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. '� <br /> � ���� <br /> � , D � o � o � <br /> 0 <br />—` 500#8—KLOPP�BARTLETT CO..Printing,Lithographing and County Supplies;Omaha. ` J_ `' - — �-' _ --— "`— ��-° <br /> _ _ . _ _ . _ _ __ _ _ <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this--- _-----�.2__---------------day of_---��3rCh..---------------.._--------- <br /> - - _ ��_.E_.Dill anci__iYii�-- ana _- - ----- - <br />� 3. D,, 1912 , at- - - - -- - - -- 3_..5D - ___o'clock- - -- - - - P---M� <br /> - - ----_S-�C..�-ISa.S.toT1 _�nd-,`�i-f-s- -- ------- -- ---- ____ 1�larranty � <br /> q�� Deed. --'', �/%�_�'�-������--f'� <br /> -------------- ---- -- ---- <br /> R e�i st er o f De e da c�aaa�c��a�c <br /> � _ __�ealt-y--Inv�a_�_ma_nt--�_on�any------ - --- - <br /> -- - ---- -- -- - - - - - - ------ - --- --- <br /> Depu�y. <br /> Know All 1VIen by These Presents: <br /> That----- J_s�.._�3�.11__and__.�T_�_s_s-i-�---r-._Di_ll-- his--w�f_e_--2�nd__S_._C._.'�iu�_�Qn_�nd---Anna--AsHu�ton__�i.-�---�r-i,fe----------------------------- <br /> of the County of_________ �ia1-1_____------ --------------and State of________.__Nebraska _____________.Grantor__s__., in consideration <br /> - - - - --- --- - - <br /> of the sum of------ -Two--�LtnClrBd ----- ------ -- - - - -- - - ------------- ------ --------------------------- -------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, da__.____________hereby GRANT, B�IRGAIN, SELL, AI1'D CONVEY unto__________Re�1t.y--InYe_stm8n'�___�fl_m?�any________________.__________________ _ <br /> of the County of-----------------_'�all-------------------- ----------and State of_ -_Nel�r_3___s_k3---------------------- ---------------------------.------, Grantee------,thefollowing <br /> described premises,situated in the County of_________________..H�11_______________________ _________.______and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> ------------L��_�__Numi�_e�--Ei�ht-----18-}---T_�n---�-1Q-}- -ancl--T:�t_e_lv�---�12-)---in--�1Q-c-j---ilurl'uer____S_ix_�e�-n---��6-)---in---��_�rff-�-s------ <br /> ------------Addi�_�_on- ��---�f�-s-t--�,-a��z�.----an--Additifl_n_ _ta--�Yest---.�a��n,---_in---rr_and_I.s_��n�__��el�xask�--as--sur_v__eyed,---------- <br /> --------p�a�-t-e-d--and--r�_c_c�r�.ed-.--- ---- - - -- -- --- --- -- - -- - - -- ---- ----- - -- - - - - - -- ------- --- <br /> - ---- -- ----- - -- --- ---- <br /> ----- -------- - -- <br /> - ----- - - -- - -- --- <br /> --- - - - - ---- -- - - - - --- - - - -------------------- -- --- -�- -- -- -------- -- - --- ------- ------ ---- --- -- <br /> I - - - --- - - -- -- --- --- - ---- ----- -- ---- -- - --- --- -- ---------- -- - - ------ <br /> --- - -- - -- - -- - <br /> - -- ----- <br /> -- ----------- ---- - - --- - ------ - -- -- ---- - ----- --- - � -- -- ----- -- ----- ------ ------ -- --- - -- -- - ------- - -- --------- - ----------- ------------- <br /> Together with aIl the tenements, hereditamerits, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,ncl aIl the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_f�______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H.qVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__._____._and to____________i�_S________ ___ ___.___7��� <br /> a,ssigns forever, And______.____�tII- ---------------herehy covenant______with the said Grantee___________that________u,r�----_-__hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that_______-��r_e______..______ha__v8good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever--------------s-��-r3�-t--�Q---1911- and--sll�s_e�usnt--t-a�c.------ - ---------- - ---------- - ---- ----------- - ------ ------ - ------ - <br /> ----------------------- <br /> -- - ---------- -- -------- --- -- --- - - --- - - --- -- ------- - --- --- --- -- -- ---- ----- - - ----- ------------ --------- -------- ---- - -------------------------------------�---- <br />' --- ------ ------- -- -- - --- - - ------ -- ----- ---- -- -- - ---- --- ------- --- ----------------- -------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------- <br />� ------- <br /> -- - - ------ ---- - - - --- - ------ - ----- -- - -- - - -------- _And----- - yv� - -- -- ------ ---- -------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> t rlQ <br /> defend t�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____ex�e_nt--.-as___�ho.y�_________________________________________________________________________ <br /> Dated the--- - �:rentY--i�in�11 � ------ --da,Y of_---- -F�Ur_uar_y_- --- ------------------------A. D., 19---�?_... <br /> WITNESS --------.7_.E_,D111-------------------------- <br /> -----�T_�_s_�_i e---�-._Aa._l_l._---------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------'-�`ay_ara__H,_P�ine - ------ ------- ----- - <br /> --------S_._�_._Hta.s ts�n------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -------Anna_--A,_Hus t-Q-�-------------------------------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br />'i -------- -----I�:11 On this--- ------ Fir��------- -------------da ot'--------�4_ax ch-------------- <br /> ____County, y _____._.____A. D., l9_._12_, before me, the <br />' undersigned, a Notary Public________________________________.,_____________within and for said County, personally came_______ _____.____ __________________________ <br />, .T_.�._Dill---&--J__es_sis__r.D_i11---ancl---S__C_�Hu�_t�n--and__.Anna--A.�u�t�n----------------------------------------------- <br /> --- --------------------------�_---------- --------------------------------------------------- ----------�--------�---------------------------------- ------------------ �--------------- , <br />' to me personally known to be the identical person_&_______whose name_&___are_,_______.__________________afI'ixed to the above instru- <br /> �SyAL) ment as grantors_________, and_________t_11�y__________severally acknowledged the same to Ue_______thQir__________.voluntary act and deed <br /> for Ghe purpose therein expressed. <br /> n me <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��ta,nd afi"'ixed my of�'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ____________.__'_xr_anu__I_sland,_____P3eUr_.._______________________on the date last above written. <br /> �avard H. P:ine <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public, <br /> Mycommission expires-----------------------------------------------------=Tov------------1�------------------------j9-16----- <br />