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<br /> 500�8—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printing,Lithographing and County Supplies;On�ah¢. = v��-`�=—i —��_—�— �
<br /> _ _. __ __._ �_..�_ __.
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<br /> __ __ __.._ __ __ _ _— ._� �:�__——-- _"
<br /> PR01�✓I I hereby certif,y that this instrument was eritered on Numerical Index and
<br /> f�Ied for record tris_.--------13th---------�lay of-----De_C�ml�e-r-- ----------------
<br /> :�, D,, 19 i3_, at- --- -- - -1�_. �Q- --o'clock---- - - - A,--M•
<br /> --- -- - Augus� __�3�5_�z._.�--:�ti�z - --- - - - Warranty �
<br /> T0 Deed. ` �
<br /> - -- -- -
<br /> R� ister -of-�eeda 6��$x
<br /> - --- - -.Leo-pQ-1�I.--Po1z_ei- ---- - _.- - --
<br /> - ---- - ----- -- _- - -- --- ------ - - --
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> I�now All 1VIer� b� These Pre�ents:
<br /> That ?�e, - August--B�r-�-z--and--Ann.��.--�I.Bart z --- - -- --- -- ---- - -- - - ---- -- -- - -- ----- - - - - ---- ------
<br /> y� � r •t 1
<br /> ------- ------- --------- �-------- ---......___ ----�--- -------- -------�..._111.�$1Jand, and Jf_lle-J----------_..------ �---- -------- -------- ---..---------- � .
<br /> of the County of_------ ------Lo.�--Ang�-�.-�-8---------__----and State of----_._�_al.i_�or:lia. _ -------------- --------.--------------------------Grantor_s---, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of_ - -Fouxt��n--ciun:i.x_e_d__an�i nfl.�1QQ - -- ---------- ----------------- ---------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do____ ______.____hereby G�ANT, B�1RG9IN, SELL, A1�'D CONVEY unta_ .Leo?�olci,_Polzel______.___.___.____________________._______
<br /> -- ---- ---
<br /> ---- ---- - --- - - - -- - -- - - - --- - - -- -- --- -- --- - - - - - - - ------- --- - - -- ------ .
<br /> of the County of-------------------Hall--------------._--------- -_and State of______Ne��_�s_k3------.------- - -------, Grantee------,the following
<br /> described premises,situated in the County of__ ________________rial_l___ __ _______________ _.___and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> ---- L�t__ i1_ur���er__--E�i-gh�--- (8)--__in__�_l.a�k--i�vs.�'o_er___ Tl�ir-t--Y---T��r-o__-���-)--��assel_.�h�slers---AcLcl._iti�-n--�.o--ir.�nd---I_�_1_and
<br /> -- _%�_�r ask�,_ __as--s.urue�rec�,--plat�ac�—ar��l recc�ru�ei- -- -- -- --- ------ --- - -- - --- - -- --- -- - - --- ----- - --- ---
<br /> -- -. --- -- - - - - ---- - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - ----- --- -- - -- -- -- - --- - -- - ----------- -- --- --- ---------- ------
<br /> _- --- -- - - - - - --- -- - - - -------- -- - - - --- - - - - - --_--- -- - - - - -- ------- - -- ---- - - --- -- ------------- - --
<br /> To�ether with a11 the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said GrantorB_____._, and of either of theln, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO H!�VE AND TO HOLD the above-described preriises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to___._______h3_E�____________________.heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And______`to________________________hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee___________that___._______�e______.hald_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title.; that________`�r_e_ __________.___ha_�ze_.good rigllt and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br />! whatsoever--- -------- ---- __..--- ---- --------- - -------- - - -_ ------------- - �----- ----- -- - ----------- -- -- ----------- - - ------------ ----------------------------
<br />'�, -------- ------ ---- ----- -- ---- ------- - ----------- ---- ------------------- ------------ -------- - --- ----------- --- ------------------------
<br /> I� ---- ------- - - - ---- - ----- - -- - -- - -- - ----- - ----- - ----- ------ -- -- - ------------ --- ----------- - - ----------------------- ---- -----------------�------------------------
<br /> I ------ ---- - -- - - - - -
<br /> --- --- - - ------ ----- ---- -- - ------ --
<br /> -- _And-------------------��-�--------- -------------------------covenant------._to warrant and
<br /> tho
<br /> defend�D said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wllomsoever, ____________._.______________________________._______________________________________.______________________
<br /> Da,ted the- - ------Fir�_�_- ----- - ---- --day of_- - -Dv�����-�- - ._.-- - -------- ---A. D., 19-- -11._,
<br /> �
<br /> WITNESS -------------------------A�-�t._.�ar_tZ-------------------------------------------
<br /> ----------------,AT1I1a---P�.B.2lI'-tZ----- ---------------------------------
<br /> ------ ----- ---- -- �h-as--�i._T_�ckQr- - - -- - ---- -- --- --
<br /> ----- �-------- r-.�_,_Fa_o�-Q--------- - - -- ----------------
<br /> STATE OFCal3for�ia
<br /> �ss. ,
<br /> On this----------s-17�-'�h----------------------day of_--------De_C�r:�i�s-r----------------------A. D. 19--11---, before me the
<br /> Lo-�---An�sls-s----------County, -
<br /> , ,
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public ___________________________________within and for said County, personally came_________________________.____________________,___________________._________
<br /> --- -- -- Au�us_t__�ar tz--anc%-Anna--�.i.IIar�z ----------------------------
<br /> -----------------------��-------------------------------------------
<br /> - ------ - -- --- ----- ----- ----- -- ----- - - --------- -- ------
<br /> ------�---h�.isi�and--and---�if-�----�-------------------- ------------ ------- --------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person�______whose name__�_____81,5@______________, aflixed to the above instru-
<br /> �SEAL j ment as grantor.�_______, and_________���y_______severally acknowledged the same to be________��1@a..r__________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> n ame
<br /> IN WITNESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�Dd and afi3xed my ofi'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> __Lon�___Beach__r_Californi_�_______________________________on the date lastabove written.
<br /> ---------------- --�_._�l_._�Li�_�5.��----------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires________._____.__ ______.___________.______.�.iguat----15 Wh-----------------19__15-__in and for the Cc�unty
<br /> af Los Angeles, State of
<br /> California.
<br />