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<br /> 5DD#8__RLOPPv�13AffTLETT CO.;Pranting,Lathographang and County SuppZzes O�nahn � - -
<br />.—_.�._::s_. _ ,- __-__-- -_ ---_- -�.� ___- _ _ .— ----._ -_— —_—:_— — — _- — - —i _---_—-- -_-- — T—�_— �_— _—
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<br /> �'R.�l� �
<br /> I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> -- --- - - - - __--- ---- - - - --- - - -
<br /> filed for record this- - - - 2`�"--- - ---day of- �d?�-�h - -- -------
<br /> 3, D,, 19 1�_. , at ___ .--._�...30 -- . - - ---o'clock. - - -- - �-.- --M,
<br /> -----TJe_1�.�.e--�._Fx�r---�--hu�]�L.nc3-----_---- --- Warraaty ',
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> .��� - - ��,�u�
<br /> ,
<br /> - --- -'�- - - ---- ----- -----
<br /> - P.egister of Deed ��
<br /> ------ - - - �,_�?.Fr_anz --- --- -- - - -- - - -- '
<br /> - -- -- ---- -- - --- ----- - -- ----- -- --- - ----
<br /> Deputy. ;
<br /> � ���owv �.�� ���e� �y ��e �'r�es�;���� �
<br /> That-----------�9_e__,- --;1_e_�.7�i-e---A..F�an� --and__F._._F_.Er_anz,_- ----(--'.�i�'-a--and---liu-suaa.c�-)----------- - - -
<br /> -- _ - -- -- - _ ------ -- - - ---------
<br /> of the County of_._- ---------�';�11 --- ---- - ----and State of__ ------i�e-�r�5k�---- -- - - - ------ ------- - --------Grantor--s-__, in cnnsidera�ion
<br /> of the sum of T_y;rs�___Hund.rQd- T�:rent-sl-- F'ive- �nd nn./-1QD---------- - -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do--------------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto-----E..R.-Fr-anz--_------------------------------ - ---._._ ----------------------------------- -
<br /> _ - - _ - -- -- - -- - -- _ _ - - - - - -- -- _ --- - --- - -- ---- ------- -- - - ---------
<br /> of the County of_.._----------------- -.H�11.---- ----------------------and State of._ •• , ,
<br /> _ -,�v�u:�as�� - - - --- --- -- -, Grantee-- -..,the follauting
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of___.___ __ _____.___._.Fi��1�______________ ____._ ___a,nd State of Nebra,ska, to i�'it:
<br />�' --- ------�,.ot---iiu.�-:bes_-----S-even----(-`7�----in-�lo_ak__��ur�ber_.._Thixteen- -(13)_o-f-._Cl�ka�ns--Addi�ion---t-o----the--�ri11a��-----
<br /> -------. of__Al��, --i_?e�;.r_�ska,-- ---- ---S�tuate-d--an--Sec_�iQn- -T?ur�Uer--Fi�re--(�-)----TQ:�_n�hi1?---11ur.:�er---Ten._(10�--F,an�e-----__
<br /> -- - - �tu_r.��er--Ter� (�.0_�--��-s�---of the- �_ixth -2�inc_i�al._y��r_idian.-- --- - --- -- - - - - - - --- -- ------ -- -- - ----- ---- ---
<br /> --- ----- ----- - - - -__ - - -- - -- - - -- _ __ -- -- - - - -- - -- - -- - - --------------- - - - -- --- -- - ------- --------
<br /> --- ---- -- --- ------- - - -- -- - - - - - -- - -- ---- -- - -- - - - --_ - -- --- -- -- --- - -- - ---- -- - --- -- ------- - - - -- - ----
<br /> Tobether witli all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances tliereunto belon�ing, and �,11 the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and '
<br /> . Demand whatsoever of the sa.id Grantor_�________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part tllereof.
<br /> TO H4ti'E AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________.and to___ _________his______.. ________heirs and '
<br /> assigns forever. And___________���_______________hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee_________that_.____�xrg_____...___hold______said premises by good and penfect
<br /> title,; Uhat__________�t.8_-________._.___12a_.u�_good right and lawful authorit,y to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of�,11 liens and incumbranoes
<br /> whatsoever------- -- --------..- ---------- ----- - -- --- - --- -- --- ----- -- -- -- --- - - - ----- - -- -- --- - ----- --- - ------------------------
<br /> -- --- --- --- -- - --- ---- -
<br /> --- --- - -- --- - --- -------- - ----- And- --- - WB--- - ------- ---- ------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> defen��@aid premises a�gainst the lawful claims of all persorls whomsoever, --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,
<br /> Da�ted the--------Eir_st_.--------- ----da,y of_--------I.1_ar�h---------- -------------A. D., i91�-------,
<br /> WITl�'ESS _____Z_lellie___A.Fran
<br /> ---R.F_.Franz------------ -------------------------------------------
<br /> S.C.Huston ,
<br /> ----- --- -- ------ -- - - ------ -- -------- -
<br /> ,
<br /> -- - ----------- --- - -- -------- --- -- --- ---- - , ------ ----------------------------------- - - ----------------
<br /> ss. '
<br />' ---- �iall_--------County, On this--------Eirs-t--------------------------day of_-------:.3�,�r�h----------------------------A. D., 19_.lu__, before me, the �
<br /> �
<br /> undersigned, a t'lotary Public------------------------------------------------witnin and for said Gounty, Aersonally came--------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> 2�e11ie A.Franz a;r.d R.E.Fran7 --------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --- -- ------- --- - -------- ---- -
<br /> ------- - -------------------- ----- ------- - -- ------ ----- -� -Svifa---anci_._hu�b_ancl----}-------------------- --------------------------------- i
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�_______whose namer________.__�rs___________________.___afCixe�l to the above instru- �
<br /> ment as grantor__s______, and_______the;�_._________severally acknowledged the same to be___�h�iT_._.__________voluntary act and deed i
<br /> {UEr1L} for tihe purpose therein expressed, I
<br /> narie
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF' I have hereunto subscribed my�and afC'ixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________ ',
<br /> --------�-r-��c�--�-��a�cl�----x?�=�-r�.��+�---------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> ".C ,Huston ;
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public. !
<br /> My comrnission expires------------- ----- ----------------------------�7u1;�--------�.�__.---------------------:191u------
<br /> �
<br />