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<br /> D D ° 0 ° D
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<br />_ 50018—IiLOPP&BtdRTLETT CO.,Printin0�Litho9raphing¢nd County Supplieso Omaho.. . - ":° --';,= _;_==--=-=.—.:�.—�__-_�-�— --,-__—.�
<br /> FROM 1 hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for record this--------------12-th-------day of__.----I?_8�0m'�2�r---_.--------
<br /> �. D., 1911- .o at - ------ ---4.3Q - ---o'clock - - - -- -p. -M•
<br /> --_ -- ----The__�Q��___Inv�_s_�z:ient _�o.---- __---- Warranty
<br /> TO � Deed. � � �
<br /> -- -- - �� ���y
<br /> __ ___ __ _ _ _
<br /> Re�i s t er o f De e, s a€���c�e��x
<br /> Elzner Babcoc�
<br /> - - - - - --- _ - -- - ---
<br /> --- -�eputy. --
<br /> I�.now All �Ien by These Presents: -
<br /> That- -- - __The- go_ss___InVa.s_tr�ent -Co,,- a car�o_rat ion,- ----- - - --- -- - --- - ---- -- --- -- -- - ---- - --- -- -- - ---- ---- - ------
<br /> of the County of__._ ___ _.Fia1.1_.__ ___�,nd State of____ ______I1e'►?1_aska___ ____ _ __._____ ._.________Grantor______., in cnllsideration
<br /> of the sum cf-- - - - -�h�.e_e._iiuncirBd fif-t3t.--F�-.-nC1�40 - - ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------DDLLARS,
<br /> in hand pai�l, do._�.S __--.__hereby GRANT, B�1RG�IN, �ELL, AND CONVEY unto____E_1z�E�s__�LbC_4_�_k_-_-_----_------ ----__ --------_-_---__ -
<br /> - -- - --- ---
<br /> of the Coi�nty of_---- ----Ha11---------------- ----------------- ---------_and State of_. ._ _LZe-b�_3s'�a----------------- ----------------, Grantee--------,the following
<br /> _- - - - --
<br />, clescribed prelnises,situated in the County of_ _ __..___________H�11______-_________._ - __ __._-_ard State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> ------------ --Lo t.---2�lur�b�r__T-e-n -�10-)---i-n-Hl-ac�- I��r.�b-e�--Fs�-r----(-4-)- -o-f -KoE h-le�---P-1-ac e---in-�he_--C_i-ty--�f_rx-and--Island
<br /> --- - -- �c_c_Ux d_ir.g _t�_ _th_e__rsco_r.cle�i-�1wt -�hereQf, -- - - - --- --_ _ - -- - --- ----- - -- -
<br /> ------ ----
<br /> -_ - -- ------ - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - - -- -- - _- -- - - _- -� -- -- - -- - ----- - ----- ---- -- - ------------
<br /> ---- - - -- - -- - - __ - - - - - - ----- --- ----- - - -- - ---- - - - - - _-- - - - --- - ---- - --- - ---- --- ---
<br /> ToDether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto l�elon�ing, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, .'. . , � _ �, Claim and
<br /> Dernand whatsoever of the said Grantor________ : _ . ' ; of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, u�lto the said Grantee_____._and to___ ._______hl�s:____________________heirs and
<br /> Th� Ross InvQStr�ent Co .,
<br /> �ssigns forever. And__.th�__83id,�.____hereby covenant_�____tivith the said Grantee_____.____that_._____l�__ _______hoId_�__.__said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that______.____i'�_ _.__ha__8-_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbratices
<br /> whatsoever------------------- -- - ----------...------- -�--- -- ------ ------------------ ------ ----- ------- ------- --------- -----------------
<br /> ----------- --- - -- -- ---- -- - --
<br /> -- -- - ---- ------ - - -- - - ----- -- - -- ---- - - -- -- - ---- ------ ----------- -------- -- -----------------------------------------
<br /> ---------- - - - - ------ ------ -- ---- ---------- - -- --- -- - - -- - ----------- - - - -- -------- ------ - - -- -------- --- -- --------- ------- ---------------------------------------
<br />' -------- - ------- - -- - -- --- -- -- - -
<br /> -----------------------,I�nd---the---�_�it� The-Ro-�-s--InYe��.tent--Co,-,--------------covenant s--._to warrant and
<br /> defend�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, __In___�9i.t_nGSB--.�PherBQf,.___th�__said__The__���5__SnVQ6�msnt_
<br /> C�-•-,----h�$--�_�ua�r�___Lhe��_s�r-�s-an 4s--�a-',�-e--s_igne�c�--b�r---ita__P_r_esicie_nt---and--i-tB---��r_por_at�__.saal__,a.ttached--------
<br /> i�e.�a�o_.�i1i3 ��th- -da� �f Apri1 �-- -- --- ---- -----A. D., �9--1.1�-- �
<br /> WITNESS -----_----------Th e._Ro s s---I ny��t me nt---Co .-}----------------
<br /> cor;� � --------_�'�e�l- -rY_a_��h�o _-------------Pr�sident-------
<br /> seal
<br /> -x n,
<br /> -- --- ------------�_.J_.h_ans�n-- -- - ---- -- ---- -�----
<br /> Attafit--------5_.I�_._R�s-�-- ------------------------ ---�e_�x�_�_ar-y__�----
<br /> ss.
<br /> H�1�7.--------- ---County, On this---- ---- ��-n - -- -- ------------day of_ -- -- A�2ri1------------------------A. D., 19--Z1-, before me, the
<br /> , � �
<br /> +
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public____._______________________.______________within and for said Gounty, personally came______F_rQLI___�1._9sh_�anr.__P_x_o���ten�_________
<br /> --- --- -O�__T:1Q-----�C1_��---�21YE36t_I:1¢_X7�'�- -�Q_._r--- ----- - --------------------- --------------------------------------- ------------------------------
<br /> - -
<br /> - - - --- -- ------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------
<br />' -- - - -- -tho --�'res-icten�---o�'- said -Cor��aany �ri
<br /> to me personally known to he�the identical person__`______whose name____________.is_--______________.___affixed to the above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor_______._, and_______.: . ;_ . _._.__�1� acknowledged the same to be__.___hig--___________-_voluntary act and deed
<br /> �'o�he�'puep se°�hereinextYresasedt and c�eed o� the said The Ross Inveat�ent Co .,
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my��and af�'ixed my ofI'icial seal at_____________________________________________
<br />�, �5��'� ________��a?1�1__Is_�,�I1d�____�Ieb_���k�t___._______.__.______on the date last above written.
<br /> T .J.Hansan -
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------------------- ----------Feb--------17---------------------19_16_.___
<br />