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<br /> 560�$ I{LOPP&BARTi,ETT CO.,Prznlang,Lithographing and Count�Scipplxes,-O•nahc,. - --
<br />_�`-----_ - __-�=__. ,__ _, _,-.- -. ..-,- ___ .�-�-� _ _:. - _-,_ . --.-- - -° `-_ __ —__ °__ — --- ---- ---- -------- _�
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<br /> ! �
<br /> FROM I hereby certify t.hat this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and '�
<br /> ---- - - -- - --- --- - -- _--- - - - - - --
<br /> filed for recortl this---...1�----- -------------------day of_February - -- -- - ------- ,
<br /> 3. D., 19_12__ , at - -- __.._- -- -11_.40 -- -o'clock- -- -- - A' -M• '
<br /> -- -----------..''em�t.on- -I-._August_ine--&�rife------ WarrantY _ _- - ;
<br /> �� �p Deed. /� '
<br /> _�—/l����s-�__._ _ ,-���yl_ i
<br /> - - -- -------- --- -- - �
<br /> Regieter of Deed x��tn¢�S4k���c
<br /> - - �ien�y--C.-Ci1-�e�p-ie - ---- - --- - � �.
<br /> -- -- - - - - --- _ ---- - ---- - ------- --- -- - -- -
<br /> De�uiy.
<br /> _ _ i
<br /> K�ovo� A1� 16�en by These Pres�ents: ;
<br /> , That--- Ne�r�tQn T_.Au�us_t_in�e __and--�ena_ Augus-�ine.,. _hi-g--�v-ife---- --- __ -- ----- - - -- --- ---- - - - - ------ -- - ---- '
<br /> . of the Couniy of_--. -----H�,1�.------------ ----.--- -----and State of- - _l�lebr�.ek�.---------._ - -------------- ----- ------- ---------Grantore----, in consideration
<br /> o�'the surr� ot'- -- ----Thr-e e Tho�.aand_ T�.va--H�r�dred- -�d---F�-f-t�- -- --------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------DOLL9RS',
<br /> in hand paid, do--- -----------hereby GRAiVT, BARG�lIN, SELL, AR7D CONVEY unto---- -._HeYI�'y--C_�_G__i7.].e8bie-- ------ - -------------------------------------------------- - ':
<br /> -__ - --- - ----- - _- -_ _--...- - ---- - - ------- ----
<br /> of the County of_---- ------ ---H&�1- ----_------- -------- --- - -__and State of____ ------_N�'k2r_aska __ --------- --._ _ --------- --, Grantee-.---._,the following "
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of________ ______ ..Hall__ ______.____ __ __ _. _ ___and State of Nebraska, to wit: i
<br /> -------Lot._.FiT,re---(_5�----in---B�ock--S_�v.ei�ty--��'iu�_._�.��-)---�f_._th�__Qr_iginal---t-o_�rn-�---nsz�v__c_ity-,- of--�r.a.n�,---���._���------------- '
<br /> -- - �?eb_r_ask�. as__e.urv�yad_plat-'...ed and recorde-d�-- - - -- -- _- - - - - - --------
<br /> -- --- -- - -- -- -_ _. -- - -- -- -- ------- -- -- ----- - - - -- ---- - - -- _- -• -•- -- ---- - - --- - --- -- ------- ----- --- -- -- - -- ----
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<br /> ----- - - - -- --- - - --- -- ---- -- ,
<br /> - ----- - - --- - - - - - -- -----
<br /> �
<br /> --- -- - ---- --- -- -- ------ -- - ------ - -- - -----------------
<br /> Toaether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenar�ces thereunto belor�ging, and all th� Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and �
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__$_______,-�,�-e#'-ei#�-Fr�#�e�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. '
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described prefnises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______.and to______h��_____.._.____.._______heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And_______��______________________hereby covenant._____with the said Grantee.__.______that______w�_._._______hold__________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that________w.�_____________ha__vHgood right and lawful authol°ity to sell and concey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------------------...- -------------------- -- ---- ------ -- - - -- -- -------- --- --- - ----------- - --------- -- --- - - --- - ------ ------ - ----- ----
<br /> ___--the - - ---- - - - ---- ------ - - - ---------- -- --- - - - - -- -- And- ----- -�@----- -- - -- - ---- - -- ----------covenant--------to warrant and j
<br /> i
<br /> defend tIltsaid premises against the lawful claims of all persolis Whomsoever, _ __.___.________________________________-_-_-_---_-_-__-___---------------__------------------------_------- ;
<br /> �
<br /> ------ ----- - --- ------ ----- --------- ------ ------- - ----- -------- - --- - - -- - -- - ---- ----------- -- --------- --- -------------------- ----------------------------
<br /> Dated the- -1��h---- --da,y of__�ebT_iu�.7C� -- ----- - ------ -- ----------A. D., 19],2 -- -� '
<br /> WITNESS • _.______N���r��n___LAugus�ins
<br /> -----L e na--Au�,u��ix�e----------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------- ---------- -----Jame s_-E_._D_�ll- ------ - - '
<br /> ss.
<br />� -------H311------ --County, On this-------1'�-'��i':.---------------------------day of_-----EebruB�y----------------------A. D., 1912----, before me, the ;
<br />� undersigned, a Tvotary Public----- ---------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ''
<br /> -----�e_r�rt_on---I�Aug_ustine -an_d__Lsna_�uguat-ine,-=hi-s -�-i�f e------------------ --------------------------- ------------------ '
<br /> -------- - - ---- ---------------- --- ---- ------- --
<br /> ------ ----- - -- - ---- ---------------------------- ------------------------ :
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�._______whose name__s___a.r_e-------------.---------------affixed to the above instru- ;
<br /> ment as grantor__B______, and__�he_y_______.---_-severally acknowledged the same to be____th_�.iT_.___________voluntary act and deed '
<br /> (SEAL) for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and a8'ixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ ';
<br /> ____�r_anct_Ialand,___N�hr,----in__�aid___G-o�n�gi�he date last above written. ''
<br /> ------------------------------------_�_._�.,D_i11--------------------------------- !
<br /> Notary Public. �
<br /> My commission expires---------------- ----- ------------- -------�--------�u�y---1-6��-T�-Q�-7}----------�9------------ '
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br />