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� �� <br /> i <br /> 4 D D ° 0 ° Q <br /> 0 <br />.' 50048—KLOPP c@ BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographing and County Supplies;O�rzahe. - `� — - =_ -_ _ — -, - �- <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> f11ed for record this--- -- -- -19_n---------.--day of----------�:4aT�h_--------- - <br /> --- ---- -- - --- -- - -- -- ---- - -- -- --- -- -- <br /> �, D., 19_ 12- , at --- _ - - - �.�._�.�Q- --o'clock-- -- - ---- - -A.M. <br /> - ----t��rrX-�d.Lin1en -an�l „rifa --- - - Warranty <br /> TO Deed. <br /> -- -��._ _-���-�;��� -------------- - - - - <br /> �egister of I3eed� xb�ma��x <br /> - - - - - -Re_r_tha--Lervolu -- -- - -- -- - <br /> - --- -- - <br /> - - -- -- - - - ---- ------- - - --- <br /> vepu�,y. <br /> Know All 1VIen by These Presents: <br /> Tnat- - - - r:�_nr_�r_N_,L�.ns��n �n�i I-ne-z--L_i.n�l�n-- ---- - - _ -- -- - ----- - --- - -- - - - ---- --- - - - - - <br /> --- - ---- - --- - -- - -- - -- -- - --(- huspanc�.__ancl r��f e-�- --- --- ---- ------ ----- -- <br /> of the County of---------------Sl�°yru3n--------------------and State of---------V�_s�_rask3---------------.--------- ----------------------------------Grantor-S---, in consideration <br /> of the sum of_- -E1�yen_�iu nclr�d- -�'-za--Thirt-y- - ------- ----------- ----------------- --------------------------- -----------------------------------�_-----------DOLLARS, <br /> : <br /> . . <br /> r 1-ertna Lervold <br /> SELL A11D CONVEY unto- - - --- - - -- --- � --- - - - ----- <br /> rn hand paui, do-------------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, , ---- --- ----- - -- - - � <br /> -- - -- - ------ - ---- -- -_ --- - - -- - -- --- - ._ - - - - - -- _ -- -- ---- - -- --�----- ---- ------ - - --_�._ - ---------------------- <br /> of the County of_-- --- -- - -- --H�.11 -- - �"e�ras k? _ ..-- - -- - - -- - , Grantee-- ---,the following <br /> - - ---a�nd State of - - - -' - - - - <br /> described premises, situated in the County of___._____________________?i��_1-_---.-----------------------and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> Lot___N�.;.!=�er__T'�ro__ _�2_)___in___I�lc�ck__i�?L�raU°r___T7zirt_een._of__ the___nxi�ina.1__to7rn,____no�7_citv,_____of___�_rand_________.___, <br /> -- --- ...I_s landr ��'e_�,x��y.�J_ �s__s_uTv�Ya�, -pl.a*�sd--and__r�_c.or�l�d•- ------- - --- - --_- - - - <br /> -- ----- - -- ---- - - -- - -- ------- <br /> - - --- - - -- --- -- -- - -- - ---- - - --- - - - --- -- ---- - -- - - ------ - ----- --- - -- - - - - - ---- - - -- - -- - ---- - - --- -- <br /> - --- - ---- - - --- � - - --- - ----- - --- --- - --- - - - -- --- ------ ------ ------------- - ------- -- --- - ---------------- ---------------------------._ <br /> Toaether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> . <br /> I' Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor____s_____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO HqVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______.and to.______.________h_��_._____________heirs and <br /> �ssigns forever, And______we_____ ___________.hereby covenant______with the said Grantee__________that________�te_________hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that_________'��!Q___________ha_VS__good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever---------------------- ----------�-------------- - - -- ------- --_ - ------ - --- ---- -- ---------- --- ------ - - - - - --- ------- - ------ --------- - <br /> - ---- - - ---�---------- <br /> ---- ----- -------------- ------- --- - - --- -- - ----- ---- --------- ------ - -- ---- - --------- ------------ - ------------------------- ---------- --- ----- ----------------------------------------- <br /> --- - - ---- ---- --- -- - -- -._. - - - -- -- -- --- -- -- - - -- - -- ---- - -And.------------ - ---c�e- - -- --- ---- -- -------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> the , <br /> defend i� said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ________________________.____________________________________.___________________,____.________._.___._________ <br /> 4' ' ___"________"______________"___ "__"_'"'_"______________________________________"___________________'_'_____'_"_"_"'"_'"_'___'""_"__'"__"___ . . <br /> Pated the-----S�COn�i--- --- ------ ---- --day of.----March--- ----- ----------�-- ------------A. D., 19--12- -� <br /> WITNESS ---------------------he nr_�__1�_,.Linden.----------------------------------•--- <br /> ----------------I n e z_Li nden-------�------------------------------------ <br /> -----------------�-- -------D_,IJ_,Pe�_ers-- - ---- - ---- <br /> ----- -- ----------------------H.� ,_L=-ng-- ---- --------- --- ---- -- - <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKg, <br /> ss. <br /> - -II�.1-1------ ----County, Onthis--- --------lu�h---------------------dayof_------------:11rch--------------------------A. D., 19__12_, before me, the <br /> --- - - --- <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public________________________________.___,____________within and for said County, personally came______________________________________ ._______________________ <br /> ------ - ---rianry_--?�_�_I�indc�n- -a.nd__Inez---��inclen--- ----------------------------- <br /> --------------- <br /> � <br /> - ----- -----------�---------- ----------- ---------------- --------� -�it?s=��l.__wife---)------------- ---------- <br /> ------- -----------�---- <br /> �Q,��, o.� to me personally known to be the identical person_�______whose name___8___�rQ______________________.__.____aff'ixed to t11e above instru- <br /> �SEAL) ment as grantor__�...____, and_______�ns�-___..__-_severally acknowledged the same to be______the_ir.___._____.,voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> j ?1�18 <br />'� IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afY'ixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> I _________�,�.��_h�_i_�_l�r___iss_b�.a�;K�,_____________________________on the date last above written. <br /> D .i7.Pete:iB <br /> I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> � J Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires-------------------------------------------OcjiOber------18th------1�15------�(�------------ <br />