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<br /> FRO�'�I I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index a�d I
<br /> filed for record this----. ------ -17_--_- ------day of_--<T-a.nL�a�y------- ----- ----------
<br /> �. D„ i9_ _1?--, at - - 3.,.`�� - - - ----o'clock -- ---- -r� --M• ��.
<br /> - -�lk�e.rt__�I_;I?_enn�n--&. �'�if� - - - _ - Warranty '
<br /> TO Deed. � ' ;
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<br /> Register of De s �����.; ;
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<br /> llepuiy. ;
<br /> I�now All 1VIen by These Presents:
<br /> T.hat- - .�7.�srt -.Z.�enrna:�_;��d--��atru���-�2_._De?u�an -- - --- ------ ----- - -- - -- -- - - -- -
<br /> }l.?1S_t�_�71C� -3'�Cl- :;.fif�---- - -- '
<br /> of the County of___. ____�______ii�l1 �,nd State of_______iye_i�_?'-�sk.a __-_ --. -------- ______.__Gra,ntor__S___., in r,onsideration '
<br /> of the suni of_ - -._F_QZZrt-se11__hundr_ed -a.r� nQ �----�~------- - ----- ------- --------- ----------------- ------------------ -- ------------------DOLLARS, ;
<br /> in ��ianci paid, do---- -_ .__.--hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, A11'D CONVEY unto__ C%d_i_ �ie_,8---__ -- -_-------------__. _____ _ -_ __-- __----- --__-_- �
<br /> ---- - ---- I
<br /> - - - -- - -- --- -- _- - - ---- -- -- - --__-- - -- - - - _. - - - - - --- - - -
<br /> -- -------- !
<br /> of the County� of__--- ----_--1i_�.�..1_ -------- - -------- -- -------------and State of_---- -----_i�ei1_�'�ska----- -- ------. ------- - ------------------ Grantee-------,the following ,
<br /> described premises,situated in tlie County of___________..___Hall___ ______ ___ _____ ________ _________and State of Nebraska, to tivit: '
<br /> ---Lo't_ Fiz�e__ ��} ir_ ��o�k--iiiirt'1 u_even 13-7-) in--Cn4.i�. �e� -lJ_�sr,�Pr ' � A�it�i_�_ion- ±o_ tlze_ Ci y�' of _�r�nci---- -
<br /> ___ I�la��l, _i?e_E1r_a�l�a _as_.�urv�:��� I�1�±�a� ar�-re s,_�xc�e.d. - -- -- - --- - -- ---- - --- -- -- -- ---- -- '
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<br /> ---- - -- - - - -- -- ---- - --- ---- --- ---. - - ---- - - --_ -- - - - - - ----- - ---------- - -- ----- - - --------------------------------
<br /> To�ether witli a,ll the tenements, hereditarnents, and appurtenances tliereurito belon�ing, �,nd �,11 the Est�,te, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and ;
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__s__._____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee.__.______and to____________1ze�______________________heirs and i
<br /> assigns forever, And______________�'�e.__._____hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee__________that___.__'J`�e______ _.__hold_________said premises by good and per�ect
<br /> title; that__.____'�re___._____._______ha__v�_good right and la,wful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear af all liens and incumbrances ;
<br /> whatsoever------------------ - ------------------ ----------- ----- --- --- - --- -- - -- --- ---- -- ------ ------- -- ---- ----- -------- - - - --- ------------------------------------- �
<br /> - ---- - --- - - ----- - - - --- - - - - ------- -- - -------- - - ---- - - - - --- --- - -- ---Y J --------- --------- -- ---- -------- --------------------- --------------------
<br /> �
<br /> - - - ------- - - ------ -- -- --- --- -- --------- And-----------''� --- - -- -- - - - ----- - -----------covenant-------to warrant and ;
<br />� � �he � � �
<br /> defend t�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _______._________________.________ -_----_----------__---_-_------_-_-__---------__--_-__--_-------- ;
<br />, ,
<br /> --- ----- -- - ------ - ------- - ---- ----- ---- - ----- - ----- ------- -- -- - - ----- - - --- ----- - ----- ---------- - ------------ ---------------------------- ------------------
<br /> Da,ted the------- - 1_7_�i1 - ----- - --- - --day of_ --���Y�����y- - - -- -- - --- --- --------A. D., 19---1�---•
<br /> WITNESS � ---------Al�sr-�--I-.Den-rla�l--------------------------------------------- ;
<br /> ;
<br /> -------Au�usta---'`-'�'�-�-�en'"�??----- ----- '
<br /> i
<br /> -------- -- --- i,.R.I3r_i ni n��r---- -- - -- ---� - --- - ,
<br /> ;
<br /> -- - - ------ ------ ------- -------------------- -- -------------------------------- '
<br /> ------------------ �
<br /> i
<br /> ss. !
<br /> ----- --i-ia�l----------__Count On this---------------i'%_�h------------------da of_------Janu�--------------------------A. D., 19---12--, before me, the ;
<br /> ----- -- Y�
<br /> Y 3'
<br /> , undersigned, a idotary Public_____________ ________________________within and for said County, personally came___________ ______,_________________.__________.____________ �
<br /> Al'_°.^� ,,,M�. ^nt� Au.�,�stu '�'± P.err�lan
<br /> ;,.,� � J .De.:,..�n �.-- - �
<br /> - - ----- - --------- -- . ._--- - - ---�---------- - -�--------- ----- ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__�_______whose narne___B___a�8___-_------_--_--_-__..--_affixed to the above instru- '
<br /> (SFAL) ment as grantor__�_______, and__________�n.��________severally acknowledged the same to be_______tre_is___________voluntary act and deed '
<br /> �
<br /> I for the purpose therein expressed, n�me �
<br /> m �
<br /> IN ti�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afi'ixed my ofC'icial seal at______________________________________________ i
<br /> -_-_-__-1-y-anci_--Islw:lc�-----,T�Suh�------_-------------------------on the date last above written. ,
<br /> -------------------------------��--.__F_._,��_i ni n�e r------------------•----- ;
<br /> Notary Public. ;
<br /> %,1 ar Ch 1 b" _19_l4______ '
<br /> Mycomtnission expires----------------------- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------
<br />� %
<br /> - -- �
<br />