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� <br /> � � w <br /> � ���:� <br /> a� � D � D ' <br /> D � D 0 D � <br />— 30048-IiLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,LiChographing and County Suppties;O�iaho.. ° `�" — <br />—_,_ , <br /> _- �_._. _ _;_ �. _�, _. ____.� <br /> FR�� I l�ereby certify that this instrument wa,s ent,ered on Nurtlerical Index and : <br /> filed for record this---. -----2Q--------- ------day of----E�hr_Lta7C�t_--..----. --------- <br /> ---- -- ---- -�_- - - - _ -- ._ -._ - - ----- --- - -- <br /> , . �, 1�,, i9- -Z_2--, at.- ----- - - -3.45 - ---o'clock-- -- - - -- -P-. - -_1'vi. <br /> - -- - -1�-.F_.1�daddQ�_..f� _�srif� --__- -- --- Warranty <br /> T0 Deed. �/�%�'��,�-��/ <br /> ---- - --- - - _. -- - - ---- <br /> Rsgistax of Dee s ��c4�xx <br /> --_ -- -�daria- A.,&a�r.�ann-- _- - - - -- - , <br /> - - - -- -- -- - -- - - -- - <br /> - - - - -- - - -- -- -- <br /> Depu�y. � <br /> Know All 1Vien by These Presents: � <br /> That-- -- �'_.F_.�_�dc�ax --ans�- L�nox.a__��acidoxl - ht��l�and an�-��!if e------------ - - -- - - - --- - - - --- <br /> - - -- - ----- ----- ------ <br /> -- - - --- -- ------ -- - -__ -- ---- - -_- - --- - ___ -- --- ----- - -�- � __- - --- <br /> of the County of_------ ..�iall--------,._-------------------and State of--------Ne=u�C_�.�1��-------------_----- - - -----------Grantor--�__., in consideration <br /> of the sum of_-- -- -Eive_.hund-r-�c�--a.r��-�'if�3� -��550-)---- -------------- ------------------------ <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------D OLLARS, <br /> in 11and paid, do____ ______._.___hereby GRANT, B�1RG,4IN, SELL, Al1D CONVEY unto_.__P��r?3___A.Aaurtian2l__ _______________ _ <br /> - - - - --- -- -- - - -- -- - <br /> - - -_ - - -- - -- - _ -- - --- -- ---- ---- - ------- - --- - - - ----- -------- - - ------ --- -- -- --- - --------- <br /> of the County of_------.--- _H�.�.1,-----------------__------------------and State of_----------.___Nebr2�sy-3------------------------------ -------------------, Grantee-----,the following : <br /> described premises,situated in the County of_.________ ______H�11____.________________._____._ ____and State of Nebraska, to wit; <br /> __ _Lot__Five__(5�____in_ Block___a_ix__(6�___o�'_.H_��_,_C�axl�_'__�___.Ad�i�.�_�on__to___the__Ci_tv___o� _nr�rd__Isl_and,___a�___�urveyed, <br /> ----3?.lat_tea.__arzcl_. xe_co_�cled,------�u1��_ect---ho�aver_--t-o---a- �o�t���e_.in__the---�um---Qf---�_iv�---ht�ndsec�--�el_�^ra---(="_5QQ) <br /> -- -�o �.P1._�J�lbach}---�o�,s.�h.�r---�.vi��___t�Q_,__�:�t_�_r�et--t_:�er_�on,------.�hi_�Y�---�-�e--�-r_antea_ h�_x�ir�---�s_suraes--anc�-------- <br /> --- -- ��reas t.o pay' ,_ - - - - - - <br /> --- -- -- - -- --- - - -- - - - -- - -- - _ - - ---- -------- --- --- -- ----- ----- - --- ---- - - - ----- <br /> --- -__ ---- ------ - - -_ -_------- -- - -- - -- - - - - - - -- --- --- - -- - --------- -- - -- - - -- -- ---- -- - -- - ------------------ <br /> - - -- -- -- --- - ---- -- --- - --�------- ------- -- -- - - ----- ----- - - -- --- -- ----- - - - - --- ------ --- -------- ---- - - ------------------- <br /> Together witli all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �;nd a21 the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__B_______, and of either of theni, of, in, or to the same,, or any part thereof, <br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described prernises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to______.__h8�______ heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever, And____.______�_�________________hereby covenant______with the sa•id Grantee__...______that_______.__�!e___ ___hold__________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that______y7@_._________.____haye___good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumhrances <br /> whatsoever---------e�c�_;a� --a�---�c�_QV�---st_a�-e-d ----- - - -- - ------ <br /> -------------- -- ---- ----- --------------- --- ------------ - ------------ ------------------------------- <br /> ----- ------- --- ---- -------------- - - ------ - --- - - --- ------ ---------- -- ------- --- ----- ---- --- - - --- --------- --- - ----- -- - ----------------�- - --------------- ------------------- <br /> -- - --- - -- --------- --- - ------ - --- - -- ---- - ,--- - <br /> - -- --- ----And------ --- --- --- - �e---- - --- ----------------eovenant---- ---to warrant and <br /> defend��said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoeti�er, ____._ _eX�sn�__.�S___ab0�1_e__Bt��_8_Ci_____________________________________________ _. <br /> Dated the--------r Oth_-- -- ------------ -- -_.da,y of_- - --F�7�r1��TX-- -- ----------------------A. D., 19----��--� <br /> WITNESS --------�._�_,�1+��ddOx--------------------------- <br /> -------��.�o_ra---�?��i,�o�-- ------------------------------------------------ <br /> --�------ - ----------- -----T•���-:�I3srison <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> -iiall---------------County, On this---------2Qth---------------------------day of_---------Fe}�ruar_�----------------------A. D., i91�____, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public-------------------------------------------------within and for said CountY, Aersonally came------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> � _�_.F_.Ma�idox- -and--I,s_n�xa__2�add�zx,_----hus'��nd- anci--';�if e------------- ---------------------------------------�_�__---------------- <br /> --- -------------- ------------------------ ------------------------------- ------------ -------------�---------------------------------------------- -------------------�--------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__8___._whose name_fl__S.T�________________._, af�'ixed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor__6______, and______.�3�C.h__________severally acknowledged the same to be_____.___�.h�_1_T.______.voluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my� and affixed my of�cial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> E sEAL) _r 7C�rid___�sl�.rid�____Nebr38k�_________________________________on the date last above written. <br /> T.O.C .Harrison <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> � Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires-----------------------------------------------------Feh��-�---12---------------�9-18----- <br />