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<br /> � D � D ° O ° D
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<br /> � _ . o
<br />�- 56638—i�LOPP&BAI{TLETT CO.,Printtin�,Litho9raphirig¢nd County Supplies;O�mafic. __ _ -_ , _; ,:. _ ,., _ -_—_ _:,-_ -:—_--�_—w—.—_--_='_ .=—__=__==_—_.
<br /> I�`ROM 1 hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> n +
<br /> filed fur record this---_. - -- .__ .��.;.h- -_--_.__day of___Nove�ber_____,___-------_---- ,
<br /> :�, U., IJ__11--, at---- - ----- --- - - - -� - --o'clock - --- - - A,_1V1.
<br /> -- - - ��.arleB 7Jhite �-;�t-i�e __ - - Warranty
<br /> �0 Deed. /' �
<br /> /�U,v�� � ;
<br /> - --- �- - - - -- -- - - - --- - -
<br /> ---
<br /> Regis.ter of De ds �x��x
<br /> - - - - - - -�iargarQt--Adaras--- - - -- - -
<br /> - -- -- - --- ----- -- - ----- -- -- - -- - ---- - -- -
<br /> �eputy.
<br /> I�now 1�11 1VIen b� `�'�iese Presents:
<br /> That-- C�.arlea �hi�e ancl._I,u.ella__�hi.te, - uusband_.and._wi�e - - - - ------- -------- -- -- -- ----- - --- --
<br /> -- - -- --
<br /> of the County of_-----.------ But.l_eT--------. _ - - ------and State of,- __._.Kan�as_--- --- - ------- _----._ -- ------- ----- ------------Grantor__g__., in cnnsideration
<br /> of the sum of- N�.T16_ �iL1TiC��_�d_ ----- - - - - ---=------------ ---- --------- - ------------------- ------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> - -- - -- - ---------
<br /> in hand pa.ict, doQ�__ ___._,herehy GRANT, Br�RGAIN, SELL, Al�'D CONVEY unto_ _ _ .__��etr�T�t'�.<AdAn2B______________
<br /> of the Courity of_-- -------. -----�_�11- -.------- - -------- -----and State of_--------- --P16_b_r_3sk�-- -- _. _ _ ----._.-----.-- ------ ---- -----------, Grantee------,the following
<br /> described premises, situate,d in the County of._____ _. _.__ ___H�11____ _ __________ __ _ _____. ...___�,nd State of Nebraska, to wit;
<br /> --- -Comnen�in�r' __a�__a_-�oin�__on_-thQ _Eas L---Baundar_y__1in$-_of_-Blo�k .rumbared --two----(�}-.--�-f_--the-_�r_i�inal_-Tor�n
<br /> ----�f_._I?ox�i�han,---Ha1.1__Count�r, ___Pis.k�raska,---fif-t-�r--���}_ _fe�t _��?u�I�--Q�__t�ie--�tort�c�_a_�t--corner--of--eaid---block
<br /> thanc_e__ rJest�zaxd--O�s_._Fiuncl�_ed---fi_f_t_�---�1�G�---�c�st__in__� _��.rai-�h-�- �.�.n�.-F-a^ale��__w_i_th__t_he north_bou_ndary_ l�ne
<br /> o�--ga�c� �lack, - t��ence .so�z�Y� -�'�.fty-(50) -fe��--ir�--a �t-rai��i�- _line--r�r�l�.11__�ith---t-h�--e_a�t---bound��y_--�ine �
<br /> a�- -s��� ��oGk� - �hen�e__.e_a��s��ax_d _in__a___at.raigh�__line.__�ar�1811---wit-h___the___L�a_r-th__hnundary___lin�__o_f__�aid__F31ock '
<br /> 1_ _. �
<br /> one__hundred__�'.�.fty__�150-}_-feet___to-_�aid---s_��t___l�ounda�-y--_line---of_-s�i_d_�l��.o�k,_____�h_�nce_nor_�h-_a,1_ong _said---east
<br /> bounciar y_--1 ine---of--�_a�_�_l�l��k,---�-i�-t-Y-----{��0� --f eet--t o---�he--no_�nt---af_�eg_�nx��-ng,----�n---filock--number_ed__Two---(2)
<br /> of the C:ri_�inal--To«rn__of_..Dona�x�l��n,----ir,�_.H�1,1._Gnun�-y, -Nek�r_�ska- -- - -- - - ------------ - - --- - ----- ---- -- ------- ---- ---- ----
<br /> T�gether tivith all the tenements, hereclitanlents, and a�ppurtenances thereunto belcn�ing, and all tre Estate, R-ight, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Cla,im and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__S_____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. �
<br /> TO HAti'E AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,ti�ith the appurtenanc,es, unto the said Grantee_____and to__________ __heT___ __._____________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And_______.___ _we_ ____._____hereby covenant______with the said Grantee__..__.____that__.____-ye___._____hold_________said prer�ises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that_______t?_8_______...________ha_��E�good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that they are free a,nd clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------------------- ---------- -- - --- -- - --------- - - --- - - ------ --------- ----- - - -------- ----- - ----- - --------- --�--------------------------
<br /> -- -- - - ------ -- ---- - ------- -- ------ -- - ------- - ----- - - - - -- ---------- - - ----- - ------ -------------- ----- ---- -------- ---- ------ ---------------�------------------
<br /> -------- - - -- - --- - --- ----- - -- - -------- - - ----- --- - --- -- - - --- -- - --- --------- ----- ---- -- - ----- -- --------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------------
<br /> -� - -- - -
<br /> ---- --- --- - -.__-- -------- - --- -
<br /> -- ---- -- - - And------- --- - ----- -- --`;re ------- ---- ---------___covenant--------to warrant and ;
<br /> the
<br /> defend t�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _____..___ ___ ________________________________________________________________________________________________
<br /> --- - ----- - ------ -------- ---- -- -- -- .
<br /> Dated the------ - -- -30th- ------ - - -- ---day of_------- - -CC�_ober---- -- ----- - - ------A. D., 1911-----�
<br /> WITNESS --------------------�h�1.�8___�fh�.�9--- ---------------------------------
<br /> _Lue I1 a__�Ph i�e------------------------------------
<br /> Jc�hn rallacher .
<br /> ------ ------ - -- --- --- - -- ------
<br /> ent_. -----
<br /> - ----- ---- ---�----------------------- ------------------------------------------
<br /> � Xa.�n s a�s
<br /> STATE OF� ,
<br /> ii �ss,
<br /> I -------------Butler------County, On this----------3q'�h-------------------------day of----------OCtobe�-------------------A. D., 191�----, before me, the
<br />,i
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public_____________________________..__________..__within and for said County, personally came
<br /> ________Char_le_s__�Vhite__anci_.__Luella__�hite�___7iusbanc�__and__wife____.__
<br />�'� to me personally known to be the identical person_.S_____whose name_�__________ar� _________affixed to t1�e above instru-
<br /> �SE�I,} ment as grantorg_________, and________t11eY___________severally acknowledged the same to be__________the_ir________voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> name
<br /> j IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my 1�and afi'ixed my ofi�'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> --__-L�trara__-�ar�sas-----_--_---------------------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> J.P.�3arnett
<br />' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />; Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------------------------S�-�t---------13th--------------------------------------�9-13_____
<br />�
<br />'�
<br />