -- -- --and State of_ - -i'e r��r as_ka - --- - - --- - ---- - ---, Grantee-- ,the following
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of___________.____________.__Fia--li---- -------------------and State of Nehraska, to wit;
<br /> -- --_�'x_a�_t_i_ona1---Lc�_�__ _i�lu:��er---T-�:T-o_---(�-}--in---Fs.ac_�ianal_B_lo.c_k_.�:;uz�.�:b�r.--F-i-u-e----�:-)---�na.ulning--�°__�s-e��;s----------
<br /> -- - - Addit-i_on to_ tiie City -o£- �sanc�- �s1��.ci, �?�1��a�k� urc� �'r-��*�on�� -Lot- �T�rra�e:� T�rn- tF=-�- ln------- ---
<br /> Frac��Ural -rlocl.__�:a�:=.�°z--��_;��e -(a} Axnc�-�.-d--Y�.ac-�--Acxu�._�_�o�--uo--�hQ Gi�y- of_rra_nci- I_�land, ----------
<br /> --------------i��_�_�_�����-•---�-v -sur�,���,re_rl,___�al��-�_ed-�"'-�- }:A_c_a,u�d• - - -------- ----- - - -- --------- - --- --- ------ --
<br /> - --- - ----- ------ -------
<br /> ----- -- ---- - - ---- - - - - - -- --
<br /> ------ --. - - -- -- - ----- - - - --- --- - - --- ----- --- -- - - ------- - ---- --- ---- -- ----- -- ------ -- ----
<br /> - ---- -- - --- ---------- -- - ----------- --- ----- ---- - --- -- - -- ------ - -- ----- -- --------------- ----- ------- ------ - --- --------- ---------------- ---------------
<br /> Together with all the tene�nents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dawer, Curtesy, Claim ar�d
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__s.__-_-, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TD _T-I4VE AND TD HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to___._________.____hi_s________.._____heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And____________��`Ie____._______hereby covenant______,with the said Grantee_._________that____.___'.��_.__________hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_________�re_____,________haVe_.good right and lau�ful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens ancl incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------5t���-v��---�o--����-�--�'_�; - ��_��--�:15� --a-u�_�_�rt;Ok1�- �=��------ -- --
<br /> - --- --- - - - - --- --- - - -- --- ---- - - ---- - - - _--And------ --- -�re --- - - - - - ----.._. --- - --------------covenant--- ----to warrant and
<br /> ±_r,_�
<br /> defend i�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _______6_X�Qpt___��__�12ov�_.______________________________________._____________________________
<br /> Dated the---------- -- -��-'�n - ----- -----------day of ----- A�ril- --- ---- ---------------------A. D., i9---1�--,
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------Axthux---L.._Lunr---------------------------------------
<br /> -- --._,-- ------A�_t_gl_��---C_.�_L_�_unn------------------------------------
<br /> -------- - ----�-._C_.�ius���--- ----------- - -------
<br /> -- ---------------- ------ ------ - - -------- -- - -- -- - - � --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss. ,
<br /> -------- - -------.E.�.11 --------County, On this----------- - �th-------------------------day of-----------��r-�-�--------------------------A. D., i9--1�_, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public---------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------Ax�_h�r__�_._Dunn---�c�__A�_t��_�� -G_._Punn---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
<br /> ---------- ----- ------------------------------------ ----------}- �lua-�?-�rl�- -"--�-?�'--�----�l f 4----�-- ----------- ------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__s_____whose name s_____�:Q_.____._______._______________a�'ixed to the above instru-
<br /> (��EAL) ment as grantor___S_._____, and________u;.1u_�________.severally acknowledged the same to be___._____._.t_h.�_l�r_____voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed. �
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my`���and afCixed my of�cial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _ ___________!�s..�r:t�__Islar�,_.__;?�Lsu.s�:�_________on the date last above written. �
<br /> ---------------------------------u._�_.�i�L'u LL9-n--------------------------•-----
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires----------------------------- -----------�7u-�ro'------��-------------------..19_��,----
<br />