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- <br /> � ���� <br /> ,s D D ° 0 ° D <br /> a <br />� ^ 50018—KLbPP&BARTLE4'T CO.,Printin9.Lithographinp¢rzd County Supplies;O�nahrz. - � Y _ '"'° '-'"' <br />� _ .._: <br /> _ _ ._. _.. _.._._ .__..__...,—,---..�_ - - <br /> - . ,�._-_---. _,. _.--_.-- <br /> -_._ . ----_—�-.—.—�_—. � —___— <br /> FROM 1 hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> I filed for record this-- __._-----?-- __--------day of--�7Axluar-y------- ----------------- <br />' - - -- - -- - -- - -- --- - - - -- - -------- - <br /> , �. D., 191�__ .__, at- ---- - -- - _-- 2- --�'�lock- - - - ---p 1 ---M� <br /> --__---------�iili-a,.tn--i'J-.-�.i-�-u�s-f-� �;��.-f e __ . ._ Warranty � . <br /> ,. Tp Deed. ����'- '� ����� <br /> - -- �`� -- - --- - - <br /> - ------ - ------- - <br /> Register of Deed!� ��x���x <br /> �ie�r:7an._ihUCle-- ----- ------. - <br /> --- --- - -- - _ _- - _ <br /> -- --- -- - - ----- - <br /> - - - --- ---- -- - --- �eputy. -- <br /> Kaiow AIl 1VIen by �hese Presents : <br /> T1�at - �et 'ld.i_�.7;i_am_iJ_YPu�vis--and_.N�t_ti�--P_uryis - - =------ - --- -- ---- - - - - -. - -- - --- - <br /> _ ( husb�i�d and �ife � <br /> of the Count of_______.____.��:�_t_�� __and State of_________,��sh_�.n tQn _________._____:______________Grantor_s___, in consideration <br /> Y �- - - --- -- � - - - - ---------- - - <br /> • of the surn of_-- ---.E1ev�_n_�iun�.rsd- -3nd__nQ�10Q-- -------- ----- ---- ---- ------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do-_ --_ ---_---hereby GRANT, BARC!lIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto---__-__Hermu�l---Th-Qd-e---_-_-__-_.- --__-_----------------__----------_--_ <br /> -- -- --- - -_. ----- - ---- - - <br /> - - .-- - - -- - - ------- _._ --- - - ------- - - - --- - ----- - ------ - - --- ----- -- <br /> of the County of_--- -._..----�i311- ----- -- ------- - ------ --------and Stat,e of_ -------- -i`76b_ruBka-------- - - ------ ------ --------- --------, Grantee-------,the following <br /> clescribed premises,situated in the County of___-___________..________H�ll ---------------------------and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> --------_._��t--2�1urn:r��r___Iia,ne- -(�)---.in__Black___t�?uml�es_Thir*-s-e-n---_('s.3-�,---Banrie__I3rae___Ads�iti__o_n---to---the--C-ity--of------------ <br /> ---- - �'r_anci _I_s1�nd, lae'�.-r A,�ka,- --as sur_ue�acl, �lat-�-e-d-ar_d--r.s�arde_�. - - - - --- --- -- -- -------- - - --- - --- <br /> --__-------Su��_ec�----�.o--�--r�lor-t�,-a.�s._ of _'.4QQ_.00---�nc3_.._su��e.c.t----t-9- -a--r�Qxt-�a�e of- �140_._QO_.and--�ubject_-t_o__the . : <br /> - -- un��aid por_�icn___o� � -�ert��r� r�ar yg�ge- o� ��86 rOD ���1-iich- ��.� �r-an��e- as��r,;ea--and- �.�sa_�s--ta- �aY -- <br /> -- - -4�_i_�h int_er�st fxor�--J3r.�za�3�--I, 1��1�- - -- -- ---_ -- -- - - - ------ - ------------ -- - --- - - -- - <br /> ------ - - - --- - <br /> ----- ---- --- - - ------ ---- - ---- -- -- -- ---- - -- - - ----- --- ------- -- -- ---------- -- -- --------------- ------ <br /> Together with aIl the tenements, hereclitarrments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__s______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO H%1VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the a,ppurtenances, unto the said Grantee_-_______and to__________.__-__hig_________________heirs and <br /> �ssigns forever. And______'�:t� ..__._______________hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee_________that_____��e_______hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that.______Y�!e____..________haYe___good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------�_��_�t�'�---�s--=3�0_v_e._s_t_�t�u•- ---- - - -- - -- ----- ----- -- - -------- - ---------------- - ------ -- -------- <br /> -- - ---------------- --- -------------------------- <br /> ------- --------- ------- - ------- - --- - --------- -- -- ----------- ---- -- --- - ----------------------- ----- --- --- - - - ------------ ---- - - - --------------------------- ----------------- <br /> ----- ----- ------------------ - -- -- --- - -- - ------ -�-- ------ - --- ----- ---- -- ----- ---------- --- ---------- ------------------- ----------- -- ------- ----------- -� ------------------- <br /> - -- --- --------- And----- - - -- -- -- --- - vre---- - - -- ---------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> the <br /> defend 1�said prefnises against the Iawful claims of a,ll persons whomsoever, ____..__�xC_e_��t___�B___�U_QV�3___st_8.tfl�1_.________________________________________________________ <br /> Dated the---- ---21st-- ------- -- -- - ----day of_--- - I�eC_�_i?lk�_�r-- -------- --------------___A, D., 1911----.. <br /> WITNESS _____�i._ll i�___±�_.�?u ry_i s______ <br /> -----__��_�'��18---�1 i�_Y_�.�.------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ---- - -------- ------Fi..-J_.�iar'�----- ---- ---- ----- ---- --- -- <br /> -- --------- ---- ---J._;�f_.�grris-- - - ------ --- ------ ----- - <br /> STATE OF ��s}�in�t�n <br /> ss. � <br /> ------�rit sar- - --- ----County, On this- ------ -------�_�th_----------------day of_-------�ec_�mbe r---------------------A. D., i911----, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public______________.____.______________________.___within and for said County, personally came_________ _._.________.__.______________ <br /> --- ---�i11i_a.�n--i�-•-P_tur-�-i-�--ar.d__i;e��_i.�__P_L�r_vis.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --- --- ------------------- �- ---- --------- -- ------- ----------------- --------.(__husband_anct._vrif e) -- <br /> - -- ---------- ------------ -------�---------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__s____whose name_�_______._�rQ______________________affixed to the above instru- <br /> (�EAL j ment as grantors________, and_____they_____________severaliy acknowledged the same to be_._�hei_r_____________voluntary act and deed <br /> for tihe purpose therein expressed. <br /> n2,me <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subsci�ibed my 1�f'd and afCixed my official seal at_____________________________________________ <br />' ____po�_t___r�t:�k?_�e,___7Y_ashixlgt�on,_________________________on the date lastabove written. <br /> F.,a.Osterhout � - -��-�-- ------------ <br /> ------------------------------------------------ - - <br />', rlotary Public in and for tY�e - � at� o�;__ , <br /> My commission expires____,����____l�,__191%�____,___________��sh�ngton,___resid�.�!g at Port �amble. <br />