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<br /> --___ _ _ _ � _
<br /> 50048-RLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Prznting,Lithogra�hing and County Supplaes;O�nahn.. � �
<br />__._, _�, ._ :_ .,�_ �:-: ____�__� _,.. _„ - ----:, ._._...,, _,--- __,�._ --_- - __�.__-- _----�_. ^.------ --
<br /> -- -- _-�,_ _ -
<br /> -_._ _--- - -- - -- ---- -- __ _ . - ------�
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Inclex and
<br /> filed for record this-- --- --. . .__29-----------c1ay of__Feb_�uary-------------------- i
<br /> - -- -- --- - -- - -- - --- - - -- -- -- - -- - --- ---
<br /> 3. D., 19 12- , at- -- - -- --- - 4•2Q - - --o'clock - -.. ---P. -M� �
<br /> ---------?lilliar�.-Rass,---t�n�na-rr--iec�. __ - Warranty ;
<br /> Tp Deed. �-� . ;
<br /> � ������ �
<br /> - - - -- -__- - - ---------- --- -
<br /> Register of Deeds �x ;
<br /> - _- --��ry -A.Shel�h�m�_r. --- - --
<br /> - - -- - --- ---- - - - ----- -- - -- - - -----------
<br /> 1�eputy.
<br /> ;
<br /> Know All 1VIen l�y These Presents:
<br /> That-- - -�filliarn Rnss unr�a��ie_cl� - - - -- - ----- - ';
<br /> , - -- - - _ _ - ---- :
<br /> - - --_ - -- - - - - _ _ - -- --- - -- - -- -- - --- ---- -
<br /> of the County of_____ ___ __._H�11____ ____ _____ _ _ __..___and State of_______Td.e�r3sk3. __..____ _ ____ _Grantor __; in consideration
<br /> of the sum of-- - Fiv� ThQt�s an�i-&-QQ�1Q� - - -- - --------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------DOLLARS, ;
<br /> in hand paicl, do-98--------�lereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, A11'D CONVEY uirto____M4r�---A.-ShBlhaznAr.__._---- --------------------....._._------------------------- - ";
<br /> - - ------ -- ----- - -- -- - --- -- - -- - .- - - -- - -- _- - - -_ _ -_ - - - --- - ----- ------ -- - --- ---- .
<br /> of the County of---- ----- ---H.all__ _ -------and Sta,te of---- -- -Neb_x��k a---- - ------------ -----_ _- --------- -- -----------, Grantee------,the following i
<br /> described premises,situated in_the County of_____..________________Hal�_.__ __ _.___- - __.___-_ ___.__and State of Ne,braska, to wit: ''
<br /> ;
<br /> . . t
<br /> --- -----_-.Lots--�cvo----(2�---_T_hreQ----(3_)--_Ec�ur_---(4-)---and--Eiv-�---�5� --Q-f A..F.Perl�n�-'---3ub_clivi�ipn- o�---the--�.ou�heast----- !
<br /> --------__�u�r_ter__caf__Se�_t_io_n__T.��1Ve.. -(-1�-)-- in--To�rnship--Ele-ve-n --�11-)---P�or-th,_- --nf--Hange--Tan- -�1Q}-- _7Ye_st_-Qf------ '
<br /> the _oth- P,-2�.-,- - _us survo-yod, -_�?lat_tes3._and---recorcl�cl,--_- --_-__-- �
<br /> - ---- - __ -- - -- -- - - - - -- '
<br /> ----- - - -- - - - --- -- - - ---- - --- _ ---- - -- - - - -- ---- - - - - - -- - - -- -- --- - -- - - -- - - - --- - -- --- -- - ----------
<br /> -- ------- -- -- --- - - -- - - -- -- -- --- - - --- ------- - - -- --- - ------------ ----- ----- ----- ---
<br />, Together witll aIl the tenements, herec�itaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,zid all the Estate,R.ight, Titie, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and �
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__________,-�nt��e�e�tt�s�-af-��c�r of; in, or to the same, or any part thereof, '
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,i�ith the appurtenar�ces, unto the said Grantee____.__.and to______________.__her..______ ____heirs and '.
<br /> �ssigns forever. And______.�_________.___________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee__________that_______I_________.___hold___.__._said premises by good and perfect ',
<br />' title,; that----Z-.----- - g �g • Y , y
<br /> ____ha_vs_ oo� r� ht and lawful authority to seIl and conve the same• that the are free and clear of a�ll liens and incumbrances �
<br /> whatsoever__s�ce-�at---a-_:na�t�age--uf---�20�4•-0-0- x�cIIr-derl--a.n---Faol�--4-1s---Pa.�e---228,----of---�he---r_e_cords--nf---said__Ha11 ',
<br /> ---�oun�y,---_athich---�hQ----g_r�ntea---he_re-in---�sauiues---a�c�--a�-rsgs--�o---p�y---as--�ar-t----of---said--c_4n$ic��r_at-i_or�.---------- I
<br /> _---- -- - ------ - - - -- ------------ ---- ----- ------ -- -- --- ------- -- ------- - - - --- -- - --- - - ---- ----- ------------ - - ------------------------------------------- ,
<br />� i
<br /> ------- - ---- -------- -- ---- ------- -- - - --- -- -
<br /> ---- -And------ - - ---- ---1- -------- ------ - --------------covenant----._to warrant and ;
<br /> the
<br /> defend 1�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____._ez�.�3_p_t__���yE3-__men'�iOnetl___mor�_�ag�_._____________________________________ '
<br /> ---- ----- -- -- --- - - ----- - -------- -- -- -- -- --- -- --------- ---- -- --------- -------- ----------- - --------------------------------------- - ----k i
<br /> Pated the----- - - --�'�9th- -- ----- - -- --da3' �f-------�'e�ruary- - --- --- - ----------------A. D., 19--12----�
<br /> WITNESS -------------�tilliam--.AS�-8-8----------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------�------------ -------- --------------------------------------------------- �
<br /> J ohn Allan � '
<br /> --------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------� �
<br /> ---- ----- - - --- -- ------- - - --------- ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------ �
<br /> �
<br /> ss. '
<br /> ___Count On this________________�9�h.________._____________da ot'__________Esbr_uar_ _ A. D., 19__1�__, before me, the
<br /> --------Hall - - ---- -- Y, � - - Y Y------------------ �
<br /> undersiyned, a Notary PubIic_______._________________________.._____________within and for sa,id County, personally came____________ ______________..______________________._________.
<br /> - ---- �illiam__I�Qgsr- unrflarriad ------- -- ----- ----- --� - ------- ----------------- -- -----------------------------------------
<br /> �
<br /> ------- ----------- ------------- ------- -------------------- ----- - - ;
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_ whose name__________________i8_______________af�ixed to the above instru- ;
<br /> , ment as grantor___________, and_____,he________________� acknowledged the same to be_____.______hi8___________.voluntary act and deed !.
<br /> ' (SEAL} for �he purpose therein expressed. !
<br /> na ne � °
<br /> Il�' WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and af�xed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> r���ii -Isl�t�d�----�Jebr-�---��- -s�i-d--�o��'��--on the date last above written.
<br /> John Allan
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires-----------------------------------------------------------..�S-an,-----�----------------------191$------
<br /> i
<br />