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� yA ��,� <br /> _Y-z D D ° 0 ° D <br /> 0 <br />— 50018—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printting,Lithographing and County Suppties;Omaha: '"-' ` - ' � ' '- <br />__ , <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for recorcl this___-2--------------------------day of_-----_P�_a_TCk�----------------------- <br /> -- ------�--- ------ -- - - - - ---- - - --------- -- <br /> :�. D,, 19_.1� � at- ------ - - - -- -- -4--- --o'clock- - - - -P-- -M� <br /> __._.__E_l__ishe.x__���?h[�t_e�__?_�t1_idQ��r..___ --____ Warranty <br /> TO Deed. ` � <br /> - C ���� -- - - - -- - --- ---- -- <br /> Register of �eeds fl�ai��� <br /> -- - - ---- ��i.l�i�,,m Ross�--- - -- - - <br /> ---- ------- ----- ---- - -_ - - ---- - -- ------------ ---- <br /> lleputy. <br /> Iin�w All 1VIen by Tlie�e Presents : <br /> That- - I, Elisher �re_;�s.t-er,-- :frido_tiv.e�j- ---_ _-- -- -- - --- --- ----- -- --- - - - ---- - ---- - - --- - -- - - - ---- -- <br /> of the County of_____________ ____H��a.______________________-------_and State of_______.:______K�bxask�__ ..______________.___ _Gra�ntor_ __., in consideration � <br /> of the sum of_- ----- �����ent.y One -Huncl�r_�d._QQ�10�---- -- ----------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do___ .__._______hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, Ail'D CONVEY unto___�i_l'_ll_7.�it1_._ROes_____ _________ ____________________ _ <br /> of the County of---.--------fr�l-1------------------------------------and State of_---N3_b.r-�Sk3-- . -------------------------- - ------ -----------, Grantee------,the following <br /> - - <br /> described premises,situated in the County of_____ _ _._______.______Hall_____.____________________and State of Nebraska, to wit; <br /> --- ---The North__h�lf___o�' -t��--�1_q�t-h--7��st- --^�u�r�Q-r Qf--the S_QU�h--�-e-S-t- -�uar�er (ST�---of___�'�1�+- -Q�- ����--- -- - <br /> -- - ---- °-f- �e�.�ion_�'our ��� --�n--Tos��r�s_hiP -Ele_ven -(.11�--i�_Q_rt�s-- �-f- -A�.n�e�__i�i_nr� --���--=�-es-t--Qf__th� c�th--P.�1. <br /> _c�r��a�.ni�- �Q - a�re-s--�a.cc_�x�.i-n� -tQ--�ne--�_ovaxn.:e,nt--s�.r-ue3r -thar-e-of.- - - -- ----- -- - --------- - ------- ------ <br /> Together witli aIl the tenements, hereditaznents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�;ing, ancl alI the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_ ,—�-a€�ei�e�-e#'�� of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to________.�'�.i_�______________..____heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And___.__I _.hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee____________that_.._____�__________.hold__________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that._____._Z___.___..__._____ha__V_e__good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and ineumbrances : <br /> whatsoever-------------------- - --------- ------- -- - -- - -__- - ------- -------- - -- --- - - --- ------ ---------- - -- ----- -- -------- ----- <br />'� ------ - ------------ -- ------------------- -- -- - --- ----- -- -- - --- -- ----- ------------------------ ------------ ----- --- ----------- ------------- ------------------------------------ <br />'� ----- ---- -- - --- ----- ------- ------- --- ------ ------- - - - -- -- ----- -- - - ------- -- ------- ------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- <br />� --------- ----- -- - -------- --- - --- - <br /> - ---- - --- ----And-------- --------�------------------ ---- ---- -- -------------covenant--------to warrant and _ <br /> the <br />' defend�said premises against the lawful claims of all persoils whomsoever, ______________.__. _ <br /> --- ---------- --------- - ----- - ----- ---- --- -- ---------- - - ---------------------- ----- <br /> ------ ------ ---- - -- - - - --- -- - ---------- ----- - ------------- - --- ------- - -------- --------- -- --- ---- ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- <br />'', Dated the------ ----- --lst- - ------ - - ----._day of_---- - -�tiiarCh ---- ---- - --- -----------------A. D., 19--�-�-----� <br /> , <br /> I;� WITNESS -------------�lisher---Bre.ws_t�x----------------------------------------- <br /> I � <br />� --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------- <br /> L.G.Allan <br /> ----------------------�----------------------------------------- <br /> --� <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> ----------Aall------------County, On this---------- ��-'�--------------------------day of--------- -�fl���h--------------------------A. D., 19--�---, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public____________________._____________.______________within and for said County, personally came_____________________________________.___._ ___________________________ <br /> - ---Eli_sh�r--Rre_v_rs_�ert---a-wido��rer:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------ - <br /> ���A�� to me personally known to be the identical person.__________whose name___________7.Q___._______________________af�xed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor_____________ and_________h_Q_________._____��1�acknowledged the same to be_...__.____his._____...___.voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> r.-�ra�e <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my and afl'ixed my official seal at______________________________________________ <br /> rrand__Isl��.ds_-_-ix?_�aid-C-oun�y�___________________on the date last above written. <br /> L.r.All�tr� <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ' -----------5 e�'t------24------1`�1-�'------------------------------�------------ <br /> My commission expires_________________ <br />