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<br /> D D ° 0 ° D
<br /> � a
<br />�' `° 50048—$LOPP&B�RTLE?`2`'CO..Printirzp,Lilhographing and Countb Supplies;Omahc. "' `' �=="_�—�'
<br /> FROl'✓I I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical rndex �nd
<br /> filed for record this--- ---`-�----. ---------day of---- _rjO V8�1ber.------ ---------
<br /> -- - - -- ---- ,
<br /> �, D., 19 11 , ai,-- __ - �._30 --- -- --o'clock_--- - - P_,_1VT.
<br /> - - - --- �?O�°ph- ReQ�Q, u.^�r�arrisd -._._ Warranty -
<br /> T� Deed. ' /�
<br /> _ - �u�=--C��.��c�- - - ----- - - -- - --
<br /> Re�ister of Deed�G/� �a��
<br /> Ed1�in Reasa
<br /> - --- - ------- - - - ---- - -
<br /> - --- -- --
<br /> lle�uiy.
<br /> I�now 1�1� 16�Iera by �'hese Pr�esentss
<br /> �nat__ - -,7oss�h__Re_e�s, _ _unmarr_iec�-- - - .. -- --- -- - --_ ------ -- -- - - -------
<br />, of the County of____ _H31_1 ________ ____.____ __and Sfate of___ N�b_r__�.Ska_______ _ _______Grantor______, in consideration
<br /> of the surr� of - �ne__riundr_erl_T�.�re_n�y-fz.u� & 0-O�1DD --- ------ -- --------- --- -- - ---------------------------------- ---------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> I' in 1�and �a,id, do_QS_________._hereby GRA�'dT, BARGAIN, SELL, AN� CONVEY unto__ ______Ed�^tln._ReeB�_ ________.._.___ _
<br /> of the County of___-.- ------Hd11-- ---.---- -------- ---------------and Staie of _. _ I�1e%;raska---_._- -------,Grantee-------,the foIlowing
<br /> c�escribed premises,sitizated in the County of_._______.__._______.tIal�______________ __________ ___ ___-_ancl State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> ------ -_. _Loy--2.1w:i1�$ra�l_Qne---�1)----�f---�_a_c�ion---fihirLLa�n---(13_}_ in__Ta��rn�hip- -T_en- -j1Q-)--Y19rt:,---of..R�n�_�._E�.e_v__an_
<br /> _ �11)___7P.est_ of_ _the __�th .P.I�d_,_r__ conta�.ning __On� _and._a0�10_0_ _acre��____accorciin�___�o_ _the___Governr�ent______
<br /> survey thersof.
<br /> --- - -- - ---- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - --- - _ -- ---- - - - - --- -- - __- - - --- - ---- - - ---
<br /> -- - - - - --- - - - -- -- - ------ - - ---- -- - -- -- -- ---- -- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - --- --- - ---- ---- - - --- - ---- ------ - -- ----
<br /> -- - -- - - -- -- - - --.._ _ ------- --- - --- - ----- -- - ---- -- - - -- - -- ---- -------- -- - --- ------- -- --- ---- - -�-- -- -----
<br /> --- - --------- - - -- --- - --- -----:--- ---- -- -- - - -- --- - ---- - - - - - -- - - - - ---- ----- -- --- - -- - - -- -- ----- - --- - ---- --- -----
<br /> ------------- - -- - --- - - - --- ------- ---- - -- ------- -- ---- -------- --- ------- - - -- -- - - --- - ------- -- -- -- ----------- ------ ---------------
<br /> ToDether with all the tenelnents, hereditaments, and a.ppurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate, R�ight, Titie, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_s______, a�-e�ai#,�e�-e#'-t� of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO KAVE Al�'D TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__________and to______________ _h_�8______ ___________heirs and
<br /> assigns forever. And_____I_______________________hereby covenant_______with the said Gra•ntee_.___.___that_______.___I__. .___hold__._____said premises by good and perfect
<br />�' title; that_____________�____._____._ha_ve__good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbralices
<br /> whatsoever----------- --------..- ----------------- - ---- - - ---- -- - - ------ -- ---- ------------- ----------------------------- --------- -- --------------- --------------- -- ------------------
<br />, ----- ------- --------- ---- - -- - - -- - -------- -- --- ---- ----- -------- - ------------- -- - ---- - - --- --- -- - ------------�--------- ------------------- ------ --------------------
<br /> ---- - - - - -- . - - - -- ------
<br /> - - - - - -- _And---------- --- - - I----------- --- - - --- -----------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> the
<br /> defend �i said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ___._.__._______________________________________________________________________________
<br /> -------------------------
<br /> Da,ted the---- - --23r-ci - - - - --------- -----day of_- -NoYember ------ --------------- ----------A. D., 19--�1----�
<br /> WITNESS _-------------------Jo-�Bph__�86��
<br /> -------------------------------------------
<br /> L.r.Allan
<br />' -- ------- ---- ---- - ------- - ------- - �
<br /> ---- - - -- �---------------------------------------------
<br /> SS. �
<br /> ----------F-�all------------County, On this-----------�3rc3---------------------day of_-----idove�aber-----------------------A. D., 19__1_1____, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public___________________________._ y, personally came_
<br /> _______________within and for said Count
<br /> -------------------Jo se�ah__Ree se,---un�arr iecl----------------------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__.________whose name_______________________i s_____________a,ffixed to the above instru-
<br /> (SI:AL} ment as grantor_________, and___________he____________��'y acknowledged the same to be________hi5__._._________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br />' rianae
<br />� IN ti�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed m ,��and af�xed my oflicial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> T , , count�
<br /> I ______�r_and__I_�?_and,____2+ebr�_�n___�.A�d___�_________on t e date last above written.
<br />. -'-------'--'-_'-"------------'---"'-____,U_ar_�L1�1.�i'°---°-""'--°--" .
<br /> Notary Public,
<br /> My commission expires---------------- �------------------- -Sept---2`�------1916--------------X�x------.._
<br />