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� _. . _ <br /> � �'��� c� t� �� <br /> D D ° 0 ° D � ���� <br /> __ �___-�_ __- _�_� _ _ _ _ _ _- - _-_ _ -_ _ __ _ -___ - -_-- __-_ ___- ___-- -_---__ _ <br /> ____ _ � _ __ _ _ _ <br />� 500t8-RLOYP&BtIRTLL'TT CO.,Prxnlxng,Lxlhogr¢pFxng¢nd Counly Supplaes Omrh,,. - - <br />_—.__. - - ---- - :-tF:- �_-r ,_- --- --_._ -_---_ --_ —'_- - --__ ___ -� <br /> - __ _ --�: - _:--_ _ : _ _ ::- _ <br /> �� <br /> --- -- ----. : ._ -._ _ _, --- -�'� <br /> FR.OM � <br /> I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and ; <br /> filed for record this_.__ _.-24�2'� - --.__day of-----NOVE3�b2�' - -- -- - , <br /> ---B�.r��am-�n- _F.Scudder---&- wi�'E ---------- ; <br /> , A, D., 19_l�.-_, at ---- �..�0 _ __ --o'clock -- -- P.M• ' <br /> - . - - - - Warranty i <br /> -- -- -- - <br /> TO <br /> Deed. ( � � <br /> ������<'�i�f�=`�� - - . - -_ - -- -- ---- -- � <br /> �,,,u t.�n t,,,�v_ _ ; <br /> --- -- _ _ _-._D�visi B_.Skil��-- - --- - --- - R�gister of D�eds � <br /> - - -- -- - -- --- -- -- - - - -- - -- --- -- <br /> Deputy. ; <br /> I <br /> - — --- -- — - i <br /> ��aow AIl �en by T�ie�e Pr�esents: <br /> That- We}--Ben amin_F.Scudder--and_ Flora_A,Scu���r, Husband _and._Wii'�,-------------- ---- <br /> - ---- ---- -- - -- -- - -------- � <br /> -- - - - --- - - -- - - -- . -- -- -__ - - - - --- - - -- - --- - - -- ------ -- - -- -- -- - -- � <br /> of the County of__- ---------------H311.----- and State of_---------- _ _-_ NG'br.- - --------Grantor------, in c�nsideration ; <br /> - - ---- -- - � <br /> of the sum of_-- One__Hundred S�yenty---FiVe--(.�l_'�_�_.t?4-�--------- -------- ---- - ---- ------------------------- --------------DOLLARS, i <br /> ---------------------- --- <br /> in liand, do_e,s_________hereby GRA�VT, 13ARGAIN, SELL, AA'D CONVEY unto____ ______ _.._.______...___.__ ____._._.____ _ _ i <br /> - - - -- _ - .__--- Da,vi� -B._Skiles- - <br /> -- - - - -- -- - - - --- - ---- - --- - --- _ , <br /> � <br /> . ' of the County of_---------H�ll--- -- ------ --------___and State of---- - ----- ----- ----- --- --NEhx-.------- ---------- ------ ---------, Grantee------,the following ! <br /> described premises,situated in the Coutlty of____ __._________H311____________________ ___________.____and State of Nebraska, to wit: � <br /> -- -----Zot-6 in_Scu�l�.�r-=� a,ddi�_i_on--tA--th� �Iillage a� Donipha.n- --- -- -- --- -- -- ---- -----------------------� - - --- -- � <br /> --- -- -- - - - - -- _ - -- --- - -- - - - --- --- - - -- - -- - - -- --- --- - - _ .__- - - --- - - ---------- <br /> -- --- --- - - -- -- ------ -- - - - - - - --- ------- - ------ � <br /> - - --- - -- - - --- --_ -- � <br /> -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - ---- ----- <br /> -- - _ - ---- -------- - - - - - --- ---- -- ------------------- i <br /> - - - - -- ----- -- - - - - --- -- - -- ------- ------ - -------------------------- i <br /> Toaether witIl all the tenements, hereditalnents, and appurtenances thereunto belong�ing, alid all the .Estate,R•i�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, � <br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOI.D the above-described premises,with the appurtenanc,es, unto the said Grantee_._______and to_____________�j��___________________heirs and ; <br /> assigns forever, And____ ___w�__________________hereby covenant________with the sa�id Grantee____.____that____.__._�fg__________hold_________said premises by good -and perfect i <br /> title; that_______w�_.______________ha4�___.good right and lawful authorit,y- to sell a.nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances � <br /> i <br /> whatsoever;------------------.. ---------- - - ----------- -- - -- ---- - -- - - - --- ---------- --------- --- --- - - - - ---- ----- ---- ---- -------- I <br /> -------- ------- -------- -- -- - - -- --- - - - ----._ -- ---- -- - - --- - - - --- - - --- ---------- - - ----------- ---- - -- ------ ---------------�- <br /> -- - ------- - - -- -- -------- - - - - --- --- - -- ---- ----- -- - ---------• - ------- ----------------- - - -- ---- - - - ----------------- � <br /> --- ---.._- - - - -- -- - -- -- -- -- --- -- - -- - And----- -- --�6- ------ -- -- ----- -- - ------------covenant-- ---to warrant and ! <br /> ..the ' <br /> defenc�v said premises against the lawful claims of all persolls whomsoever, ___...__________ __________._____._______________________________________________._.___.___.. ; . <br /> - --- - -- --- ----- _- - - -- ---- - -- - -- - - -.. --- - --- - -- -- - --- -- - -- ----- ------ -------------------------------------- ---- <br /> i <br /> Dated the �.5th ---- -- - -- - ----day of_----- - -Aligil8'� - ---- --------- <br /> A, D., 19_1�-----, i <br /> WITNESS --------------------��21.��xrlj.Iri__I'_.S clxddsr---------------------------- � <br /> - --- ----- ----�lora__A.Scud-�er_------------------------------- �'� <br /> ; <br /> - ---W._J.Burger-- --- - - -- ------ - <br /> -------------- --------- ---------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----- ---- ----------------------------------------- --------------- � <br /> STATE OF NE�RASKA, ; <br /> �ss. <br /> ----------------H's�1,�,---------County, On this_ _l.(t22-------------------day of_----------ALig.----------------------A, D., 1911----, before me, the ; <br /> I�' undersignecl, a i�'oiary Public------ -------------------------___within and for said County, Personally came---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ' Ben�amin__F_.Scudder_ and___Flora__A.Scudder__his__wif�________________________._.______ � <br /> ----- -------------- ; <br />; -- ------- -- -- ------- - -------- ----- -- --------- --- - ------------------------------ - -- - -- <br /> � <br /> to me personally known to he the identical person8_________whose name_�________._____�'�__________=____affihed to the above instru- � <br /> ment as grantors_______, and________��7.�y___.______severaliy acknowledged the same to be____.__thE1r---------_voluntary act and deed � <br /> �S '�I+� for the purpose therein ehpressed, �� <br /> i <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afi�xed my ofCicial seal at_________________________________.____._.__ ' <br /> � <br /> _____________I��x��.Fh�.ri__N�b_______.______________.__________._-----on the date last above written. 'i, <br /> ' _ -------- ----------�------------ --Y�[.-J'.,B11xgEr----------------------------- <br /> Notary Public. � <br /> My comtnission expires--------�az'Ch_1_yth--lsl?�---------------------------•------------------------------19------------ � <br /> � <br /> f, <br /> � _ I <br />