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_ � <br /> � l�� <br /> D � ° � 0 ° D <br /> 0 <br />— 5D(t4$-KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithogr¢phing and County Supplies:Omahc.. J-` ` "`-� '-"-"- ���`—"-'� <br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this___ __________1$th_._,_______day of__ ___&iar_Ch__._____.______________ <br /> - -- -- -- - �- -- -- - - - --- - --- ------ <br /> 3, D,, 2912 - , at- -- -- - ---- -- 4_.15-- - -__o'clock_--- P. -M. <br /> -- ---Eff ie ��-.2Vi����loch-u����r-iecl- --- Warranty _ <br /> TO Deed. � � � � <br /> �� z�- - = ���r-��v .- -- -- --- - - <br /> -------- - ---- - - -- <br /> I�agister of Dee� (�m���� <br /> ---- --- - - - C_lay_�._ChanQy- -- - --- --- - - <br /> - -- --- --- - <br /> - -- - - - DePutiy:- <br /> Know t�.11 1Vleri by These Presents: <br /> That- - -Ef f ie ii..�i�_G-ull��hs ---unmk�z, - --- -- ---- - - - -- - - --- ----- -_- - - ---- --- ------------------- <br /> of the County of_-------H31.�.-------- --------------------------and State of-----Zle:b_r ask�- -------------------------------------------------------------Grantor------, in consideration <br />�'� of the sum of-----111;�r_t_�-Five__,Hund��d anci_._no�1QQ---- ---�----- ---------------- ------------ ----------------------------------- ----�---------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand pa�icl, do .hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto--_ _G:��y--_A._�h3nfly-_--_-------_----_----_--_------___-__ -___-_-__ - <br /> -- --- - --- -- - --- ------ - - -- - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - --- --- - - - ------ --- - -- -- - - ---- ------- -- - -------------- <br /> of the County of_ - -Fi�ll_ - --- -- - - -- --and State of_ - -11e�;ras_ka -- - ---- -- --__ - - -- ------, Grantee- ,the following <br /> described premises,situated in the County of_____ ____________$a1-1---------------- ------ --_-----and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> , t <br /> ,- . �. <br /> ----- ---.- ---�.�e---�1_cxt.�:--�.J._�v�n---(_ll)---a_cr�s--o-f----the--E�s-t--half----(--�-)---IIf---v-he-- _Nflr_th- -Eas-t--�u�r�e-r--��-)----nf--Se_c_t_iQn <br /> ---- --- Four__(�} -Tc:��rn�iii p__EieYen- (11-)--i�ic�rth_o#'--�ax�e--lva�ns- �y-)- -r�'est •-- - ----- -- ----- ---- - -- -- - --------------------------- <br /> ---------- - -- ------- -- ---- - ---- - -- --- - ------ -- ---- - - -- ------ --- - - ------ --- -- -- - -- ------ - -- --------- -- ----- - - -- - - �------ <br />, - ---- - --- - ----- ---- - - - --- --- - ---- ----- -- --- -- - - --- - - --- -- -- --- --------------- ---- --- --------------- -- --- - ----- ---------- ------------------- <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereclitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br />� TO H%1VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______._and to____________$i8_ heirs and <br /> �ssigns forever. And______________�_____________hereby covenant________with the said Grantee____ ______that__.._____I____.______.hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that___________I______________ha_ good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of�,11 liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever----�7��t---I---'�:t--�-h�---sa��---ar.cl__id�nt-i-c-al--�e�s_o_n__nai:led--�r---t-rle---rl�ed-_�.o-- -t�.�---said--tract�--r_e_c_o�ri�d------- <br /> --- -----in--Bo�k_ 423--�'a�e---��- o�' -t_1�.� -�_e_ed_F�ec_Q_rd� -�f--s_aid_�oun�-X--as__ :.£ffi�---�ad3'-•-- --------------------- ---- --------------------- <br />� ------ --- -- -- ---- -- --- ----- - --- --- ------ - -------- --- - ----------- - ------ - - ---------- ------ -------------------- - --- ------- -------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- --- <br /> - - ---- - ----- - --- - ---- - --- - -- - --- --- - - -- - ---And--------- ----I- -- - -- -- ---------------------------covenant-- ---to warra,nt and <br /> tha <br /> clefend �6 said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ______________ _ <br /> Dated the---- - -��th-- --- ---- --------- --day of-------P1��Ch------ --- --- -----__A. D., 19--��----� <br /> WITNESS ----------���_i�---P�_._�[�_�ul_lo ch----------------------------------------- <br /> ----- ----------------�"!_,_H_._Th�m�2sc�n-- --- -- -- <br />'� - --------------------------- ----------------�-------------------------------,-------- <br /> I -- --------- ------ ----- -�_._�l.l�ienc�;----�---- -- --------- -- -� ----- -- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br />', ------ -------n�ll_ ----------County, On this------------1�i_th----------------------day of_-----i.i�rc;-�- ------------------------------A. D., 19_.1�_, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public___________________________________________________within and for said County, personally came_______________________________________,_____________.________._________________ <br /> - �----;E�fi�__.%i.. ; 2�cCullflch un�arriec�_--------------------------------------�--- <br /> ._._ ---------------- -------------------- --- - ------- ----------- ------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_ whose name__.___________.__________is____________afl'ixed to the above instru- <br /> {SEAI,} ment as grantor_____________ and________5�.�__________.___severally acknowledged the same to be_________hs�______.._._____voluntary act and deed <br /> for Ghe purpose therein expressed. <br /> name� <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my and afCixed my of�cial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> �r�r,u _�_�_J,_a�l�l___i�.__�_a.i�i___C_o_unt�?'___&_._��at_e______________on the date last above written. <br /> ------------------------------------C._Hs�d_enck----------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> Mycommission expires-----------------------------------------------------------------------�Y------10--"------------�9---1'�---- <br />_ a <br />