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_ . r-a <br />' ��� �`4,.. = <br /> D r D ° O ° D <br /> d <br />^ 500�8—RLOPP&BAXTLETT CO.,Printiag,Lilhogr¢phing and Counly Supplies;Omaha. <br />�- .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .... . . . . . . . . . . ._._ . ,__.,._ .. ._��__ _..�: � .,;- -..�-_.. _ " <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for recol°d this - - - .3'� - ---- -day of --�.1?r i 1-- --- - <br /> - - -J•�•U-i-11 �nc1_��v_ifs and- - ------ - <br /> �, D,, 19- 1? , at -- -- - --- -- -- - -- 3 --- -o'clock- -- - - ---- P_._M. <br /> - - - �,_C �rlu�t_�n--anci--��if s.. - - - - __ Warranty <br /> Z�� Deed. - (� <br /> - - - - - - - -- -I,�f1 <br /> -- - - -- ---- ------- <br /> Register of Deed �a�, <br /> - -- -T.�E_���k�_ne Y- - - ----- - - <br /> - - - - ---- -- - -- - - <br /> -- - -- -----Deputy. - <br /> Know All 1VIen b� 'I'�iese Presents: <br /> That- ------- -���,---J_._�.._�i11---ancl--.I_e_e_�ia --�.-�i1.2__his---����ej----and___y-.C_.i�u�L-or�--ancl--Anna.---A.-r�us�-o-n,--his---v�if-e----------- <br /> of the County of___________________________iiall_____________________.__and State of_._______1�18�;�.3sk�_____________ _ _________.Grantor__8__, in consideration <br /> of the sum of_- -----F_i_f_t esn__FiLlnc�re�l__and__nc�/1QQ - - ------------- -- ------- ------- ------------------------------------'-------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do___ _________hereby GRANT, BARG�IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_ _T.,�..L_��no�___.__.___.__________. . : <br /> -- -- -- - - - - - -------- - - <br /> of the County of_----------------tia21----- -------------------- - ------and State of_ _. __�1a�ras�-a----:------------ - - -, Grantee------_,the following <br /> described prerliises,situate,d in the County of_________________ _ �ia1�___ _____. ___________.___and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> --- -- --L.c�t__l�u;a�e�--Fc�ur--(4� -in F�ac-k-?���.,U�� Fo��y �'ive _��51 �u��el JVY�_ae��rs Ac�ci�.*ion--ta__�x_a.��----- -- <br /> -- - _ Island, �T��rasYa, a� �uxv�•,��� -�?la��.�_rl__a�:;�_�eca_z��_a. _ -- - <br /> - - - --- - -- -- - - -- ----- -- <br /> ---- - - - - - - - --- - ---- - - ---- -- - - - - - ----- - ---- - - ----- _ -- - --- - -- - -- - - -- --- ----- ------ --- <br /> -- - -- - - -- -- --- <br /> --- _- - - -- --- - - --- - - <br /> -- - - - ------ - -- --- ---- - - -- ----- - --- -- --,- - -- - - ---- - - - ---- --- ------ <br /> i -- ------ - - - - - ---------- --- --- ---- -- -- - ------- - ---- --- --- - - --- <br /> - --- -- - -- --- - - -- -- _ - ---- - - - - - - ---- -- ----- --- -- -- - - - - -- ------------- - --- -- ----- - - ------ ------- ----- ----- ---------- <br /> To�ether witll all the tenements, hereditarnents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd a,ll the Est�,te,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor�______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part tllereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_._____and to__.__________his_____________._____heirs and <br /> I � assigns forever. And________r�_G__.__.___________hereby covenant__..__with the said Grantee__.______that______,�re__._____.___hold__________said premises by good and perfeet <br /> title.; that___._______.:;t°______.______hau�._good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br />'�' whatsoever--------Lzzbj_e-�t---�o----t�xes--for--1Q1Q an�l- s�.b�e-q�z�n4�--�-a3c,-- - -- ---- --------- --- ---- -------------- - -------- --- ---------------------- <br /> ------- --------- -- ---- -- ----- --- - -- - ----- - ----- - - - - --- - -- -- - -- - ------ --- ---- ------------ - ---- - -- - -------------- ---------------------------------- - <br /> -- ------- ---- ---- -- - - ------ -- - - ---- - -------- - ---- -- - -- --- - - - - -------- ---- -- - - --------- ------------------------ ----------�_----- <br /> ------ ---- ---- - - -- - <br /> - ._- - -_ - -- -- -- - - -- - --- And---- - ;�P - - ------ - -- -- - ------------covenant-------to warrant and <br /> tll0 <br /> clefend� said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _____�x�_�.�__�.�s_._..�b_ott8___��t_at_e_d.-___-_____________________________._________________ <br /> ----- ------- - - -- - -- --- <br /> ------ --- --- - -- -- ---- ------- --- ----- ---- -- ---- ----- -------- ----- - ----- ---- ----------- - -------------------------------- -------- ------ <br /> Dated the_ - ��C_cznd -------- - --day of --- -- - - - - A�?T_il- -- - -- ---- --------------A. D., i9_12----� <br /> WITNESS -----------�T-�.�_�I?�1,�---------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --- --------,�_e���ia_�._I�_i_11-------------------------------------------------- <br /> - ----�tc�_�� 1�,_�iz�nss-n -- -- ------ -- <br /> -----------'�C_.�ius�_on------- <br />�� -- - ---------- --- ----------- --- ------ --- <br /> - --------Anna_.A.-tius�i,_on-------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> ---------- ----t��.11------- ---County, On this-- - - -�rd--------- --------------day of--- --r��_i%- --------A. D., 19_12---, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public ______________________________within and for said County, personally came__ <br /> -.?-.E-.Di 11--�--�s�s ie--�,-Di�l,--x.-�-�---���t�--��c�--�:C_.-Hus*-o-n---�ns�---Anna__A._�iu�t_an------------------ <br /> . . <br /> --- - ------------ ------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------ �---------------- <br /> ------h1.-�---:��. a. ---- - ---- ------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___B______whose name__s____a.rQ_______________.________._._affixed to the above instru- <br /> (NE��.L) ment as grantor_�______, and______�r��_y_____________severally acknowledged the same to be_____�h$�._x____._______voluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. <br /> name <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afCixed my ofl3cial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> '?'"�T1Ca.__I`,,z'�s.'�17.�._�-O-If--�--'�-------------- <br /> _____________._.___,._ _ _ _________on the date last above written. <br /> , <br /> ----------------------------------------r� �e--E-,_Hansen.-------------- <br /> Not�,ry Public. <br /> My commission expires------------------------------------ --��-`.�--------�-4�------------------------------�9--��?---- <br />