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<br /> 50048-KLOPP cE BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographing and County Supplies:dmahe. LL '" ' `��' '" --` � ' "" ''-'°` '_=`-
<br /> ; _... ,__ _ .,--- -_.�_ ._.. __, _ _-- --_ ,_-a
<br /> FR014T I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this--------.3,__0. -----------------day of_---A�x-].-1------------------------
<br /> _.._.._- -- --- -- - - - -- ----- - ----- --- -
<br /> �. D., 191.�- - , ai- - - ---- - -- �-� --o'clock---- - - P.__M,
<br /> � � .� �r
<br /> -- - - Fr�n?�: ��indol�h_ � -�:ri��- - - - - -- Warranty
<br /> Tp Deed. • �/
<br /> �_���
<br /> - - - - -- - - - - --- -- - - ------- --
<br /> R^�ister of P.,eeci �a�����
<br /> - - -- �u-y--G-..A�_e�.arl�.�r - --- - ---
<br /> - ---- - -- - -- - - -- --- - -- - -- --- -- --
<br /> Deputy,
<br /> Kno�v All 1VIen by These Presents e
<br /> . . . , . , . .
<br /> That- -_ _��e, F�_�r���--��t i�do-1-*=�h--ur;cl Ab��.e--�-�t�c��l-r.�i�- n-�:� ;��f�, - - - --- - ----- - -- ---- - ---- -- -
<br /> of the County of___._.______..__._.._ _ �i��� ___and Sta,te of__._...__�'����r�s��_ __________ ___ __________._________Grantor__�_._ in consideration
<br /> -- - - - - ,
<br /> of the sum of- E1_ev�n_hurur_e;�___UO��-G' --- -------------------- - ----------- -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------._llOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do--------------hereby GRANT, BARGf1I_N, SELL, AND CONVEY unto--�uy--ti_._Al����r�de-r---------------------------------------------------------------- .
<br /> - - ---- -- -- - ---- - -- ----- --- - ------ - - - - -- - - - - - ---- - -._._----- - - - ----- - - -- ---- - - ---- - ----- ----- --------- ----- - - .
<br /> of the County of_--------------�:-?1.7.- ----------------------._-------and State of_------------iTa_�yusk3._--___ _------------------------------------- ----, Grantee-----,the following
<br /> described premises, situated in the Coulity of____..___._______F:�,�-;t�.__.____ --.-----and Siate of Nehraska, to uit:
<br /> ------ ='iac_t.i.�nai ��t -Gn� �1i--�-� .�_loc'� i 1-e-uan--�1�)---o#'-�i�-aii�s--���s��t�r-!s--Ac�c�iti-o�-ir� --�t�e- C-��u- af-------
<br /> _ --- �r_ar.ci_I�1-a�d,- i��=w-�-�s�r��---anu-=i�s �c��aa=���ament; - �a—=qr��:- All�--��--F�_�c_�_i�na�._F_1QC?� -��aY�n -��_1_ �-----
<br /> of Pal::�r ! � ,u�c�i`�i�ic�n__ oi-- Lot--:'u ::��_i r_�ven----�"-)_,-of ---.- - r+y u�c�i fi�ion--af--the__�at�th ----
<br /> ---- - -- tr_e Cou.,��. - �
<br /> ---`�,-------=-er--Uf---�-`-�-- tinU� 1 i�I�s4--�,tz�r_�_er---of �ec_�ior._ TTUT%,:i�e2'--r].X'�B8Y1--�l0�---1n---TU �I1Sr11�--1iUr1��T----•-
<br /> E�st ���u<�r y n., r
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<br /> -- - -�::'_ev�_n__ �ll� -="c�xth� n-f-- i���--:aur.�;ur -i�ine---��}- :'�e.s�--of -�.he--oth---�'.?.i- �in__1_r_�r:�--Island , ��11----------
<br /> ------- --Cuunt-y�---��;�>;z_�s��=3}- -aa- �t��vey�� ---�?-�,_at_t��?---�.r�d--___x_ecc?r�.��� ---- --- -- - - ---------
<br /> - ----------- --- ---------- --------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and a,ll the .Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of t1�e said Grantor__B_______, ' , of, in, or to the s�me, or aiiy part thereof.
<br /> TO �%1VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to______hi_s______________.___________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And.______.__,�e_____________hereby covenant_ .____with the said Grantee_____.__that____tYe_____________hold________sa�id premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that___________j�!e_________.__h�tt�___good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll lieils and incumbrances
<br /> wflatsoever---------------------...---------------- - ---- -- - ----- --- --------- -- - --- ------- - ----------- -- ------- - -- ---------- -------- - ---- -----------------------------
<br /> ---- - - - - --- ----
<br /> ----- - ------ ------- - ---- --------- ----- -- - - ---------------- ----- - ---------- ----- ----- ------ - - --- --------------- ----- - -- --------- - -:----------------- ---------------------
<br /> - -- - ------- ---- ---- -
<br /> --- - -- ----- --- ------ ---- ----- - - --- -- - - ------ --------- ----------- ---------- ---- ---- --- -------------- ----------- -------- ---------------------------
<br /> - - ---- -- -- -
<br /> --- ------ --------- - -- -- --And----------- --- -- ----- �'ire------------ ------ ------------covenant__----to warrant and
<br /> the
<br /> defend t�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _____.________________.____________________________________________________________.__ ___________________._
<br /> -- - ------- - - ------- ---- -- --- ---- -------- ---- --- - - --- ---- -- - --------------------------- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the_ -----Gt�1 ---------- - -------day of_ - ---- ---A�?r_il ------------------------------A. D., 19---1�--•
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------F'r_anx---�1 i nu�_l l?h--�-----------------------------------
<br /> --------�---Ab�i e___�i nao l�h--------------------------------
<br /> T .",
<br /> - ----- - - ---- -----��_c,�.n- Al i ar---- --------- ----- --
<br />' ----------------------- ------� -------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> - - ------- 'r'�a�.l_•- -----County, On this-- ----ctr. -- ---------------------day of_-------- A'V-1 i1-----------------------------A. D., i9---�ti_, before me, the
<br />'�, undersi�ned, a, Notary Public----------- ---------------------------within and for said CountY, Personally came--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------Fi:_ar_�:,--i7.a.s��p-��;�----�r�__A�=r�_��--;��ruo l�'h�----���a---rr�f e----------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__s_____whose name_s__._4x�____________.___..___________affixed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor___s______, and______.�a1��r_._____severally acknowledged the same to be___._._�_1�.�_i_x____._.____voluntary act and deed
<br />� �SEAL} for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> n .ie �
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�Bd and af�xed my ofC'ieial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> -------'�r_w�cl--I-�-l�,:�:ci,-----i-iz_-said---C_�u.nt_y.s---------on �he date last above written.
<br /> -------------------------------------------------�o x�n---�l l�n_----------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br />� My commission expires-------------------------------_ _._,-------------------------*��---�-,------------------__19_18------
<br />