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I - . - . - __ . . . . . . <br /> � �f`�� <br /> �� �� <br /> D D ° ^ 0 ° D �:�. <br /> � a <br />�___ . _ _� _ _ _ _. _ _ __ —_ __ ._ __ _ _-- __-__-___ __.__ ______ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ <br /> ___ _ _^_ _ ___ ___ <br /> _ __ _ <br /> a�0�8=$LO�P c�$AIZTLFl"1'CO.,Prznting,�xt{-iogr¢p/-ixng ana Z"ount�Supplxes Uma�ic. _ <br />---=""' - -_-,. �t- - -s- _��-:-. __. _ __ .._-� . --- - ._ -- --_ -__._-. _-_--. . _..- . . __-_-_--- -_--- - <br /> FROM I hereby cer�ify that this instrum.ent was entered on Numerical Index and � <br /> filed for record this.-----.. ------g----.------------day of_-- _D8_Cember- - -------- <br /> --- -- -------- -- --- -- ---- - --- - -- - - - --- - - , <br /> n _ - ---o'clock --- - __-- ��--M, <br /> �, D,, 19__11_ __, at- --. . - $._�Q <br /> I ------ ----taax_y Fr ancis_,_ �f idotY---- - --- ----- Warranty <br /> �p Deed. i� <br /> C� <br />� -- - - - - --- - = - - - - � <br /> --------- - -- - � <br /> Register of Deeds x�acaa�x��t�x ; <br /> --- --_..._8i�.� liara--A_._Ex_an�i.s - - -- - i <br /> - - -- -- - ._ - - -- -- --- - -- - -- - -- <br /> ll epu�y. <br /> _._ ---- ----- -- - -- --- -- ----- -- - --- i <br /> - - -- --____-- <br /> � �e P ese ts : <br /> I�n 11 en b Th� r x� <br /> ow A 1VI <br /> y <br /> That--- -I, Lfar Y_Er_ancisj-- "�tids��r." - - - - -- -- ---_ - ---- - - --._ -- - ---- --- -�------ <br /> of the County of-------- ------cIall----------------------------and State of-------T1ebr_a8k_a-- --__---------._--- _. ----------------------------------Grantor-------, in c�nsideration � <br /> ot'the sum ot'________ C:�e_ Do_1__1ar_--___T,o_ve_ _ancl._A_f___f__oction_______ � <br /> ----- ----- - - - - - -------- --------- - ----- --- -- � <br /> --------- ---------D , <br />' in P�a,nd paicl, do---- ----------hereby GRANT, BARG9IN, SELL, A11TD CONVEY unto-------W i1.Ii�tttl---d._Fx'uri�.iS----__..------------------------------------------------- - <br /> F�all - - - -and State of - - NBbT��k3 - _ , Grantee-- -- -,the followin <br /> of the County of_ ----- --T ------ - -- - -- - -- g <br />, described prenlises, situated in the County of_____.___ _____._.__Hall_______ ____________________and State of Nebraska, to i�•it: ' <br /> ---:--The--Tlor�Yi--Y�a�.�_.Q_�___�he--�outh_eart---�-uax�y_e�----(IZ-•-1�2- Sr---1�4-)- - ar.d--�hs__?�Qr_theas-t--�uar_te-x_---o�--�ou�h--------- <br /> --_.-_- Ae�t_-Qu�'ter- �t�E--1�4--5'�+ -1�4- -}_ Sac�_i_on__Ttivo___�2_) To,r::sh-ig---T_en-_.(10_)-_2Torth__F:�_r_._ge _Tv,telve-_ (12_)_ Nest-_-- <br /> ---------6th _P.2S-,---- --- Sub��Ct---hQ�reva�__to--Li�-� -E�ua�_e-- Qf---sai_d__��ran�_Q-r,----and--�na---sai�l__rr_antor---re_serves----- <br /> _ --------thQ--r ig�it---of---�Q��es_�_iQn__�nd__r_e_c.eiv�as--all__r�nt_s-anc�--b_e.nofit-s---ther�fr_s�m---dur_ing---Yles---1_ife-•----------- <br />� _- - ------- - - --- - _ - - - - - - -- - --- - - --- - - - - --- ---- - - ------ - - - -- -- - --- ---- -- ----- <br /> -- ------- - - - -- <br /> - ----- -- --- - - ---- -- - --- ---- --- - - -- -- --- --- ---- - - ------ - ---- ---- -- - -- - ---- ---------- ---- -- - - -- ------ - ----- -� ------- <br /> --- ----------- -- - - - - - -- - - - ---- - - -------- ---- ------- --- - ---- - --- ---- - - ------ -- ------ - -- -�-------- --- --- - ------------------------------------ <br /> -- -- ----- -- - ---- -- - --- --- - --- - - --- - -------- - ------ ----- - ---- -- --- --. - -- - -------_ - ---- -- - --- ----------- ----- ---- ------ <br /> I Toffether witli ail the tenements, riereclitaments, and appurtena,rices thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate, R.ight, TitIe, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and ; <br /> � • <br /> llemand whatsoever of the said Grantor_ �-e�ei�e�e#'��, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. ' � <br /> TD KAVE AND TO HOLD tha above-described pre�nises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__.______and to________________hi_�______________,__.heirs and <br /> assigns forever, And__.___I__________ ____________hereby covenant___.___with the said Grantee_______.____that___________�________hold__________said premises by good and perfect ' <br /> title; that.____I____.____.___________ha_1�Q_good right and la«�ful authorit,y to sell and convey the.s�,me; that they are free a,nd clear of a,ll Iie11s and incumbrauces j <br /> whatsoever------- ------------_----- ------------- ---------- - -- - -- - ----- - --------- --- -- ------- - --- - ------------- ----- --------- ------- - - -------------- ' <br /> -�- ------- ------- ----- -- --------- - --------- ---------- ---- - - --- - ------- ---------- - ------- - ------ - ------- -------- -- ------------------- -------------------- - <br /> � <br /> -- --- -- -- -- - --- -And------ -- - I -- - - - ----- ------------------covenant-- ----to warrant and <br /> the <br /> defend �p said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ---_.--- ---__ __---___-----------_-_----._-----_-------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the- --=- - 5 th ---- - --- - --day of_-----i�Q�_sm�er- -- ------- ---- -----A, D,, 19--11----• � <br /> he r ! <br /> WITNESS D.D.0'�:anQ -------------2�iar_Y--�--�C-----Fr.anc�i-s------------------------------------- , <br /> �;ritr�ess to ��ark r.:ark <br /> ----- __ -- ---------De_lia Fr�nc�-�-- -- ---- ---- - - i <br /> i <br /> -- ----- - ---- ---Dani o 1_9!��r�-Q- --------- -- --- -- ---------- - ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, � <br /> ss. � <br /> I ---------Fi��l__ County, � On this----- - -5-th - ...--- --- - ----------day of-----De-��----- - - ---------------------- <br /> _ A. D., 19__11__, before me, the ' <br /> undersigned, a Notary Publi�_______________________________...___ _within and for said County, personally came___________________________________________________________________.___________ ; <br /> ---- -- -----------�+lax-y_--�'r�ncis ---"----�f�.c�p�v"-- ------- ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------=--=------------------ ' <br /> ---------------�----------------------- --------- ------ --- -- --- ----------------------------------------- ----------- ------- - --------- ---------------- <br /> to me personally I�nown to be the identical person__________whose name________.____________she___________.____�,��ed to the above instru- � <br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor__________, and_________$he._________severally acknowledged the same to l�e______________her________youluntary act and deed i <br /> I <br /> for the purpose therein expressed.�e � <br /> IN tiVITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my� and af�ixed my official seal at______________________________________________ j <br />, ____7�o_�a__Ri_y_er___in___�3_aiCi__Co�.n..�y_t__________________on the date last above written, i <br /> i <br /> ------------I'-,�D_._0'K��e--------------------------------------------------------- ! <br /> Notary Public. ; <br /> My commission expires---------------------------------------------�-a�;�---l�th----�1.2----------------;,,------------ ' <br /> � <br /> i <br /> � <br /> i <br /> i <br /> i ii I <br />