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<br /> _, ,� _, 5�$—KLO�P&BAR1'LETT CO,j'rxnting,Lathoqraphxng¢nd County Supplxes;Omahc _ — __ " —
<br /> "_`�------- —�_-_ �__ ,
<br /> FRO�T I herehy certify that this irstl°ument tivas entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> - - -- --------- - -- . - _ - ---- - - --
<br /> filed for record this--. ._19"--- .. ----------day of---------�.1��h_------ ------ ----- - -
<br /> �. D., 1912 , at-- -- .----8_�30 -- - - - ---dclock-- --�.-- ---M.
<br /> -------John---�..�, �� er_ty___unra..:rriad- --- Warranty —� ___ ,
<br /> Tp Deed. � /�
<br /> ����,��� ��u��
<br /> - ---- --
<br /> .- g
<br /> Re ister of Deeds ��t����:
<br /> Jahn �,i 11
<br /> - ------ - -- - --- --- --- - ------- -- ---- --
<br /> lleputy. �
<br /> - -- --- - -- ------- .._.- - -- - - ----__- --
<br /> Know All 1Vien b� �'hese Presents:
<br /> T.hat-- �s �T4_riri__i�_._L�r�1�_��t, -- -- - _-- - - ---- - - - -- -- --__ .- -- - --- -- -- - - - --- - -- -- --- -----
<br /> -- --- _-- - - - -��l_id�wer� -- _- -- --- -- - - - - - -- -- --- - --- -- -- -- - -
<br /> of the County of_---- -------��I�.11-- -- ------ --._. --- -------and State of..----i1e�:x_�,s�a------ -._-----------_ ._- _------ -------- ---------Grantor------, in �onsideration
<br /> of the sunl of_ --- --Fo_ur__H_u_�cired. �- Sevent-y Fx. ���OQ -- -- -------- - - --------- --- -------------------------- --------- ---------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> iri hand paid, do-----------hereby CRANT, BARG�Il�', SELL, AND CONVEY u�ito-----�Joh�l_. !�xill-------------------------- ---.---- ---.------------------------------------ -
<br /> -- - - ------ - - -- - -- - --- - -- - - - - -- - - -._._- -- --- -- - - ------ - -- - --- ------- ----------
<br /> of the County of--- -------- --- Hal�,.----- -- _ ---a,r1d State of__. ._ IJek�raska-- -- ------- -------- ---------- ------ _ --.-----------, Gralitee-------,the follo�i�g
<br /> - - -
<br /> described prer�lises, situated in the County of_______________________�i111___________._____._-__._and atate of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -- ------ --- -Lo�s--nura�er Five.-(5} --fx- �ix---(��--in----��loc_�c tzut�iber- 'I'��,�o -(?�- -of- -L.�m'�ert_s .adc2i�io.n__to__ rrand------------
<br /> - -- --- -- -Ia_1_anci _3o_bra�k�,--- as_._s.urv�yo�l---��attad -�-_recU�a�d :-------
<br /> -- -- - --- - --- -- - --- -- - -- _ -- __- - -- - - --� - -- --- - - - --- - --- -- - - - - - --- ---- - ----
<br /> - -- ---_ - -- . -- - -- -------_ -- ---- - --- __ - -- - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - ------------
<br /> _- - ----- ------ - - - - - ---- - - - - -- - ----- ---
<br /> -- ---------- --------- - - - -----------------------
<br /> Tobether witih all the tenements, hereclitalnents, and appurtenances thereullto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate, R�ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoevet� of the said Grantor_________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO .FI!�VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__.___and to____._.____._____hiQ_______.______heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, And______I__________ ______--__--hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee_._________that_______I.______..____hold__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that________________I__._______ha__y�_good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of a,ll lisns and incumbrances '
<br /> whatsoever--------------- ------- . - --- - ----- -- -- - ---- --- ---- - - - -- --- ------ -- --------- ------- ------------ - -------------
<br /> ------- ---- --- ---- ----- ------- ----- -- -- -- ---------- ------ --------- ----- ------------- - - -------- - ------- ------ -- -- -------- -------------------------
<br /> ------ - - ----- --
<br /> ------ -_.__--- - _ - --- ----- - - - ---And ------ - -- ------ - - ---I ----- - -- ------------covenant-----_to warrant and ,
<br /> the
<br /> defend �sai� premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ___________.______________---_-_--_-._----_-_-_---------__-----_---------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the------ ----- - - - ��h- -- --- ------day of_ -- -- 1�1�.r_�h -- - - -- - ------ ---------A, D., 19---1�----� ,
<br /> WITNESS --------------------J�hn__�P .L3i�'uert---------------------------------- i
<br /> ;
<br /> � ,C .Huston
<br /> ss.
<br /> ----------- ----Ilall-------County, On this- $�h---------------------day of_-------.---1+�3r_Ch------------------------A. D., 19__12._, before me, the 'I
<br /> undersigrle�l, a Notary 1�ublic----------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Aersonally came----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------- ------------- ---- - --- - - ---�TU.i�.n---et_.L�.�e_r� -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ( unmar r i ecI ) --------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_ whose na,me_________________is_________. _af�ixed to the above instru-
<br /> ��EAL) ment as grantor___________, and_._____.___118_______..__���i acknowledged the same to �e______________h_i�_________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for tihe purpose therein expressed.
<br /> n��!1Qi
<br /> IN ti�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and aflixed my ofC�cial seal at_____________________________._________..__
<br /> _ ____�rancl _Is%ancl�.____�v'e'�raska.__________on the date last above written. ,
<br /> `? .0 .Huston
<br /> ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires-------------- - - --- --------------------------Jul'.�__25th------__19�2------
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />