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<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nurnerical Index and
<br /> --- ---- -- - . -----_ - -- - - ----- - -- - --
<br /> filed for record this--- - -_.10------- ---------day of--_.___A;?ril----------- ---------
<br /> :�, D,, 19 -12.__, at. -_ -- 2.._�.v --_- - - --o'clock- -- - ---r� --M�
<br /> seUx�;�--ri_..Thu�r�sl---arci_�rti if-e--- - ---- -------- Warranty %- '
<br /> T p Deed. -- -�/(�'�G-L?ti�r� - - ---v-,-�----y-�- �
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<br /> Deputy,
<br /> Know All 1VIen by T�ese Presents:
<br /> ,
<br /> That-- - - �Te, -�e-4-x�,�-H_.Th_�_�el- �� S.�.e11�t �..Thu�:tmel - -- - -- - ---- - --- ---- ---- -- - - - ---- -- ----------- -- - . -- ---------
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<br /> af the County of__-- ---- _�ou�i��-- ---_ ._--_ .---and State of----- ?'T��'?'���ka- --- ----- - _.------ -------- ----------Grantor-s--, iii collsideration
<br /> ofthe sum of- - -._.u_ixtY--Fi�te �--n��1G0 - - ---- - ----- -------------------- --�---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do- ---hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto-----------�E3 u y i?---�;i,Fio�;�t_�11------:--- ---.__ --------------------------------------------- .
<br /> - - --- -- --- - ---- - --- ------ - - - --- -- -_..-- -- - - --- - - - -- -- - --- ---- - -- - -- -- ---------- ---- - - - -- ----
<br /> of the Countv of_--- ---�iall----.-- -------- ---------. ------- - ----and State of_ __-- -:?e:�lr:uk� ___. ------- ------- -------- ------------, Gr�antee--•-----,thefollowing ;
<br /> described premises,situated in the Coutity of_________ ___________H�11,__ __________ ___ _____._..____.__arid State of Nebraska, to wit; '
<br /> -- - -L�t --�'��{�o---1�)- in_���,ock--�_e_�r_�n_ l r) --�n �Qr..rie--�_�r_ae addi L ion._ts� �-r_�nd_ _I$land,- iya�r_a�-kar- - - -- ---------
<br /> ----- as tl�e--s�.i�ie is--surveyeu__,�:�a.�t°�1 �--xecvr_���:i. - -- - ---- - -- - - - - --- -- - -- -
<br /> -- -- --
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<br /> - - --- - - --- - - - --- - -- - - --- - -- - -- - - - -- --- - -- - --- - - � - - - -- -- - - - - - ------ -- ------ -- ------ --------
<br /> Together with all the teneznents, hereclitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the �state, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�_____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO F�4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,wiih the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_._______and to_____________.her __________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And__._________ ___r�re.._______hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_. ________that__..___ __i��._...____hold__________said premises by good and perfect �
<br /> titIe,; that_____._.;�s��_________.__._ha_.Ve_good right and lai�ful a,uthorit,y to sell �nd coriti�ey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------- ---------..---------- ------- -_ ..-- - - _ .- - -. ---- --- --- -- - ----- - -- - -- ------ -- -------- ------ - - -------------------
<br /> - - -
<br /> ---- _.Arid---- - - - -- - - ��e- - ---- --- ------------covenant-------to warrant and '
<br /> - the
<br /> defend 1�said premises against the lawful claims ofa,ll persons whomsoever, ____.__ ______._______________ ____________._.____._____.______________._____________________________.__
<br /> ------- ---- -- -- -- - - - - _ -- ---- -- ---- - ---- ----- ---- - ------- - ---- ----- - --- -- - - -- ------ -------- ---------------------------------------�-------------------
<br /> Dated the---- - I'ir��- -- - - ----- ------ --day of_-------Ar�r 1�- --- -- - --- ----- -----------A, D,, 19Q 7
<br /> WITNESS -----------�84�-$-�----H-.-Th��:?�i�e-1-------- --------------------------------
<br /> -------�t_e�.��.__�_._T�.umz��-1-------------------------------------------- !
<br /> �T' y
<br /> --- �_1O�cs---�:Q���T� -- ----------- ----- - -
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<br /> ss, �nci A�i il --- ---- - ry
<br /> ------- -----�%UU�;las-- ---County, On this- -------- "' --- -------- -- ------------daY _-------- - -- -------------A. D., 19---Qf__, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a lvotary Public------------------------------------------------- in and for said County, Aersonally came-------------------- ------------------------------------------____----- '
<br /> _�'Te_or�e- ?i-._Th_u__r'�r;�-�.--��--�t_�_7�_�.�.__F_._Th_tu��.i�-�-,----- �---x,��.�s=�_an�l--�--_�ti�-�-)---------------------------------------
<br /> -- ------- ---------- -- - --- - ---------- ------- ------ ------- - ----------- ---- --------------- ------------------------------ -------------- ------------------- ---------------
<br /> �o r.-�e '
<br /> �yhp �:�g _ personally known�o be the identical person__5------.-whose namet�3-__ar9__.________ _ a�xed to the above instru- .
<br /> (SFp.L} to--"Y�e--fTieir
<br /> " nlent as grantor�____,___, and___________�,_:,�e_�t________severaliy acknowledged thE �s ai d '�.nsts�zr.:�.nt_n__.voluntary act and deed �
<br /> ,
<br /> ;. � _�7.�r�e��,♦�:�r �har.�,ancl��iQ.t�x�.�3 ti E a��.;::'�2�� dat e a:o r��ai�.. _. - - -- -----------------------------
<br /> , ,, . .
<br /> _. n
<br /> ,.
<br /> Viola Coffir.
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public. '
<br /> Mycomrnission expires------------------------------------------------------------------------Febx--18----------------19--°-8------
<br /> '
<br />�. ;
<br /> �
<br />