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<br /> � D D ° 0 ° D
<br /> � o
<br />— 50048—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Prinling,Lithographinp and County Supplies;O+nalec,. " � =— --�-- _-. _,_ ,._,,
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this-----�th---------------day of-----------A��x_il------- -----------
<br /> �. D., 19 1� , at- - - -- - - --- �.u� - --o'clock-- _ -- - P. ---M.
<br /> � -
<br /> - - --��-A��'�,�--1�_T_Q:�@�_1C_1;S_ P= .tf - - Warranty
<br /> Deed. �
<br /> ,
<br /> TO -._.. - - ��� �� �
<br /> -. . --- --- --- - - --
<br /> R��i�ter of Pesds ��f�'k,
<br /> - - - -- - �ar_r:� �."I.e�.n- - -- ._ - -
<br /> -- -- -- - - - - _-- - - - - --- --- --- -
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> I�now All 1Vler� by T�aese Presents:
<br /> That- re-cr�-e--Er.�rleri�xs---ana-�a�uer-ine__.r re_d�-ri.cks,----hus_band---and_-�if.e--and--------- --------------------------------------
<br /> - -- - Ca��e�ine-�rec����i�1�s- i:� l�e�- ���.-�i�ht� --- _- - - --- -- -- --- - - - --- - ----- - - -- -
<br /> of the County of_--- --------F�_�1�- ---------- -------- ----- -.and State of____-N�k�_ra�k�------- -----_ _ ._.__._ --- ----- ------- ------------Grantor___B__, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of --- Ts_n__ThQUSand-&--nQ�1Q0 -- - -- -------------------- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do_____________:__hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AATD CONVEY unto________xarTy E.�lenT1
<br /> - - --------- -- - - - - ---- - -- --- -- - -- -- - - - --- --- -----.. --- -- --- - -- - ---- -- - - - ------- ----- ---------------
<br /> of the County of----------------�-I�11------------------._ ----------and State of_---- -_____Zi��r�.�k_�__-------.-----------------------------.._---------, Grantee----_,the follewing
<br /> described premises,situa ed in the Count,y of__._ ,�. �xi311.�, � L 4� annd Sht�e o��Ne�brah3lf o�___„he__.�
<br /> ---- ----_T_Yia---��f�yt_, _'' o�__L'n-a--:�o�L_h_E_as�-- ua�.y_Qr �, .�: ) ti t � t � + '1�r�h_E.ayt---;���r��r----
<br /> � � � �
<br /> _of__���e__.t_Zux_th _,�_a:�t �ua.:tur_-�+�z ��_.E_.-;�--�f �h�; '��_-�.�) -of ���tian_._T�:enu�---thr_��--���-�--c�f-- T��,rn��zi�_.
<br /> ----------E-1_ev�n---(--11-�---�T4-r-y=�---o-�- r����e -�1�� -�+���t --o-f- t�re- ovh-�-.„i= --and---cortaining -One---l�iuncir_ed--(100)--acres
<br /> --- ---� �_i��le--:u�zx-s--�-�_-le s-s• - -- -- ---- - -- - - - -- ---- - ---- ------- -- - --- -- ---- ----- -- - - -- ----- ---- ----
<br /> - ---------- -------------
<br /> ------ - - ------ -- - - ---- - - --- ---- -- - -- - - - - ---------- -- --- - -- - - -- --------- --- -- ---- - - -- ----- ------- - -- ------ ------- ------
<br /> -- --- ----- - - - --- -------- - -- ---- - - - - -- - --- --- - - ----- - -- ------- - - - -- --- - - - - - - --- - ---- - -- - -- ---- - ---- ------ ----
<br /> -- -- - - ----
<br /> -- --- -- - - - - --- - - -- - ------- - --- -- --- -------- - ----- ---- ----------------- -- - -- - - - -- -- - - - - --- -------- - ----- --------------- -----
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hareditanlents, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, znd aIl the Estate, R-ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_s_------, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to______._______hi�____________________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And______.__:�!e_______________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee__________that_____._.:NP______.___hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that__.____z,r�____.__________hayo_.good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and ineumbrances
<br /> whatsoever_-------------------- ..----------------- - - -- ----- - ------ -- - -------------- ------- - -- --- --- --------------- - ---- -- -------------- ------------- ---------------
<br />' --- ---- ---------- - ---- ---------- - ---- -- - - - - - ----------- -- ---- ------------ --- - - ---- --- --------------------- --- -- -- -------------- -------------- ---------------------------
<br /> --- ----- -- -
<br /> - ----- ------- - ---- -_ - - - -- - - .._.-- - -- - -- -And----- - -- --k�4_ -- - ---- -- -- - - - -------------covenant--- -,to warrant and
<br /> the
<br /> defend�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons tivhomsoever, ____.._ ________.____________.______________________________________
<br />', ------ - - - - - - - -- - --- -- - - --- -- ---- ---- - -- - - ---------- -- - ---------- ------------ --- ----- ------------------------------- ---- ----------------------------
<br /> Pated the-- --- - -Qt�- - - - - ---- -- - ------day of_------A�-�_i1_ - - -- --- -- - - - - - ------A. D., 19-12-----•
<br /> WITNESS -----------��-�-i��---F7�_8s3,�3�'_xCK�--------------------------------------
<br />'� ----- --Caz_i�_rinQ---Er_ederic_��------------------------------
<br /> I ----------- -- --- -----v_.H_._r;i�nak ------- -
<br /> ss.
<br /> -----Iial1_---------County, On this------g n----- ---------day of_-----A�?r i 1_------------------------------A. D., i9_ZN---, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public______________.____________________________________within and for said County, personally came_________________________________.___._____ _______________________.___
<br /> ------��orge_Frecl3ric_�:s,--ana---Ca�hori�e-FreciQricr�s-------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------- -� -------------�------------------------------- -------------------------- - ------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------- ---------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_s____.___whose name__H_____________arg___________________affixed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor__�_______, and_______tile�t____._._.__.severally acknowledged the same to be__.______thflir_________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> n a ne
<br /> `��A�� IN ��ITNESS WHEREOP I have hereunto subscribed my�and af�xed my official seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _ __�rand___I_si�nd__i�te$1r�_________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> -----------------------------------------�--•H---��d_�n_�K----------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> Mycommission expires----------------------------------------------------------------------------�aY---�-----------------19---�----
<br />�
<br />