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<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and �
<br /> - -- -- - -- - - - --
<br /> - -
<br /> filed for record tliis---- --- ._. _1?_th----- ------day of_-J�n�z3T--Y-------_------------- i
<br /> - - - - A. D., 19_ _1?. > at - __ . -- °,�0-_- - ---o'clock - - - - A-� M� �
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<br /> - — _ —_----—� � -- ;
<br /> Know ��l �e� by T�iese Presents:
<br /> That- --__ Trre,__.�T�tn�.n_i.e-�--�t_.A:E'�1�_x'u�ugh_ �nc�_ Leah__Aff_le_xu_augh,----husband- an� -��rif e -------- _ _----- -- - ----- - ------- - -
<br /> of the County of'-------FlathB�d-------------------..--- -----and State of--- ---I_��rAt.aria------ ------------------------ -------------------------------Grantor--s----, in cnnsideration
<br /> of the sum of_--�r�� -D�_llar a�d--o_th_er--v�luab_le--L on�idex��ta.Qx�s ----------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------,�r�t�,�
<br /> in ha.nd paicl, do------_------hereby GRA_iVT, B.�R.��lIN, SELL;A11'D CONVEY utito- --Al_',tin---J_._,�f_1_e�_b�11gh ------- -. ----___-- -.------------------._------------ _ I
<br /> i
<br /> of'the Connty of___.. - - ri�l�. --- -- _ -al�d State of _ i1_e�raska___ -- -- - -- - - , Grantee - ,thefollo�vir�g i
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of________ fiall__________ ________-______ _______ _____and State of Nebraslca, to wit: '
<br /> --------Thz---N e s t_h�lf---(;�.._--1�2�_-Q�---±h�.__�outh---ll�st_-�-uar��r. --�5_.�,t..-1/4-�----of---S��t-i-on_i�?ur:�be-r.---T-�_entY--T_hre-e-------
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<br /> -- ----- ------ -- ---- - -- ---- - - - - - --- - ------ - - --- - - - --- - - ----- - - ---- -- - - --- ----- - -- ----- -- --------- - ----- -- ------------- ----------------
<br /> Together with alI the tenements, hereditamerits, and appurtet�ances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate, R.ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and .
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�_______, ancl of either of thenl, of, in, or to the same, or any pa,rt thereof,
<br /> TO H?�tiE AND TD HOL� tize �,bove-described premises, with the a,ppurienances, unto the said Grantee_______.and to___.______his_____________.__..____heirs and I
<br /> � a,ssigns forever, And__._-___V�4_________________.hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee.__-______that_____.___=;Je_______hold____.___said premises by good and perfect '
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> title; �hat____'�7e_____._.____.__________ha_vQ_go�d right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll lieus and incumbrances
<br /> i ^
<br /> , whatsoever------- ---- -- ---------- -------- - --- -- - - --------- ----- ----- - - - -- ---- -- - ---- --- - --- - - ---- - ----- -------- --- ------------
<br /> � -- ------- -- - --- ------------- ------- ------ - -- -- ----- - - - - -- ------ -- -- -- ----- ---- -- -------- -- --------------- -- - ---- ------------- ------- -------------------
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<br /> �
<br /> ------ - -- - - --- -- -- ---- ---- - -- -
<br /> ---- --- -__- -- ----- -- - - - ------ And-------- - ------ `Ne. ------- -- ------------------------_covenant-------to warrant and '�
<br /> �he � '
<br /> defend �said premises against the lawful claims of all persoris whomsoever, _ _._______.____.________ __________________.______________._._____________________________.______________ �
<br /> ' ------ ------ - - --- - ------ - ---- --- --- _------- ---- -- -- - - --- ------ - ------ --- - ---- --- -- ---- ----- ---------------------------------- -------
<br /> Da,ted the----- __����1 - -- -- ---- - - - - -- -__day of----S_e_�t_em�ps" -- - - - -- - ---------A, D., i910- ---�
<br /> WITNESS --------------------2?a�n�ni°1---�7_.A,f_��.�x�-�'��+---------------- '
<br /> _�.,��_:._,,_��1�.�r:.----------------------------------
<br /> T .,r �1`� -..�-
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<br /> - ------ ------- --- -�"�_Gi-i;t',--i'-.St ann��C� i;
<br /> ---- ------------------------ -------------------- ----------------------------------
<br /> ----- ------ ---- - J_ohn__�'�.F.ark�r - ------ -- -- ---- - --------- - ---------- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- :
<br /> STATE OF :�i4�t�x.�, '
<br /> ss,
<br /> ----Fl�th�_ad-------------County, On this----- ---��t7:- ---,x---- ----day of_----------JL'-•11--------------------------A. D., 19_.11__, before me, the ''
<br /> , S�st e af .,.an�-�iria
<br />� undersi�ned, a Notary Public_____�._�1__�.nd__SOS__�*h�_h______within and for saia County, personally catne________ ______________.---___-______-----_------_--------_-----------------_ �
<br /> ,
<br /> I -i;a_th�nie-1--�_,_Aff_le�_�:au�h--ar�d__LeaYi---Afil_erbaTa�h,----i:usk;�ra--�rci_c-�ife------------------------------ I
<br /> -- --- -- ------- - - --- --------- ---------- --- - - ------- ---- --- _ _ ------------ ------ -- ------------------------------ ------------------ �---------------- ;.
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person.�______.whose name__a____._'�h��t_____________________afl'ixed to the above instru- !
<br /> (SEAL) rnent as grantor__s.______, and_____�hey.._______,_severally acknowledged the same to be__.____�h6ix__________.voluntary act and deed ;
<br /> for tihe purpose therein expressed. '
<br /> nai:le
<br /> LN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and a,�xed my ofr'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br />' -_-------____�{ali_s��11--_---------------------------------------------._on the date last above written. ;
<br /> ;
<br /> ----------------�eor-�e---F-�-�Star�nasd-------------------------•----
<br /> TTotary Pu'�liC for the S���te_ Notar Pttblic. ;
<br /> My commission expires.__L?uiy_._l4._i�12__._____._______---.'''�Qrtana___residin� :ut__Yallsr?ell, ��i0�ntar�a ,
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> - � ,
<br />