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<br /> D D ° 0 ° D �
<br />_ 50048—KLOPP&BA3TLETT CO.,Prinling.LithograPhing¢nd County Supplties:O�nahc, - > ,;`-: _ . _,.- _._ __.._
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this----- -,-5th----------,----day of----?A_�rCh-------_ ----------------
<br /> �. D,, 19_12 _, at- _ ---- -- 1•'�� -o'clock -- -- -- - - �,--M.
<br /> --._Euae�e Fe1_„nd--R�-':vif_e. - -- - - -- Warranty
<br /> � . .
<br /> TO Deed. '
<br /> -- -- �`z�r�- '_
<br /> - -- - - -- -------- --
<br /> I�r;gister �f Deeds �tx��x
<br /> - - -I���rY--�.Ansts_tt ----- - _ .
<br /> -- - - ------ - -- -- - - - ---
<br /> --- - - ---
<br />� Deputiy.
<br /> Know AIl 1VIen by T�ese Presents:
<br /> That- -- _E��en� fie-l�nd-_�.nd--Ar�eci��.-A Be-la�c�; - hu$band ar�,d-�'�i�-�- - - - --- - -- --- -- - --- ------ -- - - - --------
<br /> of the County of_----------!_i�ll------------ ----------------ard State of----- ��eL�aS.K�-----_.---------------- --------------------------------Grantor--�----, in consideration
<br />', of the sum of_-- ---Cn� �iun�r_�.c�__�'if t_y __anu--no1 1�4--- --------- ----------- - ---------- --------------------�----------------------------------------._DOLLARS,
<br /> /
<br /> in 1?and paicl, do______ hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, A�'�'D C01�'VEY unto_______..9��y__1�,_An�t_e_t_�_______________________________________ _
<br /> of the County of---------------1i�1-1-----------------------------.a�rd State of_------�IsLr3s_ka---------------------------------------------------.. ---, Grantee-----,the following
<br /> deseriberl prernises,situa,ted in the County of___.____ _.._____..___Fiall__________________.______________and State of Nebraska, to uit;
<br /> ------------_Lo�--Numper---�ev�r��y---�re---(-7-1-)----in--Ha:at'r�a_rna---Plac-e---s_ai_d- Ha�rthosne---P-1-ac-e---bs-in�;---�___�ub_-�..�,v_�sion_
<br /> --__ -__ _ c�f___a .�art _�f._ t i��__ a'o_ rth�rest --yua_r_te_r ( '_.-� .'�)- �f_ Secf ic�n_Twenty T�ao _(?2� --in Tovmsl__ig Eleve:�
<br />, � l�0 + '" � r + ii ' r�n ? �'
<br />, __ �11�--- r�h-�f Fa.-g� -ilina--lg�- ?�eJ�-- of -;.,ha -�- -Pr��c;i-_ �.�.--,r3e.:�_�.d�.�n_.- -- -- ---- ------- - -- - -------- - ---- ----------
<br />� --- ---- - - - - ----
<br /> - -- ------- - - --- --- ---- - --
<br /> - - - - ---- - --- - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - --- -- -- - - - - -- - -- --- --- ------
<br /> - - - ----- - - - ---- - - - - -------- --- -- ------- - -- -- ------- -- ----- - - - -- -- - ---- --- - - - ---------- -- ---- ------_------ --------
<br /> Tagether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoeyer of the said Grantor_$_______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HqVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_____.____and to______._________hi_e________._____heirs and
<br /> �ssigns forever. And______________�te___________.._hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee__. ______that_______a�$_____________hold__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title.; that___�J�_____ _.____.___.____ha_vs_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------------ ------------------------ - - -- - - - -- - - - --------- -------- ----- - - -- -- -- ---- --- ---- ----- - --- --- -----------------
<br /> -- ------ ---- ---- --- -- - ---- --- --- - ------ - - - -- ----- --And----------------WQ-- - -- --- --- - - -----------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> i tlle
<br /> I defend E� said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____._._ ___._._____ _____._____._____________._
<br /> -- - --- ---------- --- --- ---------------------- ------
<br /> Dated the- -- - - -----2�,� ---- - ---- ----- - ---day of_----�IanuarY--- --- -- - - - - - ------__A, D., 19--1?----•
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------E uge ne---�_�land------------------------------------------
<br /> Arm�s�i_a__A_._�Q l�n�i---------------------------------
<br /> - ------------m-,_0_.C_�c�axris�n----- -
<br /> ss.
<br /> ------- -----FIa�1.---- -------County, On this_ �6--"-- - - -------------------day of_----J�nuary- ------------------------A. D., i9__1�__, before me, the
<br />' undersigned, a Notary Public_____________._______._______________________.__within and for said G'ounty, personally came______ ______________
<br /> - - --E uge ne---�3 e 1 and---and--Arrrie�i a---A_.h e 1 and ------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------- ---------- ------------- -- ---- ---- ---------------------------- --------�--- ...,----------- -------------------------------------------- ----------- ------ ---------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�________whose nameg__�.��____..._________.________.___affixed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor__S_______, and_______��fl�_______.__severally acknowledged the same to be______�hHir._.________voluntary act and deed
<br /> (SE AL} for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> r ame
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�t and af�ixed my official seal at_____________________________________________
<br /> ______zr�nd___I_s�.and,_-_Le_Ux��ka-------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------------T_,_C.C.H�rri�on---------------
<br /> ------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires--------------------_.----------Fe_i�ruary------10-----1Q1�--------------------�------------
<br /> '
<br /> �
<br />