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<br /> D D ° 0 ° D
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<br /> �
<br />- 500�8—iCLOPY&BARTLE7'T CO.,Printing,Lithographing and County$upplies;Omahe. `�- _T` �
<br />— __
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this________ ___ _1S_'�_.:____._-_-._day of___ __F@I�rL7.3Ty_--_______--__._____
<br /> �, D,, 19_12 � at -- -- - - - - 4,.I5 ----o'clock- - ---- - P,�VI,
<br /> -�s1ia_-A.-Farna:�o��h �--husb�nd --- - Warranty /f
<br /> TO Deed. C// i o (�
<br /> - - � -�e'���_ ..._ - - -
<br /> -- --
<br /> R gister of Deed i (�a����
<br /> - --reneral--N_._Hids�le_t�fln ____ -- ---_ _ - i"
<br /> -- - - - -- - - - - --
<br /> -- _ - - --- - -- -- - -- -
<br /> � Deputy.
<br /> I�now All l�Iea� by T�iese 1'resents:
<br /> That-- - De1.ia. A.F_arns�:�9r�h-�r�- L.F_.Fa�rnar99r�h,- - his-�r-ife - - - -- --- - - ----- ------ ----
<br /> of the County of_.-----F��1�-------- --- ----- ------- -_._---and State of_ -- --.N��r��k€�----. __----- ------ ------ ------- -----------Grantor__B._., in c�nsideration
<br /> of the sum of--- T�Y9nt_y_.E.i�;h�__Htundred--- -- - ---- ------------ ---- -- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do___.____.__.__hereby GRANT, BARG�IN, SELL, A11�D CONVEY unto______�?8n_eral__S..Hiddlesozl._________.________
<br /> --- ----- -------- ---
<br /> -- -- -- - •-- -- -- --- - - -- -_ - -- - _ - - -- -- - — -- -- — -------- - - - - -- -- ---- - --- ------------
<br /> of the County of-----------�Iall._---.-------------------------------and State of_. -- --TT�_bx_�_��a-- ----------------------------------------------------------, Grantee----_._,the following
<br /> described premises,situa,ted in the County of__._______.______H$11___._______ ______________.______and State af Nebraska, to wit;
<br /> --- -a�l_._Qf__BlQ�ks--Numbe-r---Eaur----(4-�---Five---(-5�---Sig---(o�---anci--ThixtBan----(-13_)---of--Harr_i_s_on'_�.-_�ub_-�J_ivi�ion_.
<br /> ---- _of--th_e_-So__u__�hwe�-t---��ar_ter--Q�.--the---SQUtheast--�uar.t_e�_ __Qf___Sec�iQn__Ei�ht---(-8-}---Towr��h-i�--E�.�.Y�n--s----North
<br /> __ of Range Nine �est___of__t_h__e___Sixth_ __P.�d,___in__�ranci___Island, ___�Te_qraska,_,__as_._surveyed,____platt_ed__and reeora�ed.
<br /> --- ---exce_�t._ L4�- -Three in--�_lo�k__ Sia--ther_enf_._. - --_ - --_ - -- -- - ---- --- - - -- - -
<br /> - - ------- ----------- -- - - - - --
<br />' - _ - - - � - ---- - - - _- - -- - --- - - -.---- - -- -- --- - ---- -- -- - - --- -- -- ----- -- -- -- -- --- --- - --------- - ----
<br /> - - --- - - - - -- ------ - -- - ----- --- - -_ - ---- -- ---- - - - - - - -- - - - ---- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - --- --- --
<br /> - - --- - _. - ---- --- - - ---- -- --- - -- - - - - ----- -- - --- - - - - --- -- - ---------- - --- -- - - ----- -- ---- -- -----------------
<br /> Together witli all the tenements, hareclitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, 2nd all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_.8_ _____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO H�4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__ ______and to___________.___11��____ _________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And_ _.___;te_________ __.__.__hereby covenant________with the said Grantee.______.___that.____�t�_______._hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that___...__�[8___ _____.____.__.ha__vs_good right and lawful authority to sell �,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------ ------- -- -- ----_ -- -- - - - --- ----- - -- - - ------ --- ------------- -- -- ----- -------- --------- ------------------------
<br /> - -------------- -- ------ -
<br />' ------------ - -------- --- - - --- ---------- -- ------- -- - -- ----- - - ---- ------ --------- - ----- - -- - ----- --------- ----- --- ---------- -------------------------------------
<br /> --- -- -- - ---- -- - -- ---- -- --- - --- - --- - -- ------ -- - ----- ---- _And---- -- -- - -- - -W�---- --- -------------------.___covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> t he
<br /> defend E'�said premises against the lawful claims of all persolis whomsoever, _____.____.__._____________._____.___________________ �
<br /> I ---- ----- - -- ----- ---- ----- --------- --- -- - ---- ----------- - - ------ - ---- - - -------- -- - - ---
<br /> Da�ted the--- - F7���t- - - - ---- --da3' of- - -Feb�_Li�y- -- ---A, D., 1912------�
<br /> WITNESS --------------------�8�..�,.3.__�.��fXT_�184V'Q.x�_1_�----------------------------
<br /> .L._F.�arna�r�zr-th------------------------------------
<br /> ---- ----------- J_�me�__�_._Ai_�i_ _ -------- -------
<br /> �ss,
<br /> -------------I�a�.l-----------County, On this-----------Fix-s-t-----------------------day of_---------Fe_�r_uaT_-Y-----------------------A. D., 19�2___, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public--------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />�' ----De_l ia_A_._Far_ns Yr or t-h---and--L._F_.F�ns��r o rt h,___her--hus'o�nd-------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__8�_______whose name$___2�a-______________.._______________a�xed to the above instr°u-
<br /> (7x.AL� ment as grantor___�_____, and_____tiley.-------------severally acknowledged the same to be____�Yie_ir_____________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> name
<br /> IN '�VITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my �and af�xed my oflicial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> ______�r�tnci_Is 13na_�1el�r_,_____,__________________._________on the date last above written.
<br /> --------------------------------------------J_.�_._D i l 1.----------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------ ---__�'_�?ly---�E�11-----------1�1'�-----------------------��---------•-
<br />