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<br />— 50013—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographing and Count�3upplies;Omaho,. �� ��
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical I'ndex and
<br /> filed for record this--- --- ------u7--- ----------day of-------DQ�_�T.°i�;ex---_.___--------
<br /> - - -------- - -- - -- - -- --- - - -- - -
<br /> �. D,, 19_.11__., at--- ------ - --- .1_..5Q --- -- --o'clock-------- - �� - -M•
<br /> - -- --_�:�y D.-L^.,� � ��r� �o �,�art���- Warranty
<br /> j -.,. �
<br /> TO Deed. 1/ ',�//�
<br /> `//,i���t�i�,�=--- =�f�?Yv."
<br /> --------- --'---- �--- --- --. ._._---------------------------
<br /> Register�:of Deed ������
<br /> - - - - ---John J,Ke�nar - - - --_ -
<br /> - - -- .- - - ----_ _ - -- - - ------- --
<br /> �eputy.
<br /> I$now All 1Vien b� Tliese Presents:
<br /> That Triay -D_ L�bi - -( a s it;�i_e__�r�r;i�n)- - - - - - ----- --
<br /> T _ _-_----_---and State, of---.--_�d_A-�'-- --_---_-----------------_--Grantor.--_---, in consideration
<br /> of the County of_.--- ---- F;��7..7..- - - -- k,r�Sk� --- -- --
<br /> of the sum of -- -- T�TOIY�--Fiuncil_2�i '3T1c3_Eift� --------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paicl, do_ __ _______.___hereby GRA?VT, BARGAIN, SELL, A1�TD CONVEY unto_____________John_J_,_Kernar__. _____. _._______,__
<br /> --- --- --- -- --- - - --- - -- - - - - - - -- .----- -- - - -- - - --.. -- - --- ---- - - - -- --- --------- - --- - --- -- -- --
<br /> of the County of_ ----.�I3_ll------------------------------and State of_-- .-----iye_l�r_�ska------_-------------------------------------.-----, Grantee------_,thefollowing
<br /> describec�premises,situated in the County of_________..____H.al�___________________________________and State of Nebraska, to wit;
<br /> ------fraction��.___�,o��--T�u�.�'��s__�ezzen----�-7-)--�an�i- �-i-�h�---�$�---in_F1Q�k__i�I�.�:l�er--a_�_�n�.y__4ne---(21_)_�Rus��l--�Jheeler' s
<br /> ____ _Auuitlon__to__rra.nu _I_s_1�ncl,___T�;ek�r�s��,___ar.ci__�heir_ __c_ar_i�le_mon��,____�_o _�it,_ __f��actional___ Lots _Ei_�ht___(8}__
<br /> -----anci--T�;i�e-----(�-)---in- -fs_acti��ra�--B_1Q�k--iIuri��r._Gne---in__�i,s.-C_lark.'s---Auc�ition--�-o--rx�n�t__I_�lynd---i�e'r�r�sk�
<br /> -- _accorciing--to--th�__recc�rcle�i- --��.a��---�.�.._�_aid--Ac��iit_:�or,.s_.----------_ ------------------
<br /> -- --- -- - - -- ----- - - -- ----- --- ----- ----
<br /> -- - -- - -- -- - - - --- __ ---- - - ---- - - ----- -- ----------- - ----- - - --- --------
<br /> - -- - - -._------ --- --- ----- ------------
<br /> - -- - -- - - -_ -- ----- - ------- --- ---- ----------------- - -- - ------- ----------- -- ------- - ----------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances tl7ereunto belonging, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claiin and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same., or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above.-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_____________hzg____________.____.heirs and
<br /> assigns forever, And___.____I_____ _______________hereby covenant__.____with the said Grantee_________that____._I__________.__hold.________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that______._I____._______-_hav8__good right anti lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever--------------------------..-------------- ------- ---- - - ----- --- ----- ------- -- - -- ------- -------- -------------------- ------------ -- -------- ---
<br /> --- --------------- -------------- ---------- - - --- -- -- �----- -------- -- ------- - ----------------------- - ---- ------- - --- - --------- - -------------- -- -------------------------------------------
<br />' ----------- - -- ------ ---------- - - - ----- -- -- - ----- --- ----- - ------- ------ ----- --- -------- ------ ----------- - - --- - ---- ------ ---------- -------------------------=-----------
<br /> --------- ----- ------- - -- --- - -
<br /> -
<br /> -------- ------ ---- - --- ---And----- -- - --- - - - - --- -Z - --------------------------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> '�i1e
<br /> clefend 9lo said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ._
<br />' ----------- - ------- ---------- ----- - ------ ---- -- ------- -- ----- --- --- --------- - --- ----- - ----- ------ ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the-------lv�ten'�_y__�ecozlcl-----------day of_---Decerill�er----------------------------------A. D., i9--11----,
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------lvi�,y____P_,_...I���n�1----------------------------
<br /> ----- ----- ---------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Jar:es �.Diil
<br /> ss.
<br /> - -- -�iall-------_--------County, # On this-_-_--Ttive_r_._t_y__..thiru-----------day of_----_--�QCer�pQ�------------------------A, D., i9__l.]___, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public--------------------------------------------------within and for said County, Personally came--------------------------------------------------------------- --
<br /> ----------------- -b�ay_.D_._La.�b------ - -----(--�- ui�'-�-=-�---��Qr�.an}------- ----
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person______.__whose name._____.___.______i S__.___..________affi�:ed to the above instru-
<br /> (�EAL� ment as grantor___,______, and_________s_hQ________x�e��]� acknoivledged the same to be_______her_______________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for tihe purpose therein expressed.
<br /> narne
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afi'ixed my official seal at______________________________________________
<br /> _______r-r_kn.d__islar_ci,-__S�1�i�r4s_k2____-___�--------------on the date last above written.
<br /> .r.E.Dill
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires---------------------------------------- ----------------��L i--`I-------�6�h-----------------19---1i•---
<br />