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lF 1�7�� <br /> � � � f�!� <br /> D D ° �0 ° D �F�r: <br /> 0 <br />�---__�_�_ _ _-�_ _ _�_ -__ _ _ __!: _ ___ _-_____ --_- _ . ------___ - ___ -- -_ _-__ <br /> __� _ � _ � _� _ _ _. <br /> _� �, - ___ <br />��_--V - �40�8 FLO�'1 &t3ARTL�4TC0.,Prxnlang_L2thographxng¢ndCountyS�tpplaes O�¢hc - — -- . ---., -�^__.�_ _.—_ -------_ -- --- �_� <br /> .=. ->, ,_-;z:: -.. - -- __-.--_.—_,- -.,-_--- _.-_ - <br /> . _ --_._-::- -, -__.._ --, ---=_ ---_- _ .._.. =- _...- -__ _ _-. <br /> _ ._ _.:_ -� ^ _ , — - <br /> I <br /> � <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and , <br />� filed for record this---- ----- ---15�h---------._day of----------�tizx c;h-------- ----- ---------._ <br /> - - ----- - ---- - -- - - - - - --- - - -- - - <br /> 3, D,, 19__12 _, at-- -- - --- 4 --o'clock - -- --- - -P.__lll, <br /> L@n3. _�_U�@T-- _Lli�iil�-7C1_eSi-- - ----- -.--_._---- Warranty -- <br /> � TO Deed. �� <br /> C 1f rti��� ru�r�v' <br /> -- - - - - <br /> - - - - ---- -- -- ----- - -- -._. <br /> Re,� ster of Deeds ����b��qc <br /> ��erru�n C .L�oeller <br /> - -- - -- -- -- - - -- - - --- -- - - -- ---- <br /> Depuiy. <br /> I�now �11 1VIen by T�aese Presents a <br /> That-'�-�� e, unz�arr isd,. - - -- - __ -- -- - --- - - ---- - - - -- - -- ---- -- - ---- - - --- - - ---- -- -- <br /> of the County of___._��n4a---C-l��----------------------and Sta,te of_G_al_ifo_rni-a----._. _ _--- - --- - - -__- --- --------------------Grantor-----, in cnnsideration <br /> ofthe sum of---- 0-ne- Tho-us-3nd OQ�14� _ _-- --- ---------- ----------- ------- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do------_-----hereby GRANT, BARG�IN, SELL, AND COi'VVEY unto---HerTM3ri__C_._�Q_s_ll�r---------------------..--------------------------------------------- - <br /> -- -- - --- ---- -- -- - - ---- --- - - - ----- -- -- - --._.__ .. - - -- - - - ------ ------ - - ------ ------ -- <br /> of the County of_- ---- -- h'._al_1- -- and State of__- - AZ�_k�_�ask3- - -- _ -- -- - , Grantee- - -,the following <br /> described premises, situated in the County of____.___._.___..___._�-I�11�.______________________ ________an� State of Ne�raska, to wit: <br /> --- -----Lo-t--�pt4_ _(2-)----in_F_1_oc k..Eo_ur-- -(�-)---fl-f--�iussel---7�he_e.l�x_-' s--Ad_ditiQn---t-a--sr anu__Is l ana,----�Te br-asl;-�--------------- <br /> ---- a s s_ur_�reyeclr -nlatte�i- arci r�cor_cls_Q. -- - -- - - - -- _ -- - - - - - - - - - - - <br /> ---- - --- <br /> - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - _ . - - - - -- --- - - ----- - ---- <br /> -- -- - - _._ -- - --- - - --- - -__. - -- - - - _--- -- -- -- ---- - - - -- - - - - - -- -------- - ---------- -___ � <br /> Together with aIl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurterances thereunto belonging, a,nd �,li the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_ --a�rd-ef-�rt�e�c}€fi�I�ri, of, in, oT� to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO K:4VE AIVD TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__.. ____and to__________.__h_i_�____________________heirs and <br /> ____hereb covenant________with the said Grantee___..___that______�____________ __hold.______._said premises by good and perfect ', <br /> a,ssigns forever. And__________�___.____ . _ y <br /> title; that__________L _-_____________1i�t8___good rigrlt and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------- - ------ -- - - - - - - .... - -- - --- - --- -- ----- - ------- <br /> --- - --- - ----- - - -- ---- --------------- - -- ----------------- <br /> ------ -- -- - ------ ------ -- --- -- --- --- ---- - _----And--- I- ---- - - -- - - --- ------- -- - ----------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> the <br /> defend 1�said premises against the lawful claims of a,Il persons tivhomsoever, _--------__-__ _--_-_-------------_.--.-------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the-- . ...----i�t-- -- -- ----- -- -- - --day of_---- ---I'vi�TC� -- -- - .. - -- - ---- ----A. D., 1912----� <br /> , <br /> WITNESS --------------------Le na__Kr u�e___. <br /> - -- -------- -_Elt�r_en�-�--L.�3e�1------- - - <br /> STATE OF Cali�ornia <br /> ss, <br /> -----5_3nt�--�lar-�------County, On this_ .-------7tn-------------day of-----------�1_ar�h---------------------A. D., 19---12--, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public---------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ' ------------------------ <br /> I,erla �{ruse an ur.�!�.rr,e z.voman ---- ---------- -- --- ---------- -------------------------------------- <br /> - ------------ ---- --a- ----------- ------- -- ------ --} <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_ whose iiame_________is_____.___.___________.____affixed to tihe above instru- ' <br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor_.________, and_.____she_______-.,��}Iy acknowledged the same to be______h��_________________voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. • <br /> IN ti�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed r���and atCixed my official seal at____________________________________.______ <br /> ------r alo-_Alta_-i n_��i�i---C_�un 4-Y-,-------------------on the date last above written. <br /> ----------------------- ---- E-�3�___K�n�----------------------------------- <br /> - No�ary Public. <br /> �Vly cornmission expires-------------- - ----------- - - - -------------s7ax1------?�----------------------------j9-��'------ <br /> � <br />