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<br />— 50018—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lilhographinp and County Su�plies;Omah�. � � ^� `�
<br />_ -- -= -_ --_ --- ---' =-_ .. .--
<br /> � FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> -----Emr�a--L.D-avis---�-- huak�and----- - ---------
<br /> filed for record this________ _ 2_ ---,- - ---------day of----F�bru�y---- - ------------
<br /> _ �. D., 19_12 , at- - ---- -- 2:,0�- - -- -o'clock- -- -- p• ---M•
<br /> - -- --- - - - - - - Warranty i
<br /> -- ---
<br /> TO -- Deed. ��z�i`
<br /> - - -�� -%��:t�---�-- - --- ----- - -- -- -
<br /> Re ister of Deed a�Rk���
<br /> -- -- - ---- -�Y_i.11iam Rs�cl- - -- - - g.
<br /> - - - -- ----- -- -
<br /> - _--- - - - --- -- - -- -
<br /> t Deputy. --
<br /> Know �111 1'�Ien by Tliese Present�:
<br /> Tnat- ---E�a--L.Davis---and-Joae�h--H-tDavis,___hus�and--and -z�ife----------------------- ----------------------------.-------------
<br /> of the County of-- -----Hall---- ---------- .--- --- ---------and State of_-- ------__Ne=�T35ka---_. _------- --- -.-- ._-.---- -----.-- ------------Grantor?�------, in consideration
<br /> ------------------------------------------- ------DOLLARS,
<br /> of the sum of_ -Eight -�ha�zs��d -IIo�l�rs -��5000 )- --- --------- ------------------ -------------------------- �
<br /> in hand pa,id, da_ _ _____________hereby GRANT, BARG_4IN, SELL, AND CONi'EY unto_ ___�f i111am_.I3@ed_______________,_________ _ _
<br /> _. - - - -- ---- ---
<br /> of the CountY of_- - - - - t�i31�. -.- -- and State of_ -- ----- ---_.. _.- -- - - - - - - ----- -- --,Grantee--- -,the following
<br /> describect premises, situated in the C�uiity of.___________..___F�311 __ __________.___ .._____ _____and State of Nebraska, t� wit:
<br /> -----_- -__ All__of__ fr�c_t_znna�__blo���---numuer�-_��ro----�2�__a�d-_�'hree__�3_}._-and _all of---Rloc�__number Four (4)
<br /> -- .--.-----in_!�ilbsr_t-'--s --Additian__t-o_-�he_._C_itu---of-.�ranct__Is-land,-- _TZe�x_ask�----ac_corciing--to--��e___surveyed---------
<br /> -- -- �nd--�'ec_or_dec� plat ther�nf.._- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- ----- --
<br /> --- - -- - - --- - -- -_ . ---- - --_ - --- - - - - -- - --- - - - - _ -- -- -- ---- - --- -- - - - - - ---- ----
<br /> ---- - --- -- - -- -- - - - - - ----- -- - - - - - -. - -- _- - - - -- -- -------- ------ - - --- --- - --- - -- ------ --- -- - ----- ------- ------
<br /> Together ivith all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtena.nces tlierennto belon�ing, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Denland wha,tsoever of the said Grantor__S_____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br />�' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenanees, unto the said Grantee__________and to______.__-____�_2�e_�r .heirs and
<br /> �ssigns forever, And_____._.d0___ ___________hereby covenant___.____wi�h the said Grantee._____._that_.._��Q________.____hold_____.___.said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; bhat__..____�e._.__________haVB___good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------- --- --- -- - -- - --- -- -- --- -------- --- - ------ -- ---- - -- -------- ---- - ----- -- ------- - --- -------------------------
<br /> --- ----- - -- -- - - ------ - -- ---- - -------- -- ------ - - ---- ---- - ----- ----- ----- - - - ------- -- --- ----------_--- ----- -------- ----------------------- --------
<br /> -- - the --- --- __ .--- --- - - --- --- - - - - - -----
<br /> --- ---- -- - And------ --- - -------- ----- --�'�e-- - - --- ----------covenant._.._---to warrant and
<br /> defend�o said premises against the lawful claims of a.11 persons whomsoever, ___.______________ ___ __._________________.________________.____________.____.____
<br /> �ated the- ---- ---- 2rid -- - ----- - - - - --day of-- - Fe'�z Ltary - --- ---- - -- -- ----A. D., i9_1�.-- -�
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------E��__L�]�a0is---- ----------------------------------------
<br /> ----------------J os s�h_.H.Davis--------------------------------------
<br /> I ----- - ----------- ---T._0,C_.�iar�is.on-- - -- ---- - - -
<br /> ss.
<br /> -H�,11-- --------County, On this-------------�nCl_ ------- - ---------day of-------FB_'�r_t��-y_- --------------------A, D., 19_12---, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a tYotary Publi�------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Aersonally came---------,-----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------Emma_.L,Davi s---and---Jo�g�p�---H_,�Davi-�r--hu�'b_�nc�.--anSl--_�v,if e-----------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person s_______whose name__�__are____________.__________.____atTixed to the above instru-
<br /> (�EAL} ment as grantor_s________, and______eaCh____._______severally acknowledged the same to be____.___theiT________.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> name
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my h�and afCixed my ofr'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> rr_and__��larid,___Nel�ra8_k3__________________________________on the date last above written.
<br /> ' -------------------------- T-.O.C_.Harrison
<br /> -----------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------ --------------------�`�brU��---�Y------�Q-n-----------------------j9--��'----
<br />