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, <br /> � ���� � ��� <br /> D D D O D D " ,�i <br /> 0 <br />� �_ ,__ --� ___ �_i �_____ __ ___ _ __._. _ -_ �___ __� _- ___. _-_ _ -_ _-__ -__ -__ _ _- ____ - ____-__ _ ._ . - <br /> ___ _ _ . � <br /> 500d8 RL�PP ci $ARTLETT CO.,Przntinp,Lxlhogr¢phxng¢nd County Supplaes Omahc __ <br />��_.:::_�.__.-;� ._—#__-- -=— -. ____, �. — ---- --- - --_ . _ --- - --- ---- —__ ._-- _----_--- ---=--_---- —__ <br /> FROIVT I hereby certif� that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this--- --- _. 2Q�h------------day of__Feb;�ua�y_---_--------------- i <br /> 3. D,, 1912 - � a�t--- ---- -- 4_,20- -- - - ----o'clock---- --- -- - --P.__.M. i <br /> ----.Ed_ B_R S.�.ax1to21__�_'r1.i.f�--- ----_.__-- V�larranty ' <br /> TO Deed. �� <br /> - - . __- _-- -- -- - _- - -- --- ---------,- - - --- -- <br /> Register of Deeda 9�n¢a��x <br /> --- - -- �_t��._.�an�en- --- - - - - - <br /> -- -- ---- - - - --- ---- ---- -- ---- --- - - ------ <br /> De�uty. <br /> Kr�ow �Il 1VIen by Tliese Pres�nts: <br /> That-- -_Ed__B._Stant.o-n--�nd--Ada--�_._5�ant Qn, hue_aand_ and =,vif e, ---- -- -- -_ -- ----- - -- -- -- -- ----- -- - ---- -- -- i <br /> -- - ---- -- --- - - - --- -- -- - -- - -- --- - . -- -- - - -- - - - - - ---- -- -- - -- -- - -- - - -- ---- ------ <br /> of the Coun�y of_--------------._Hall-----------------_._ -----and State of--------1`Is�rask�--------- -------------- ------------------ ----- ---------Grantor-9---, in consideration ! <br /> I <br /> ' ' � �' ____._DOLLAR�, ; <br /> of the sum of--- -Ei�ht -rlu�d_r�d_._�'if_t_y__ar�u--�o _�QQ--��$5Q-•-�-Q)------------- ---- ------------------------ ; <br /> in hand paid, do �hereby GRANT, B�IRGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto._ .E�-ta,..l��ng�.ri__-----------------._.---_--------------__-----------------------------> - � <br /> of the County of---._Hal�.------- -------azid State of_-------I�Ie-b_T_a.ska------------ -------- - ------- -- -- ----- - ____. ----, Grantee-----_,the following <br /> --- - _ ___. . . <br /> described premises,situated in the County of__.______ ______ _____Hall____________________ ______.__and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> ; <br />�'� --- ----Lo_t_--E-i�?it----(8�--B1_ock__ T�relve__.(.].2_}---Evan�---Adciit_i�n--to--�r_and- Island,-- Hall _�_punty,----N�sbr_as_l�a-�------------- � <br /> ---- - - --- -- - --- -- - - - - - - --- --- --- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - --------- <br /> -- ---- - - ---- - --- -- <br /> -------- - - --- - - - ---- -- -- -- - --- - - --- --- - - -- - -- --- - - __ _ -------- - --- --- -- --------------- � <br /> -- - -- - --- -- _ _ . -- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - --- -- - - --_ ---- - -- ---- --------- <br /> � <br /> --- - ---- ---- ----- -- <br /> - -- -- - ---------- - -- - --- - --- - -- - - <br /> -- - -- -- - - -- <br /> ---- -- ---------- ------ - ------------- ---- ----- ---------- ---- <br /> --- -- ------- - --- --- - -- - - ---- - -------- --- ----- ---- --- -- -- -- - -- - -- --- ---- - -__ - ---- - - - --- -- - --- -- -- ----------------- <br /> Together wi�h a,ll the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonaing, �,rld all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and ' <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_s______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, : <br /> TO �3%1VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the, unto the said Grantee_________.and to___ ____________�er___________________heirs and � <br /> assigns forever, And___g�a�lt.4r8__________hereby covenant_______with the said Grar,tee________-__that___they.________hold_._______said premises by good and perfect ': <br /> title; that___.___t_h�_y___________ha_y.e_good right and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances '! <br /> whatsoever--------@XC-��-�----Qne--C.�_ru�in-:�Q-r-t�a8s----s�f----Eaur--HundrIId--Eif�y--Do_ll�rs---t�-4-5D-.DQ-�,---n3f,�-abls---�o---the----._.. , <br /> I�IeUr�ska__S�a�e--B_.�-.-L-.-�ssn-.--�f--F'-remox�t�---lts_br_aska,---�hi_ch--mar-t�aga--t��_�---gr-a�ts8--�ssume-s---and---ag-rs�a_ <br /> � <br /> t°--�?ay�------- ---------- - -- --- ----- ---------- -- - - ------ --- - - --------- - --- ------ ----- - ------ --- ------------------------ ---- -------------- --------------------- <br /> -- ----------- -- --- - ---- - ---And_-------- �r��lt_Qrs_------ ----------------------------covenant--- ---to warrant and :'i <br /> t he ' <br /> defend f� said premises against the lawful claims of all persoiis whomsoever, _-_ -___------------_--------____--___-------_--------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----- ------- - - - - -- ---- --- ---- - -- ; <br /> Dated the- ---- --2Qth -------- ----- -------da,y of_-------- FBU-�uar3� -- --- ---- - ---------A. D,, 19--1-�--- • ; <br /> WITNESS ---------------------Ed---R._St�nton- - ---------------------------------- ' <br /> - -- ------------�a---B�._St_a.nt�n------------------------------------------- ,' <br /> E_,_G_,_Kro�e. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> -- - --------------- -- - - -- -- - - - - -------- ------- - --- - ----------------------------- ---- <br /> ----------------- ; <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ; <br /> ------ --Iia.11 ------ ---County, ss. On this- - -- - 20--"----------------------day of___FeUru�ry-- ------------------------A. D., 19--�-�---, before me, the ' <br /> undersi.�ned, a idotary Public______________________________._._______________within and for said County, personally came___.__________________________________ __________.____.__________ i <br /> ---Ed---B._Sta_n_ton---and__Aaa--?d.Stantor�----husband---and__l�rife,---------------------------------- --------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___s._____whose name__S___e�r8___________. __ai3'ixed to the above instru- ! <br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor_&_._____, and_________they____----severally acknowledged the same to be___..____.�he_�_�______.voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, <br /> IN T�VITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�i�d and afl3xed my ofCicial seal at____________________________________..__..._. ; <br /> -----r��nd_-I_S_land-_---------_-_-------------------------------------on the date last above written. <br /> ----------------------Arthur__L..Toeeph------------------------------- ; <br /> � Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires------------------------ -------------------------��%��---��-----------------------------------1915------- <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i <br />