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I <br /> ��; �. �� ���m�r <br /> D D <br /> D � D 0 . D o ��: <br /> . _-=__ _ _ _ � _ .__ _--__ �__ ____ <br /> _ -_ -_ _�_ __ __ _ __ _ _ -__ _ �_� �_ _-- ___ _ -___ ___ _ <br /> 50Qf8-KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Prxnting,Lxthographxng¢nd County Supplaes,•Omaha. __ <br /> � _ _,.- - -- -_- - - . _- - —_---- ----- -- =_ - -- --_,- _ --- - --- - - - - - - ---- - -- -- <br />�.____ --- -- -- -,---_ _ . __._ -__-'- _ _-- ._. _�__ <br /> __.. _. _ __ -- --- --. <br /> � <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for recorcl this--- - - of F_eb_rU.�3rY.---_ ------- ----------- � <br /> , A, D., 191� -, at- -_._._ -8_.�0 -- - --o'clock..__...- - --- __..A._._--M� ' <br /> ---_---- --�arrie---B_.$�slt-s--&._ husbar..d----- -- Warranty _ _ <br /> ' TO Deed. ��(����� � <br /> ' - -- -- - - --- - -- - - <br /> ' Register of Deeds ��ca��c, <br /> ' ---- --�t•J ay-S�s l*a ----- --- � <br /> -- - -- --- - - - - ---- - -------- ----- <br /> ; Deputy. <br /> ' - - -- --- -- - - - ----- _._ - ---- - - � <br /> I�now 1�11 1VIen lay These Presents: <br /> That_ -- - -Cu�x�� B-S�?e-lt-s--and__�Pi_l�._i_am T_._Spe_��fi,- hpr- nu�b�r:d-- --- --- - --- - - -- - -- -- ---- -- ' <br /> ! of the County of_�uff_a19------ -------- ----------_.-- ---and State of-----Pd��ra�_k�-----_.. _----- - -- ----------- - -----.Grantor-s---, iu cnlisideration , <br /> of the surz� ot'----ana--Dol.lar--a_r_.d---o_�her---valu��le--consiczera�ion�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1��, ' <br /> in hand paid, do__. -hereby GRAiti'T, BARG!lIN, SELL, AN.D CONVEY unto-- - . �ff.JRy--5�9_1t8---- .- ---_ ----------_. _____-- ------_ _--------- --------- - ' <br /> of the County of_ __ __H.u_ff�10 ,________ _ _ ___and State of_ ._ _ _ _Nebr�ska_____ _....________ _______ __ ________ ______._______, Grantee______,the following <br /> - - - <br /> described prer�ises,situated in the County of________________ ____H��..1__._._______ _ ______________and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> -------Lots--Cne--��}---and--Thx_�e--(-3-� -Qf-Fs�a�_es'-a--Sul�di�r.isi�n_of_ Z,ots--11--&__12-_�f__�I_o_ad__Lawn--S_ut�slivisi_on-- <br /> ---- --of--pax�_ _Qf--S,_�_,y_.of__T�_._�;�--�nd_-gar_t--Q�_ ��.-E.�.--of--S_.E-�#---o-f --S�c�ion--�4---in---To�rnshi�---10---5�_Qx�h,----Q�---- ; <br /> - -Rar_ge 12 �e s L-Of--ths ath--F_.-It4. __--- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - -------- <br /> - -- ----- --- - - - --_- - -- ---- - --- -- ---- --- --- - -- -- - -_ ------- - _ -- - --- -- -- --- -- --- -- - - -- - ----- --- - --------------- <br /> - - -- - --- --- - - -__--- - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - -- ---- - - ----------- ---------- <br /> --- - -- -- ---- - - -- --- - - -- --- -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - . - -- - -- --- - - - ----- - -- --- --------------------- <br /> - - - --_ _- - --- -- - --- - - - - -- -- ---- - - - -- - -- -- - --- -- --- -- - - - -- ---- --------- ---- -- ------- --------- ------------ ----- <br /> To�ether with a11 the tenements, hereditanients, and appurtenances thereunto belol�g,•ing, �,nd aIl the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_$________,-���af-�i�iar-.c�'-t��of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, tivith the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______.__and to_____his____.____ _____________heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, And____vY_g_______________________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee.______.___that_____t�Ve___________hold________said premises by good and perfect ; <br /> titie; that__.____�Je_.____.._________ha_ve_good right and lativful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances ' <br /> whatsoever----------- -------- _-- --- ------- - - ------------- - - -- -- - --- - - - -------- - --- -- -- -- - ---- ---- - ---------------------------- i <br /> ----- - - -- --- - --- - --- - ----._.. - --._- And------ --------- ��e------- -- - - --------- - ---------covenant--------to warrant and , <br /> the i <br /> defend �C said premises against the lawful claims of all persors u�homsoever, ____.___.____ ______________._.___________________________.___..___________________________________________._ <br /> Dated the--- - -----26 ----- -- - - - --- -_day of_ - --E.eb - -- -- ---- - ------------A. D., 1912------� � <br /> WITIITESS -------------------t'-�-A�_��Q---�-,.a�?�elt-�------------------------------------- , <br /> - ----------�1�.�.1��.IC1__T_._����.�-6------------------------------------- ! <br /> ------ - ----- - ------ --R_��,�_a�rney- - ----------- - -------- ' <br /> - - - --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- �, <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> ----_£_su��.�19- ---County, On this-------��t-h---------------------------day of_-----F�hr_u�.s�r-------------------------A. D., 19__1?__, before me, the ' <br /> undersigned, a lYotary 1'ublic-------- -------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ': <br /> � <br /> --�_ar_r_ie- B_.�nalt-s---�r�cl -��elt-s - ----------- -------- --------- --------------------------------------- ;, <br /> --------- ------ ----------- ----- --------- - ------------------ - ----_ ----- - ------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.s_______whose name__B___arB_____ __a�xed to the above instru- ; <br /> , �, ment as grantor__s_._____, and_______t-he�t----------_severally acknowledged the same t� be_____�heir___________youluntary act and deed ' <br /> �Sr�1L) <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. ; <br /> r.�.me <br /> IN -WITNESS WHEREOF I have liereunto subscribed my�and af�Yed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ ! <br /> ______Ke_arne3ts____in__s_a.itl___��zunt�,-------------------------on the date last above written. j <br /> -------------------R_._M,B_�.rne�------------------------------------------ � <br /> Notary Publie. -;,_., <br /> My coinmission expires---------------------- ---------- -- ----------A�?_x.7.�.------�Q---------------------------19�5------- <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> l _ � <br />