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<br /> 5�D�8 KLOPP&$ARTLETT CO.,Prznting.Lxlhograpfizng¢ndCo�i�tl�SuppZies�ma� �� . _ - - ---
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<br /> FR,OM �
<br /> I hereby ce�°tify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and !
<br /> � � � i
<br /> ----------------------Rufu s--U.pav i s--(-s-ii?gle-�-
<br /> filed for record this--- --- _---21�- ---------,---day of---3��21L��'�- --------- - -- '
<br /> :�. D., 19_12 , at - - 3.:_?�4 - - ---o'clock- -- --- 1�- -M. '
<br /> - _ --
<br /> -- - - -- - -- -- Warranty ;
<br /> TO Deed. '
<br /> {_ -�z���- . _.- -- - --- - - - '
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<br /> -------------�iill_i_am__R�Walt�rs_ --- - ----------- ----- Re�ister of Dee s
<br /> -- -- - -- _. -- -- -- - - -- - - - - - --
<br /> Depuly.
<br /> - ---- - -------- - --- -- - --- - - -
<br /> I - -- -- -- — ,
<br /> Know All l�Ien by These Pr�esent�:
<br /> That--Ru#'us--U.Davis----a s_in.�le _man__ _ - --- -- -- -- - -- - - - -- -- - ----- --- _ - ---- -- ---------
<br /> -- - - --- _ - - - - - -- --
<br /> - - _ __ _- __ - -
<br /> --- - - - -- - -- __ - -- - __ - -
<br /> I
<br /> of the County of____ --------- ----Hall- --and State of---- --. - -N6b-rdska_----- --------- ----------Grantor------, in consideration ;
<br /> of the suni of ---Q31�__ &._.QQ��,QQ Cl,O.11�S' 311d_4.'G1�,eY' -�Q21�_�_d_��'_�.t].9ri�- -- ----- ------------------- -- ---------------------- -----------------------�
<br /> �
<br /> in hand paid, dc --- -- -hereby GRA�'7T, BARGAIRT, SELL, A11'D CONVEI' unto -- - -- -- --- --- - - -- - _._ -- - - -
<br /> __William R--Wal.t.ers -- --- -- - -- - - ---- ---- -- --------- ,
<br /> of the County of--- ------.------Hdll._--- --_-------------_ ---------and State of__- ------N-2bz'a.3k3--- -_-- -_ _-------------- ------- ----------------, Grantee-----,thefollowing
<br /> described prelnises,situated in the County of___._._ __ ___ _ ________Ha.11__________ _ ____.__._____a-nd State of Nebraska,, t� wit: I
<br /> Lots One (1 ) Two (2 ) three (3 ) Four (�+) Five and Six (6 ) — West '�nd subdivision of Zot '
<br /> __ ___ number�d__ thr_ee_ �3 � in_ _Gar�and_ P1a_c__e_, a__.sub_d__ivision_of_the __n__orth__one__ha,1P,_(a_)__of__the_ _
<br /> --- ---8_ou_th--Eas_�.--quar.u�r -of--�_eetion--Twenty - three--(-23-�--in_.Townshi.�---Eley.en---(11-�-I�or_th--Qf--Bange------------- '
<br /> ----Ten_�'�est- of__.the---Sixth_P_,.M�,-- as.._surv�yed__;_ .platted__a,nci__recorded.-------------- ----------------------
<br /> - --- - - ---- -- ----
<br />' --- -- - --- --- -- -- - ----- - - - - --------- - ---- - - - . - -- - - - - --- -- - -- - ---- ------ - - -- -------- -----
<br /> - - ---- - -- ---- - - - - ---- - - - - --- -- _- - - -- -- -- - -- - -- - ---- --- - - -- -- - --- ---- ---- -- -- - --- ----
<br /> --- - - -- - --- - -- -- - - - --- - --- - - - -- -- - -- ---- �-------- - - ------ - - -------- ---- ------ - - --- --- �- - - ---- - -- -- ---- ----- :
<br /> T�gether with all tlle tenelnents, hereditanients, and appurtenances thereui�to belon�ing, and all the Est�,te,R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and I
<br /> Pe,nland whatsoever cf the said Grantor_ , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or �-ny part thereof,
<br /> TO K_4tiE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______.and to_________________h-i�-------------�eirs and 'i
<br /> assigns forever, And_____________I______________herepy covenant_____.__with the said Grantee_____.____that________I______.______hold________said premises by good and perfect ',
<br /> title; that__________�_______________haVe___good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they ar°e free and clear of a.11 liens ancl incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------Ex�ep_L-ing--one---mor_tga���___o�f_ �1Q2.2-�--int-•---giy-en-t�--Eu��ne---B_e1�,nd---b.�--�'antor----�iue--i�--------------------
<br /> __�ix_,months__f__r_om__da�e___thereof_________________ ___ ________ _
<br /> --- -- ---- --- - ---- ----- ----- -- --- ------ -- - - - �------- ----- -----------
<br /> ---- - - ---- ---- - - --- - - - -- - ------ --- - --- --- - --- - - - ------- - - ------------- -- - - ------ ------ ----- - ---- --------------------------- - -- --------------
<br /> -- ----- ---- ---- -- --- - -- - -- ------- - --- - - ----- -- - -- And------ ---- -- --- -- W@---- - ----- ---- - -------------covenant--- ---to warrant and ;
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persoils whomsoever, ___._ �XC�gti�g___th�__ab_oY�______.______._______ _____.___ _.._______.
<br /> --- -- ---- - --- -------- - -- ---------- -- - -- --- - - --------- ------ - --- - - ---- ----- ---- - ----- ------ - ------- ------- ---- - ---------- -------------------------- -----
<br />, Dated the-- - ----- 2.�th--- - ------ --da,y of_---- --Ja7lUary--- - -- ----- - ------------_A. D., 19_12----- • '
<br /> WITNESS -------------------------&u.�u-s---�>----Da�ris-------------------------------- I
<br /> ----------------- - ---5_ohn.__R_._T��omp_�o�- ------- --- - -
<br /> �
<br /> ss, ,
<br /> -- ------- H�,11_ County, On this- -- - - - -- ---2-?���1--- ----------day of_--- �aTlt�ar�--------------------------A, D., 19_12---, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public----------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
<br /> -------- - - ---- -- ------- �-- -- -------- ---Rufu�_ U._Da_v__is------a--�i-�le_.man---- ----------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person whose name______.____._.___i3____-_------_-----_--affixed to the above instru- �
<br />, ment as grantor_________, and..______h�_______________severally acknowledged the same to �e________h�S____________,___voluntary act and deed ;
<br />� for �he purpose therein expressed. �
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREDF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and afCixed my ofl'icial seal at______________________________________________ j
<br /> (S�y) ______.________Gx_a.�1d___Ssla.nd___N�hr_________.__________________on the date last above written. !
<br /> ----------------------------------J4hn--R-tThomp-s-ori---------------- �'
<br /> Notary Public. j
<br /> My commission expires---Fe�?1j--2--`�th-- --�--�---------------------------------------------------------•-------------1�3.f-------
<br />� _ �
<br /> '
<br /> _ _ �
<br />