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<br /> `aD048—KLOPP&BARTLFTT CO..Printing,Lzlhographing arzd County Supplies;Omaha, °:_ __--- --= . --- - - -.-.- ___ _-- ",-", -..,-_�'"_
<br />- , --_ __._,, ___ _:'_:.___ ,_ - -- -- <_ ' � --_- -_--:+- :==
<br /> FRO_.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this-- -----21----------------day of--F_e.bru�ry_---- ----.---------
<br /> :�. D„ 1912- � at- - -- -.--- -4_.24 --- ---o'clock--- -- --P.-----M�
<br /> -- J_�nni�____'r�o.sek__ _....__ -- - _ _ - - Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. ����-���
<br /> -- --g - --- - -- -- - - - -- ------- - ------ -- - -
<br /> - P,e ister.�of 1�esds ���c.��n�,
<br /> ----E_�,i_lie--�v�r.ningae_n._ ----- -
<br /> --- -- -- - - - -- - -- - - -- -- - -- - --- --
<br /> Uepuiy.
<br /> Know All l�Ien by T�i�se Presents:
<br /> That- I� Jenn:is Hszsa�- ---_ . - --- - --- -- - - -- ----- - -- --- - - ---
<br /> ----- ----- -_. - -- -- -----
<br /> ----- -- - -- - - - �__a_ .cricl_o�r. -}-- -
<br /> of the County of_----------H31.1_-----------------------------and State of ------Ne�ra�ka.---. ------------------------------------------------------Grantor-----, in consideratian
<br /> '" ----------------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> of the sum ot'-- - - -Fou�--Hun�red--�r,ci_.no�1�Q-- ---- ------------- ------------------------- - -
<br /> in hand pa.id, do------__------hereby GRANT, B�RGAIN, SFLL, �11'D CONVEY unto -----�m��._18__4Y@zini_T1��.��1--------------------___--------------------------
<br /> _ _ --- -- -_-- ------ --._ . - - --- - - -- -- - -- -- -- ------ - -- - - --- ._----- - -- - -- -- --- - -- --- --- ---- ---- ------ -
<br /> �f the County of_ --- - h3�1 - -- -- -
<br /> ------_and State of----___----------------- -_--- --1Is_���Sk�___-------------------------, Grantee------,the foilowing
<br /> described premises,situated in tlie County of___. __.Hal.l__________ _. _____________________and State of Nebraska, to u�it;
<br /> ---- ---Lot--Nur�be_r_Eight_--(_8-)---�z�- E1o�_}:--ysuriber--�-i�---�6}--in__}3onniQ___Bx�e --Ad�c�i_�_iora---t_o_ _�h-�--�itX--of--irand---
<br /> ---- Islancl,- .NeUraska �s__suxve-�ecl, - �'1���_�_d .anu x�.coxdec�. -- - ---- - - - - -------- --- - -- - -
<br /> -- - ---- -- -- --- --
<br /> ------- --- - - - ---- -- - ----- -- - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - ---- - -- - - -- - ---- --- ----------
<br /> - -- - - - ------ -- ----- --- - -- - -- - --- --- _-- - ----- - -- - - - --- -- - ---- -- - - -- -- - ---- __ _ --------- -- - - - -- --- ----_ --- --
<br /> -- - - - __--- ----- - -- - - - - - --- ----- -- - --- -- - -- - ---- -- - ------ --------- - - - --- ----- -- - - -- -- -- - -- ------ - ---- ---
<br /> - -------- -- - --- -- - --_ - -- ----- - --- -- - ------ - ---- -- -- -- -- - - - ----- - ---- --- -- -- --- ----- -- ---- -- - -------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, liereditanients, and appurte�iances ihereulito belong:ng, znd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the a,ppurtenances, unto the said Grantee___.___and to___.______________r�er_____________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And___.._._______�_ ..___________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee___________t1�at_.______.___I_______hold_.____,__said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that________.__I� ___.___._.._.__ha_yggood right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of�,II liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------------------�-- - ------ -- --- ------ - ---- - ------ -- - - ------ ----- - - ---- - - --------------------------------------
<br /> _ ------------------� -- ------- ------ - -
<br /> ----- --- ----- ------- ------- -- - ----- -- -------- -- --- - ---- ---- ---------------------- -- -------- ---- - ------------ ----- ------------ - ---------------- --------------------�-
<br /> ---- ----- ------ --- - -- -- ---- ------ -- --- - -- ---- --- - - And-------- -I----- -------- - - - ------- - -----------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> the
<br /> defen�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wllomsoever, _,__.________.______________________________________________.____.___.______________________________________
<br /> '" ------A. D., i9--1�--.
<br /> Dated the------21?t ----- - --------- - --------day of_--- FEbx_Lt�.r-X-- -- - ----- - -:_
<br /> WITNESS ----------------------��ri211-@---Fi O�Q k----------------------------------------
<br /> --------
<br /> ----- --------- --------S-•C_._Ht�st_on-- -------- ------- - ---- -
<br /> ss.
<br /> - - �:all ---------County, On this-----------��.$t---------------- --------day of_-------�'ebru�ry---------------------A. D., 1912----, ,before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public_._______________________________._______________within and for said Connty, personally came________Jenn�e___Ho�el:______________________________________
<br /> ----- - ------ - ----- ------- ------- --- -- -------- --------- ----�--�a_wido��---)- -------
<br /> --- ----- ----- ------------------------------------------- -- ------ --- ----- - ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ �----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.__.__.____whose name__________.�8_______._.____________affixed to ihe above instru-
<br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor_____________ and________�h�_..._._.____.�r acknowledged the same io be_..___.____.____1_?e.�________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribednin��and afflxed my ofl"'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ._--±�xar.d___I_s1�nd�___i�IeU_ra�ka______._._____-_--_---_____on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------------------------------S_,C_,_Hust_on-----------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------------------------------------ -----------�uly_-----��--------------------------.i9.�,2-----
<br />