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<br />—" 500d8—KLOPP&BARTLE7'T CO.,Pri�itinp,Lithographing and County Supplies,•Om¢lac. ` "'° --" � ' � — -
<br /> FRO1'VI I hereby certify that this instl�ument was entered on Tdumerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this-------.__�.t��- ----------- Y of--J�t�t��...--
<br /> -�� ' ''y- - - - - -
<br /> 3. D., 19_12 � at- - --- - - - 3..5Q - - - - o'clock-- - -- -- ___�. -M.
<br /> -..__1_�.ox.g�__.A._T�lln"j -F��-'ti�_i�e - - Warranty
<br /> Z�� r Deed. • �
<br /> - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - ----- _ - -
<br /> ??e�ister of Deeds ���c�
<br /> - -- - - -- -- - - F�oy �ill�;� - - - . -
<br /> - - - -- --- - - --- - --- - - -- - - -- - -- --
<br /> lleputy.
<br /> Kno�v 1�11 1Vleai by Z'liese Presents:
<br /> That -- -�'�e� -�-eor-�e.:�._Ti11e� ��:u Licia_ _T_i_1��;;.. __rli_� ,�ife------ -- -
<br /> -- -- -- ------- -- - -- - --- -- - -- --- - - - - - - - ----- ---
<br /> of the Cc�unty of_.---__ __--,------t:��%1------------ ---------and State of_-- ----���e i�z'�Sk�.-- _._-----_.._ ---_------------------------------------Graritor---�__, in cnnsideration '
<br /> of the sum of - _�r.e__�1un�.ix_�d GO�1QQ-- -- ---- _- _- - - - ------- ---------------------- ------�------ -------------- ------------------------.DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do---- -----_ -_--hereby GPA?�T, BARGAIN, SELL, ��l'D CONtiEY unto----__ -Floy _Tiilev__ _.. -_______
<br /> of the County of - - ---- ;�11 - - --- -anci Sta,te af_ _'';e urasK' - - - -_ __ -- - _ _ g
<br /> ___ ___ .__, Grantee_______,the followin
<br /> clescribed premises, situated in the County�of________._______ _____H_�_�.�.____________________.______ ____ancl St��,te of Nebraska, to «�it:
<br /> _ --- _Lot--i�o-•---i�i_ina- -�J�---in__i 1_a�k _.�o-.--�n°---1-1�---1n---f��-r-r-;�s�za-!s --���b_—r?-?-viai-o-n--o-f--�he--�o�zth--z;cest-----------------
<br /> �uart_er--�f �:�� ."_o_ukh_.�a�t--�u�xter___of__"��tiG-n--�i_;ht _-(�-}--in--T__�:�rn�h�.�--�'ev�n---�1_1)_ ??oxtil,---._-----
<br /> uf _�Zar;;e i��ine l_;�.j :I�st �.f--�n° ��h-=�-�• ��- s.ur_v�yQd,- �la.�-to�. �nd- re-c�rdEd. - - - -- -- - ----- --
<br /> -- - -- ------- - --- --- - --
<br /> -- ---- - ---- - -- -- - - _ -- ---- - --- ----._ - - __ .. ----_.-- -- - - ---- - - ------ --
<br /> -- -- - ----- - - - -- -- --- _-- --- - - ---- - -- -- --- _- -- --- -- ----- - ----- - ------ - - --- - -- --- - - - ---------- -------------
<br /> Together witll all t�ie tenements, herediLazne�its, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,ncl all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim atzd :
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__s________, ' , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the aFpurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to______.______________h_er___________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And_____,���_�_____________________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee_.._ _______that_________dT�________hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that____.________��!�_ _________ha___v__egood right and lawful author•ity to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all lielis and incumhrances
<br /> whatsoever------- ---- --------_- ---------------- ---- - --- --- ---- - -- --------------- - -
<br /> - -- ---- - --------- -------- ---_- - - - - -- ---- ------------- ---- --- -- --- - --- -- --------------- - ------ ------------ -------------------------------
<br /> - the - ---- - ----
<br /> -- --- - - - --- ---- - - -- ------ - ---- -- - -- t�nd------ ------��-e- - ----- ---- -------- - - - ------------coveliant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend t,gsaid premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _____.___________._________._
<br /> -- --- ---------- -- --- ---- - --- -- ---- -- ---------------------
<br /> -- - ----------- - - - - ------ - ---- --------- - ---- ----- --- -- - - ------------- --- --- ------------- - --- -- ----------------- ---- ---------------- -- --------------------- -- --
<br /> , T - - --daY of_--- - - T_aT�.u_���---- ------ - ---- --------�. D., 19-- ��--•
<br /> Dated the_ - -- ---- �-s-�_ -- - ----- - `-
<br /> WITNESS -------------------------��-t Q�'�e---.�_,_'1'��.1?-y.,_-------------------------------
<br /> � --------------------Lida__Ti ll�Qy-------------------------------
<br />' ---------- ----- - - ��'�n__Al1�n__ -- - ----- - ---
<br /> - --Hall----------------County, �ss. On this l�L---------------------------day of-----,--�?ar,�_{2xy---- --- -------------A. D., i9---��., before me, the
<br /> undersigneu, a Notary Public----------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally ca,me------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- -- --��e o-�-;e �._�:l ley- -r�c�__L iva- T i l�-p�',----ni s_�,r i_f e__.-----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -----------------
<br /> ---- --------- --- ------------------ --------- ------------------- - -------- ------ - -------------------------------- �---------------- ----------------- ----------------
<br /> to 1ne personally known to he the identical person..s_______whose name_�___'�@_______________.____________affixed to t1�e above instru-
<br /> ��;�r"►L) rnent as grantor___s__.-.--, and_____�il�_�z_____________severally acl�nowledged the same to ,�e_______�he_ir_______.__.voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> n ame
<br /> IN WITNESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscr°ibed my �l�and af�xed my of�icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _�i�r�cl._I��w;^:c�,,___i�.__�a:��__��?.�.x1_'��'r___._________on the date last above written. '
<br /> _----- ------------ ---.T ohr---�`��-la�-------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My commission expires-------------------------.�----- -------�Tani-----5,-----191�------------��-----------
<br />