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<br /> ,.i ' ' Exhibit C ' . � . .
<br /> ' y.-_a",'-
<br /> :,.;� DE� O� TIt�.1ST g?- 1�'7'�O ' . . ; =-= ~-�
<br /> 4 ,
<br /> KNOW ALL NiF� BY THESE PRFS�N'TS th2t Steven C. and Cindy J. Avila, • - � ' ' '%��
<br /> - -�.
<br /> - Husband and Wife� hereinafter referred to as°irustor�, to ssx:ure a noie af��� date ----- - °=`�-
<br /> herewith for the principal amount of'Itiventy-Nirte Thousand, Five Hundre� Forty � ,.. �,�-..F;___
<br /> (529,540.00)payable to the order of Trinidad J. Aguilar and Bonnie J. Agui}ar, husband and : ,,,�"�_--
<br /> wjBe as joint tenants, P.O. Box 99, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802-0099, hereinafter ref�rred == '_s �
<br /> to as 'Beneficiary', providing for payment of the entare principal balance, together with �_
<br /> inter�st at the rate of Ten Percent(1096) all in ac�ordance with a Deed af Trust Note . .' ,��;�=
<br /> eaecuted on July 1� 1996, do hemby grant and convey unw Bruce R. Rieker, attorney at law, � �;�= -
<br /> . the°1'rustee',the following described property: , ``�,�
<br /> �•'� —
<br /> � Loi Three(3), Block'I'welve(12), Gilbart's Second Addition to the City of Grand -� �--� -_�
<br /> Island, Hall County, Nebraska. • � r-�����"��
<br /> . _ , "� � 4�:
<br /> �.; TQ HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all appurtenances, in wst . ,�-�� ���+ :
<br /> • nevertheless,and in case of default in the payment of said Note or any part thereof or interest , ��:�::�
<br /> �. thereon or in the performance of any covenant hereinafter set forth or set forth in the • ��; � `.-'�
<br /> Purchase Agreement, thean the Trustee shaU have the power w sell the above descn'be� . �•:'�, ''.�.
<br />. prnperiy, and upon request of the Beneficiary, the Trustee shaU file for record in the Register -��
<br /> of Dced's Office of Hall County, 1�Iebraska,a Norice of Default, setting forth that a breach •.`�..::,_ �� '�.;� �:`�
<br /> of an obligation for which the said za�operty was conveyed as security has occtars�, and ,'"`�r, � � ���—
<br /> seuing forth ths nature of such brea:,h and the Trustee's eles6on W sell the property to --�� ,�. �r;�>
<br /> • . satisfy the obligation; and after the lapse of not less than une(1) month, the Truste�shall ��� `�.� .,
<br /> : give written notice of th�time an���ce of sale which may be between 9:00 a.�. and 5:00 ��'`• . ;__;;�_
<br /> .� �W " c
<br /> � p.m. at the premises, or at the H� �ounty Courthouse, ��particularly descri�i��the =i�'�p'�'^"� - ---
<br /> . properiy to be sold, said Notice t�rae published in a new�aper of a general circ�:lation in �`"���� `
<br /> Hall Coun Nebraska, once a week for five(5)cansecudve wesks, �.�:�last ublication to be ` �'``"'�� � �YQ �
<br /> : . tY� p ��:;;3?��_
<br /> � � at least ten (10}days but not mor 2han thirty(30) days prior to the s��; and the Trustee ':' ..f;Ai., .
<br /> .�;•,: -,: . . -:
<br />. ` shall then sell said PraperiY ai the rime and piace designatc�d in this Notice, in eCr.�snanner �:,. _,,_,:-..-
<br /> - .� provided by law in effect at 4he tisne of filing said notice, ai public auction W tt�C'iighest � I �'�;�..�«��:�:
<br /> bidder for c�sh, and shall deliver to such purchase*a deed to the praperty so l d consistent �'�� �
<br /> ' with ehe law in effect at thai time. Additionally, Trustor hereby requests that Truste�shall � :?L��� � '�
<br /> �-:.:
<br /> � mail Trustor a copy of any Noti�of Default and Nodce of Sale hereunder upc�n default '�`'=—
<br /> addressed to them at 811 West t�rl�, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801. Out of tt� roceeds of .�'�•''"%• �„+
<br /> P .,,�,:,��`�;.`; �,
<br /> said sale, the Trustee shall retai.*�and pay first all fees, charges, and costs of sale, and all � —
<br /> manies advanced in the eaercise of the power of sale, including the payment of the Trustee's � � �� �`
<br /> fees actua3ly irtcurred, and pay s�ond the obligadons secured by this Deed of Trust; and the � . . . z;
<br /> � balance, if any, shaU be paid w t;.E per�on or persons legally enti�led thereto. l�.ny person, :. �
<br /> including the Beneficiary, may purchase said proparty at such sale. � .. � � �',:� �
<br /> The TrusWr covenants that at the 6me of delivery of these presents, they are seized of �� ; �
<br /> said pmperty in fee simple, and that said pmperty is free of encumbrances, eacept
<br /> encumbrances, easements, rights-of-way, restrictions and reservations of record, and they will
<br /> � properly�aintain the property, upgrade the property periodically, will not willfully or � �. `�'`�
<br /> � l
<br /> . � �:�
<br /> . r--
<br /> __. _ ._ _ . . : . .. .. _ _.-:,----•� ---- ��� . ---
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