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. <br /> � �� � <br /> � �p� <br /> _.� <br /> D D ° �0 � � . � ��i� <br /> v a <br /> � <br /> -_-a__.-.__ _... __�_��- ��:_ _ - _ _- _. :_� __-__ = - _-_- _ __._ _ :- _: -__ - _-- _-- _-____-_- --____ _ <br /> �__ �._ _ ,_ ___� �.� _ _ _ <br />_– ------_...°--------��Q�$.—KLO�P&BARTLEL'T OQ..�rxnti?t��LsthographingandCoanly.Supplzes;0mah.,. — _ _ � _ - - — <br /> i <br /> FRDM I hereby certify that this instrumetit was entered on Numerical Index and ' <br /> filed for record this---29"-____... _.-------day of---_�_a.rCh----------- ------ --------- <br /> �, D,, 19 12 , �i- - --- <br /> _ $•15 o'clock A. -M. ; <br /> --------- -�3ez��in__F.._S�_udde-r--�--:�if_e-- --- Warranty <br /> T� Deed. �/� <br /> - -- - - - �������-�!-� - -- -- -- ----- ' <br /> Register of Dee s �x��rk� ; <br /> - -- Le�g`�--�-..Scudde� - -__ -- - ! <br /> - -- - -- --- -- - -- - -- - -- -- -- <br /> Deputiy. <br /> I���� All 1VIen by These Presents: � <br /> That_ --- - - ;�te, Rer_�amin__�_.�cud�.er -�� Flora A.ucuclae_r_ of 1�Qni��an,- -i'e'�r. --- --- --- -- -- ------ i <br /> �iva'�_and &-7Pife - - - - - __ ---- -- - - - -- - - --- ---- i <br /> of the County of----- --------Hal.�. . .----- ----------- ---- ----and St;ate of__.----2?Qbr,-- --- - -- -----------. -- ---- ------- ----------Grantor----___, in cnnsideration <br /> of the sum of_------ Gn�---Ilo-1-l.�r- � Lova �: A�'�e-���.o�s ----------- - ------ ------DOLLARS, , <br /> in hand paid, do___ _____________hereby GRA�VT, B%�RGAI�', SELL, AND CONVEY unto____L6�Oy.__s,_�C1aSlc�e�______._.._ . . <br /> -- - - . -- - - -- - ------ --- � <br /> - ---- - -- - .._ -- <br /> - - - - _..._. - -- - -- - --- -- - - --- - .. - - --- ------- -- -------- <br /> of the County of----------�iall- - -------- -_-------.. ---- -------and State of ----T'1Q'i�r_.- - .--------, Grantee--------,the following <br /> described premises,sitlzated in the County of_________________._._.. __._Hal_l.___.____ _______._ ____and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> -- ___-- -I�Q-t--�_five.---(-5-}-- in___Sc_ucid�r-!-s---AdditiQn-_-to--thQ .Villags __of__D.oniphP..� --Hal_1---Co,---r1�1�-x-�------------------------ , <br /> ------ ---- -- - -- _- - - -- - - -- - -- -- -- - ------ - - - - -- -- ---__ - -- -- - - - - - - - ----- ------- <br /> -- ---- - -- - - --- _. -- - _ _ - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - --- -- - - -- ---- - _ - - - - - -- -- _.- -- --- - ---- ----- <br /> Tegether wit�� all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and , <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_ , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. ' <br /> TO HAti'E AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_.. . ___and to_______h_is_________._________ ____heirs and <br /> �,ssigns forever, And________ ______'��t_8______________hereby covenant_._.___with the said Grantee__ _ _______that______________.°�z.e__.hold__________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that__._______'�r�t.�____________ha__Y�.good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of till liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------- ---- - ------- ---- - -- - - - - -- - - - --- --- . -- - --- ------ ---- -- ----- --- ----------------- ------------------------------ <br /> ---- ---- - -- -- - -- -- - <br /> --- - - - --- - - ---- - - --- - And---- �18--- ------ -- - ----- - - - - _--------covenant---- ---to warrant and <br /> the <br /> defend 1�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____._______ .__.._.________ ____________________.______._______________.__________________.______________.____._.. <br /> -- - -- ---- -- - - - --- -- - - - -- ----- ---- --- -- -- --- -- - - --------- --------- ----- -- - ------- -------------------------------- ---------------- ------- --- <br /> Dated the- ------- _ ��nd-- - - --da,y of_- - ---SA�� ---- -- - - -- --- -----A. D., 19__1,Q_-• <br /> WITNESS -------B��a-�I:?-1_�---F�._�C t�d�.e-�---------------------------------------- ' <br /> -----Elo_r�.._A._Sc_udda r------------------------------------------------ <br /> ------- - -%I_._.I._fiux�-Q r -- <br /> ; <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, <br /> -----------------fiall ---County, On this------------------�u21d-------------day of_----$e�f,�---------------------------------A. D., 19__1Q__, before me, the ' <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public_______appQin�B_d--_-------------within and for said County, personally came___________----_----------_-------------_---___------------------------_---- <br /> ----- B�L�_anin---F_.-�c_udd�x- P� --F_lo_ra--A_.-S�udcle r,--------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> -----Iita.s��nd-�--�1��------------------------- ---------- ------------------- ---------------- ' <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_$_____whose name___s--�xe-----------------------------affixed to the above instru- <br /> (a��L) ment as grantor___._______, and_________the_y______-_severally acknowledged the same to be__..__�hei_�.__________youluntary act and deed ' <br /> for tihe purpose therein expressed, <br /> IN WI'I'NESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribe�`m�y�and afl3xed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ <br />' -----Dani}�h�l---------------------------------------------------------------on the date last above written. ; <br /> --------------------�_._�Z_._Bu��e�-------------------------------------- � <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires-------------- ---- ---------- ------ -- -l�t-�1-----------�.f_��-------------------------i9---1T---- <br />� _ � <br />