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<br /> �i00�8-7CL0�'P c��3ARTLEfi�CO..�rinlin9,Lilhogr¢p�ing¢n�Counly SuppCaes:b+nahc. " -- - _ — _ — - — ---- - _ - — - - _ -- ___
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<br /> . - -_-- ,_. _ ._<-- -'--- ---- __.— ----- ---- ----
<br /> F'R0� I hereby certify that this instrun�ent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> --- --- ------- _.__.__.-- - - ---- - -- -- -
<br /> filed for record this_ --. ----- 11--- - -------------day of__�_�^41�!j--------------------- I
<br /> - - -- -- ---
<br /> i
<br /> A, D., 19 -12--, at-- -- ..__.__ __ - °.'�Q-_____dclock- -- A-. --14I. j
<br /> _i�Ia�hilda--L.�duell-er-- �---husb--- Warranty I
<br /> Tp Deed. ' � '
<br /> ;
<br /> - -- - - -
<br /> -- - - - - - -- - - - --- - -- -- �
<br /> Register of Deed .��c�h�rx
<br /> - -- -- --_ _Rufus--Tt,_Davia- -- -- - - -- --- '
<br /> - - ---- ---- - - - - - -- - --- -- --- ---
<br /> _ Deputy.
<br /> Know All 1Vlen by T�iese Presents: '
<br /> �
<br /> That--- .. __i�ia�hil�ia--L_.:�ueller__ �nd--�_.i�_.:�iu-eller_---- -- -__- - - - --- - -- -- - -- -- -- - ---- ---- �
<br /> - -
<br />' -- - -- - _-- - - - ._ - - - ( hu�bax�.d ��� t;r.ife)- ---___ - - --
<br /> - __ _ _ - -- - - -
<br /> - - -- --
<br /> _-- ---
<br /> ,
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> of the County of____. __.________r�all__._ _.._ _____...___ _______and State of_._._.i�1.fl��?'�ul.: - ____- .. __ ._.___Grantor__�__., in c�nsideration '
<br /> --- -
<br /> i
<br /> of the sum of --T_�,rBlv3--hundred-- and--xLOI104- --- --- -- -- --- ---------------------- -- - - --------------------- ------------------------------------DOLLARS, �
<br /> in ha,nd paid, do---@-5-- ---hereby GRANT, 1'3A.RGAIN, eSELL, AND CONVEI' unto_._�.i,fut3---T?._D2t��is ----.--- ------ - --- ----- ---- ----_ _--- ---- ------ ;
<br /> _ -_ _ -------- -- - --- - - --- ---- - -- -- ---------
<br />, of the County of----- ---------- -------.Fi�11--, --- ----- ---- . __and State of---------_Zs.e',:,_y_ask3- -- - --------- ---- ------ ----------------, Grantee-------,the following '
<br /> � described premises, situated in the Couiit3�of_______.___.._H��,1._____ ___.____..____.____________and State of Nebraska, to wit: '
<br /> -- Lot� ans.__t7), -T_,�ro l�)-r -Thx_gs- t3)J- -Eour--��)r- FivQ l5�- anci Slx--��� R?-�t Fns:--�-tth_�i_visi-on--�f--Lot-- "'
<br /> -- -�I�a�:'��x-ec� T�ar�� �,'�1 ��_,�ra�1 a::�Z-_a, �;�A"--� ���c�_iv�aiQr-. o� -tha -i�ar-�h- ��e-ha�f l�) -o� the -Sout�a- --- !
<br /> , - _
<br /> -----�ast--�,z�r_`er._of _Sec�i_on---T;��e_r�s,�_-�_hxP-e_----1u3.) _-in To�,rl.sr��-�--Eleve-n-- .�7-1-)--ilo�th---of---Ran¢e--Ter---�10-)---------
<br /> �7�st of �ha Sixtn P.:�4. as surveYed, Plat__taci and ana- ---i°e olcled.- ----- ----- --- -- - - - -- ----------- ----- -- --- ',
<br /> ---- ---- --------- - ------- - - - - .
<br /> - - - - -- -- -- ------ _- - -- - - --- - - - - - --- --- - - --- -- - -- - -- - - -- - - - - -- ----- --------- - -------- --- ------
<br /> -- -- -- - ------ - - - -- - -- ----- -- - - -- - - ----- ------ ----- - --- -- --- -- -- - --- -- ---- ----- - ------
<br /> -- -- ---- - - - ---- - - -- ------ - - -- - - - - - - -- --- - -- - ---- -- - --- ---- -- ---- - ------------ --- -- -- -- ------------
<br /> Tobether wi"t�l all the tenements, hereditarnents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and a,ll the Est�,te,Right, Title, It�terest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and '
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__S_____, and of eitner of them, of, in, or to the sam_e, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO K_4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described prerl7ises,with the appurtena,nces, unto the said Grantee_.______and to___________._his_________________.heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And_______�'te________________hereby covenant________with the said Grantee____________that__�Q________________.hold..._______said premises by good and perfect '
<br /> title; �hat______rT1°____________________ha__vagood right and lawful authorit,y to sell and conve3� the same; that they are free and clear of �,11 liens and incumbrances '
<br /> whatsoever---------------------..- --------- -- _---- - --- --- - ----- - -------- ------ -- - ------------- ---------------- -- -- -- --- --- --- ----------- ------------------------------ '
<br /> �
<br /> -- -------- -- - - -------------- �
<br /> ---- - - -- --- -_.- ---- -- --- ---- ------ ------ ---------- -
<br /> ------------------- -----------
<br /> ,
<br /> ---
<br /> --------- -- -- - - - - - - - --- - - ------ -- --- -- - -- ---- - - -- -------- ------ --------- ---------------------------------------
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> -- ------ ---- --- - -- ----- -- ------ -- - - - - -- - --- ----- And-----
<br /> ---.-----------;�YB-------------------------------covenant--------to warrant and ;
<br /> I
<br /> `!1B
<br /> defend`�G said premises against the lawful claims of all persorls tivhomsoever, _______________ _________.___________________________________________________________________________________.__ �
<br /> ;
<br /> ------ - --- -- -------- -- -- ---- - ---------------- ------- �;
<br /> �
<br /> Dated the----- ----- - �n-- - ----- -- -- --.day of- ---�_3_�nu�ry- - -------- - --- ---------A. D,, 19---1�--� �
<br /> WITNESS -------------�3L_'l�.S,��__L_._P�tl.a?.7.8�'--------------------------------------
<br /> i.7P.J�ueller �
<br /> ----------- -. .I_ohn---F.-Anstat-t--------------- - - '
<br /> ---------- --------._�?_._T_.,�t.�;"J3T-C�------ -- -- - - ------- -- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ',
<br /> ss.
<br /> --- jl�ll -__County, On this-- -- - 5 ��- ------- ------------daY of_------ J anuar y-----------------_.A. D., 1912----, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary �'ublic_-----__--__----_---__------------------------within and for saici County, Aersonatly came__ __-__------_---------------------_----------------------_-------- '
<br /> %4athilda I,.Mueller and � .�1.P:4ueiler �
<br /> - -- - --- - ------ - ---- ----------------- - ------- ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------ j
<br /> ---- - ---- --------- ----- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---� -husbancl__ard__r1 if e---�- ------- i
<br /> -------._.._------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person______.____whose name_s____�:Q___.___________________-_.afl'ixed to the above instru- �
<br /> (ryE.t,L} ment as grantor_s_________, and_______*_ia�_�___._____severaliy acknowledged the same io be______�h?iS__________voluntary act and deed '
<br />� for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afl3xed my official seal at______________________________________________ ,
<br /> ______�s_and_Is�and--?�lebrasi�a-------------------------on the date last above written. '.
<br /> i
<br /> J T cto.n�yy�� i
<br /> "'_"' ""________"'____"__'_f�'�__�'tr__ _S1'�C_li.�_'___"_'_"""""""'_"'""" �.
<br /> Natary Public.
<br /> My commission expires--------------- - --------------------------------a^�il.__��--------------------------�9--�--�----- ''
<br /> i
<br />