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<br /> '� D D ° 0 ° D . - :
<br /> a
<br />— 500d8—KLOPP cE BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographing and County Supplies;Omahe. � � '
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this---------- - _15----------day of_._J_�Tlu�-y-----.-- ----------
<br /> �, D., 19 1� � at-- - - - - - - . -- ...__ - Q ----o'clock - - - --- -A. --M.
<br /> - - -- �T o��n �'_._Ans_�_et t -- -- - - -- Warranty
<br /> To Deed. ��/���r.G ��
<br /> --- - ------- ---- --- - - ._.- - ---- -- - - - -
<br /> ne�is�er of '�eod ���'��..
<br /> --- - - --Fr�d_�_._Sr�ith- - ----- -- --
<br /> - --- ---_ � - -�- ---
<br /> -- - - - ---- - -- _ --- - ----
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Know All 1VIen by �'hese Pr�eser�ts:
<br /> That- - ,7 onn__�'._dnst�t-t, --� -sin���)- - - - - - - --- - -- - - - _ ---- - - - --- --- - --- - ---- -
<br /> -- - --� --- - ---� -- - ---- --
<br /> of the County of_------------------ii.2s11----------------- -----.__arid Sta,te of_-----i1e E_�1.�Sk�------ --------------------------------------------------Grantor-s---, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of - -- �ne__and--_n-o�1.4�---�—E�-ti��e��e--��-=-I?�sise�i�--� ---------- ---------�-------------------------------------�-----�--------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in haiid paicl, do--- es-----hereby GR�?VT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto--- .FreC�__�._S�:i�h---------------------------.._.------------------------------- -
<br /> - --,. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - -- -- --- - - - - -- --- - -- - - -- - ---- -- --------- ----------
<br /> of the County of_-------..i:ie��xCk----------------.-----------and State of_.----- _iy_e_'w.ras��----- -----------------------------------.----- ----------, Grantee-------,the following
<br /> c?escribed premises,situated in the County of.._ __.______..___ H�11________________._________ .____ancl State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -- I,ots__I�1ii:ete�.r--��.Q}r _T:r_�nt� ��=�1 T��r_entY ore ��'1) T:-�ent�' tws�- l�2}__.T;�r�n�y- t;�r_e-�--l��_)---Tt���_?�t_X__
<br /> (� } �'��e114;I i ive- (��)_ �1���_�Zi�jl.-si�._(.2_6.)- ^'" ".�.� a ���� , � .� • ? �,
<br /> -f_our_ �� -���e__�, s_e_�r..n- � -ana.,_�_yve_nL=� Es�,ht - in--��est- ---
<br /> -End Suk�c���T�.,�.oz�--aQ_i.:ng �-��;b_cl�_yi�ion___o_f__��_land_.P1a�e,. ------ --- --- -- -
<br /> --- - --- --- - ------ ------ ---- - -------- ----
<br /> -- --- -- ---- - - -- - --- - - - - - --- - - ---- - -- - -- -- ------ - - -- -- - - ---- ---- - _ --- --- ------ - ------� - �------- ---- --
<br /> - - - --- ---- - ---�---- --- - --- --- - -- - ---- - - - - - - ----- _-- - ---- -- --------- - -------- - - -- ---- �--- - ----- ---------- -- ------ ------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, l�ereditanients, and appurteliances thererznto belonging, arld alI the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___________, and of eiGher of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described preniises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to.__._______tiis________.____ _____heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And____..____I_________ _______hexeby covenant_______with the said Grantee____.______that______.____Z._____.__.__hold______...said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that___________I-__________________ha_Ve_good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever------------------ .- ----- -�--- ..---- �--- ----- --- ----
<br /> ----------- - ------ ---- ---- ---------------------- --------- - --�------------------------------------------
<br />' ---------� --- -------- ----- - -- --- - - - -- �----- -- ---- -- - - - - ----- - ---------- - -- -- --- --�-------------- -------- --- ------- - ------- - �---�----------------------------
<br /> --- � -- ---- --- -- --- - - -- -- ----- ----- -- -- -- -- --- - - - -- - - -- ---- --- -------- -- - - ----- ----- - --------- --�------�------�----�---------------------- -------------------
<br />; -- - - - -- - -- And.---- - --- - ----- --- I-------- ---�----�-----------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br />' -- - ---- -- - - -- - - ----- - -� --- - - ----- -- -- _- - --
<br /> �he
<br /> b
<br /> defend L�D said premises against the Iawful claims of all persoiis wliomsoever, ,___.________.________________________________________________._____________________________________._____
<br />' ---- ------ --- -- �-- - ----- - ---- - - ----- -------- ------- -- - -�-- -- --- -- ------- - - - ------- ---------------------------- ------ ----------------------------------�-----
<br /> Dated the-- --- --- �3ra--- - -- -------------day of_- ---- --��eT?�- -- -- - ----- -- ----- ----------_A. D., i9--IZ----�
<br /> WITNESS -------------------�IAh1�---�.-Az3s-t8�t-�-----�-----�---------------------
<br /> . .---- -------
<br /> ri. A.Ecl:l��ds ----
<br /> --- - -------- ------- ------- ---- - -- - ------ ------- -- -- ---
<br />�
<br /> ss.
<br /> --------------F.��,-7.-----------County, On this----------�3-----------------------------day.of--;-�---'�Ey'±t.es�be-r--------------....__A. D., 19__11__, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public---------------------------------------,----------within and for said County, Personally came---------,------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- --- �----- -�Tahn_E_..Anst_et t----- ------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person�_______whose name__._____.___.___.1_�________________..__,affixed to the above instru-
<br /> iMF•">L) ment as grantor___________, and_____�YhO__._._______severally acknowledged the same to be_____his._�_______________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> x��1,µ
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOP I have hereunto subscribecl i�ay and afC'ixed my ofr'icial seal at.___________________________________________
<br /> ___________.rT_�nd_1�1�nc1�___________--____--_-----.-,.----------------on the date last above written.
<br /> �i. p.Fci�vwrds
<br /> ---�------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> Mycommission expires----------------------------------------�----�---�ee-------�:�---------------•--------------------191�------
<br /> I
<br />