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---�-, <br /> � � �� <br /> D D ° ^ � ° D <br /> � o <br /> 500�8—SLOP!'&BART7.ETT CO.,Printing,Litkographing¢nd Count7�Supptties;O+naha. ' ' � ` ' '-- <br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and ��' <br /> filed for record of_J2lY'�L12�Sy_..---------_... -------- <br /> A, D,, 19__��- � at- -- - -__17...4-0--.. - - ._o'clock--- - __A,__.__M. <br /> ----- ----�arrie--B_.S�slt-s -�---husl�and- --- --- - Wa►rranty <br /> TO Deed. � <br /> - - - - -- -- - - �_.. -- <br /> Re�ister of Deed� - x�r��x�z <br /> - -- -- ----- --- ::Annie__1�i_.�halen- - <br /> - - -- - - - -- - -- ._-- <br /> -_ - - ---- --- - - - ---- - <br /> Deputy. <br /> I�now All 1VIen by Tliese Present�: <br /> That- ��es -Carr_ie B�S-�_el��s��i__�t_�1��.�__.x_:S�eltt�- - --- - - - - --- ------- - ------- - ---- ------- --- - <br /> " �if� and hu�i�and" <br /> --- --and State of. -��i8���sk�__ - - - -- - ---- - ------ 8--- <br /> of the County of__________Buf f alo________ __________Grantor___ , in cnnsideration <br /> of the sum of_ 'I'hir_��_—f-i�e -hui�dr9d/_9Q - - ---- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> iri hand paicl, do_____________liereby GRAYT, BARGAIN, SELL, %111'D CONVEY unto__A11ni6__�4.._�h31_e_rl_________ ________ <br /> --- - - _ - - - -- ---- ---- <br /> of the County of_-----------------Hall----------_--_----------------and State of_----?`�ebra�ka----------.------------------------ -----------------------, Grantee------,the following <br /> described premises, situated in the Co�znty of____._______________Hd��.____________._____ ._.--.---.----_and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> __ __ _ __Lo�__NumbQr_ .Cne___�1)____and_East__�hi�ty__tv_�ne_ __����_ _feet___Lo�_ ;7u.�_�er__Two_ _(2�__Bloc:�__rdur��ber_ �eventeen <br /> --_ _----- ��7}---4r_ig.inal--T_o�tn_n�---"-�-o_ad__River---"-a�.__�latte�l._.and__xa�ar_de_d_in_ _th�- -offic-e---_a�-- - --�aun�y-------- <br /> . Recorder_-of_ s��,c�- -H��1--��un�Y•- -- --- --- - - ----- - ----- - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - ---- -- -------- ----- ;- <br /> ----- --- _. - - - - - -- ------- ---- -- - - -- -- - - -- ---- - --- -- ---- -- -- - - -- - -- ---- - - -- -- - --- - --------- - ----- <br /> -- __--- -- - -- - ---- - - -- - ---- - -- - -- - -- -- -- - ---- - - - - ----- --- - - -- - - ---- -- --- - -- - -- - ---- ------ - - -- - --- <br /> --=- ---- -- --- .__-- - - - -- - ------- ----- - ---- � <br /> -- ---- - --- - - ---- - -- - ------- -- _-- - -- ---- --- --- ------ ------------- <br /> Togetller with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand wl:atsoeyer of the said Grantor_____________-��ef�er#�-e#'-��e�rn, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO H4tiE AND TO HOLD t�ie above-descr•ibed premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee____.___and to__________.__�1BT__________.__heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And__________`��__ _.________.hereby covenant___.___with the said Grar,tee_______.___that_____We___.___.___hold_________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that______Y'�e___.. _..______._ha__Y_�.good right a,nd IaWful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free a,nd clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances <br />' whatsoever----------------- --- - - ---- --- - - - --- -- - ---- ---- -- - -- ------------------- - --- -- --------------- ------------- ------------------- --------------------------- <br /> ------ - -- - ----- ---- ------- ------ - - -- ------- ----- - -- - - -- --- - -- -- - - - - ------------- --- --- - ------ ----- --- ------- ------------------------- - --------------- <br /> -------- -- - - ----- - - - ----- <br /> --- - ---- ------ - -- <br /> - -And------- - - - _------------ - -- --�e--- ----------------covenant------to warrant and <br /> the <br />' defend� said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _______.__________________________________________.__.____________._____________._________. <br /> ----- --------- -- - --- --- -- ---- - -- - - -- -------- - - - ---- --- --- --- - - -- ---- ------------ - ------------- --------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------- ----- <br /> Da,ted the--- -- ----u�11d -- - ---- - ----day of-- - �d21u�y --- -----A. D., 1912-----� <br /> WITNESS -------------------C arr ie---S._�pe lt s.•---------------------------- <br /> .. <br />� ---------------�311i3m--T_.S��lt_s---------------------------------- <br /> ----- -- - -------- -----T.?V_.��aus------- -- -------- --- ------ - <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> �ss. <br /> ---- - - ---B't�f�_a1Q-------County, On this-----------2nd-----------------------------day of_-----JanuaSy------------------------=A. D., 19__1�__, before me, the <br /> I -- <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public___._____________._______________________________within and for said County, personally came____________________ _____________._____________ <br /> - --C_arr�.�---_���_S�e lt s__and- -�i l2�am__T_.S��e�.t s,--------"----wife--ana._husk?and_"--------------------------------- ----- <br /> ---------------------- - ------- -------- ------------------------------- ------- ----- _----- ------ ------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___�____whose name___B___Sre__. .._.__________._afC'ixed to the a,�ove instru- <br /> {�EAL) ment as grantor__�_______, and____.___�h�y_______._severally acknowledged the same to be__.____�heir______..____voluntary act and deed <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. ri�T,18 <br /> IN ti�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�i�and affixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br />, --__K8_a��l��_-iri---S_a1a---�_c_211ri���----_--------------------on the date last above written. <br /> I'' -------------------------------------------�.�.�ati8--------------------------- - <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires--------------Sa�y--�1-"----------------I916----------------------------------------��`----------- <br />� __ � � _ <br />