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<br /> _ _-_ _� _�_: ` �_ �� �
<br />_ 500�$—$LOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Prantinq,Lithogra�hing and County Supplxes;Omahu. - �
<br />�.:_. -,. _---- ,.. I_ �_�_. ----=----=-. --,,_— __,,_ _,.-- -- --- -_--,- ---- ---._ ._-- -__--- -_-- _ —_-- _=-__---
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<br /> ��
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and �
<br /> J .�' .Dill ar_d �tif e and filed for record this_--. -___�th- ---__._--_ _day of---- -FelUTUa.r-y---_ .-__----.--_-_ !
<br /> - ---------- ----. ------ ---- ------ - -- �
<br /> .1, D,, 19__1�__._, at - -- - - --_ -4 --o'clock - -- -- -P., --M. ;
<br /> - - --S.,C_,xu�yon_.and--wife-- - - Warranty _ , - �
<br /> TO Deed. /� '' /
<br /> --- � —°=/��2�-���"`—�i/�!i-G�- I
<br /> -- — - ---
<br /> Register of Deeds ' �1��x ;
<br /> -- -- -- - 7�il�is-H_.H�_11in�- -- --- --- �
<br /> ----- -- - ----- -- - - ---- ----- ----- - -- -- -- �
<br /> Deput,y.
<br /> I�no�v All 1VIen by These Presents: ',
<br /> �
<br /> ' That----------�.E.Di_ll--ar�d__Jessie__ _s..Dill___( --_husY�and---and_ a�ife---)---�rci--�_,.C.Hus_t.9n---�nd--Anna__A_.�us_to-n�-----.---------- ;
<br /> -- --- _�_husUanci__and y��.f� � -- -- - -- -- - - ----- -- -- - - - _ -- - -- - - - -..__ __ - - - -- -- -- '
<br /> i
<br /> of the County of_-------------�I2t1_1-------- --------------- -
<br /> --and State of----- ------- ---�leb���ka-- ------------------------ -------------------------Grantor-fi---, in cnnsideration ;
<br /> of the sum of----------_T___:�o__Hundrec3---an_d______F__if�y-------- ------- ----DOLLdRS, '
<br /> iri hand paicl, do_-_ __-__---hereby GPANT, B 4RGAIN, SELL, AI�'D CONVEY unto.___-_�-illis-_-H.He_11ing ------ --- __------__ ---- -- --- -_-_ -__--__ _--_------ -
<br /> of the County of--- ---_H_a__ll _------- ---- ----- ---- ----------_and State of_---------_.1`��1�rask� ---._. --------- _.------- -------- _------------, Grantee--------,thefollowing
<br /> described premises,situated in trie County of____________________ ____.Hall_._________._____________and State of Nebraska, to w•it:
<br /> _ _ Lot ��uMbe� Ten (10}____in Blocl__.21u��aer__Fort�-f_our_ _.(44)_ _ of__Rus_s_�1___�ihee�e_r's___A�ciiti_or.�_ �o___ __._______
<br /> -- _rrard_.Islar�d, P1_e�;rask� ---a_�_ su.�Y�,ed,__}�la�_ted--a::d re��rci�_d.--- '
<br /> - - -- _ - -- -- -------
<br /> -- --- - --- - - - -_ ._ -- -- - ---- -- -- - - - --- - --- - -- - -- - - --- - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- --- - -- - ---- ---
<br /> --- --- - -- - - - - - -- --- - --- -- -- _ - - --- - - -- - --- --- --- - - - ------ - -- ---- ---- -- - -- - -- ---- ------ ,
<br /> --- - -- - - - --- - - ---- - - - - --- --- - -- ---- ---- - - ---- -- - - - - - --- - - -- - - -- -- ----- --- ---- -- - - - - --- - - -------
<br /> - -- - - - - --- - -- --- -- - --- ----- - -- ----- ------ - ------ --- -- --- -- -- -- --- - --- - -- - --- --_ - - - -- --- - ------------------
<br /> _- ---- - -- ----- - -- - - - -- -- - ---- ---- ----- - - --- - -- -
<br /> To�ether witll all the tenements herec�italnents, and a urtenances tr�ereunto belonPin� �,nd all the Estate,Riaht Title, Interest Dower, Curtes , Claim and �
<br /> , b , AA �. b� � b , , Y
<br /> Demand whatsoey�er of the said Grantor_ , and of either of them, of, in, or to t.he same, or any part thereof, i
<br /> TO HqVE AND TO HOLD the above-described prelnises,with the appurtenances, unto the saicl Grantee________.and to_________hiS_____________________heirs and
<br /> �,ssigns forever, And___.._E're_ ______________hereby covenani_______with the said Grantee_________that____v�!Q___________hold________said premises by good and perfect ;
<br /> ' title; that__________��______________hav�__good right and Iawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances ;
<br /> whatsoever--------- -sbcept--taxas__f�r--1�07--& thareaftsr--- --- - - --- -- --- -- -- ---- ---- --- --------- -------- --- -- - -- --------------- i
<br /> -------- ----- ------ - - --- - ------ - - ----- --- - _-- - - - - And---- - - - --- -�te. ------ - ---------covenant--------to warrant and �
<br /> t he
<br /> defend jD said premises against the lawful claims of all persolis uhomsoever, _____8xC8�t---i-a.�.AB---as--SbOV4-------------------------------------------------------------- �
<br /> -- - ----- - --- --- -- ------- - ---- - ------ -- ---- - ---------- ------------------------------------------- ------- �
<br /> Dated the- --- - weven��l_ --- ---- ---- --da,y of_- -- - -Ji�rie------ ------- ---- - ----- ---A. D., i9--4-7----� '
<br /> I�' WITNESS ----�7_��._Dill-------------------------
<br /> ----- ------- ---------------------------
<br /> - -�Te�_�_i�---�_.Dill---- - -------------------------------------------------- !.
<br />��I ----- ---------- ----B�y_�_d H_.Paina '
<br /> --�..C_._�iu�_�_�n---------- --------------------------------------------------- '
<br /> - Anna___A.H_u.�tQn---------------------------------------------------- �
<br /> ------ -------- -------- - -- -- --- ----- ----- ---- - i
<br /> ss. i
<br /> ----------�i�l� ._County, On this_ 8th-------------------day of_------------June--------------------------A. D., 19--Q7---, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a TVotary Public______________________________._..______________ in and f'or said County, personally came______________ �
<br /> - ---- �
<br /> J_�E_.I��11---ancl---Ja�aie---G-�Dill--hiB---�rif�T---anci__�_.C_.Hu�t-ox�--and---�na--A,-Hust-an------------ ;
<br /> --his--:a-ife -- ----�vho are --- -- --------- -------- --------------------- - ------------ ----------------- --- ------------ ;
<br /> � �;.�,;y------ ---- �
<br /> , ^,personally known to be the identical person�_.______whose name._8---arE---------------- - - - - a xe to the above instru- i
<br /> � t"o -be--t�ie�ir �
<br /> ment as grantor___s_____, and__________��ie_y__._______severally acknowledged�h8,..B��d� instT_urr.e_nt_�.voluntary act and deed ;
<br />, ��E�) -�: ,. _ = `�:. �itrs�a �y hand and rlotarial seal the date aforesaid.'�.
<br /> . , , .
<br /> ,
<br /> _,: _
<br /> ._ _ _ . _ . _. _. _.. -----------------------------------------
<br /> �
<br /> ----------------------------Bayar-c:--H:.Paine_--------------------------- '
<br /> Notary Public. '
<br /> _My commission expires-------------------I1oy---10- --i910---------------------------------------------------=�'-
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br />