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�� ¢���r� <br /> _ � <br /> :,t � � o � � � � <br /> d <br /> r _ : _ _ :_ . <br />— 50038—KLdPP&BARPLE7"!'C,O.,Printin9,Lithographing and County Supplies;O;7aJ,r.. _ �-:=__:_._«_._��_,--------,-.—�—_=_.--'=_=—�- <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrunlent was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> --.. . --- -- -- -- -- -. ._ - -- - - - <br /> filed for record this---------2Q.�h------------c�ay of_-----NovQr::b�_r ----- ---------- <br /> :�. D,, 1�_11 , a,t_--- .. --__.__3_._�0.-- - -- --o'clock- --- - -- - _P._.M. <br /> -- - --- re�x�e B_.Bell._&__�ti£e--- -- -- Warranty -- <br /> TO Deed. � <br /> -- -- - -. --- - --- ----- - -- - - <br /> Register of Deeds �a��c�x <br /> John Re�mars <br /> ---- -- - -- -- - . _- - - ----- - - - - -- - - ----- <br /> ll epu�y, <br /> I�now All 1VIen by These Presents: <br /> �hat,_ _ _�e} ---George_ fi._Bel_1_ _and Emrla_H.Bell,_- husb�nd---and_-�ife---_- ---_ ---- - - - <br /> of the County of--- -----------.-GqOk_--- --------- -------ancl State of_.__ _.___Illinoi_s------------- ------- - ------- ---- ----------Grantor_�___., in consideration <br /> of the suln of_-- -- Fi_v_Q_..Thou�a�._d_aT.ttl--z19__1Q4_ ___. - ------------ ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------ <br /> _______:____D OLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do-- __. --------hereby GRA:VT, B�IRGAIN, SELL, �A'� CQNUEY unto---- __J.oh71---Re�l?1PT-s----------------------------------. ------ - <br /> -- - --- - --- - . . <br /> of the County nf____ _______ <br /> __Na11 - - - ---- _a,nd State of- __ . i�ebr2ska - - -- - - -- -, Grantee-- ,the following <br /> described premises,situated in the County of__________________ _______Hall__ _____ __________._. _____and Stat2 of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> Lo_t--._�1uml�er_.FiYe_ (5-}--- i.n__A�oc�--Nut�l�ex__ Ei,gr_t_y_ five----(_�5�----in __x_h�__Qxi�;inal._--�ov�n--r-no�_CitYi------- <br /> ----------.__.. _ __�f__rx_an�i._Is_lanrl�---a�aa_r_ding--ts� -tha_ r��s�r_de-d--pla�__th�r_�.fl_f.------------- -------------- <br /> --- - -- - - - ----- - - --- -- <br /> - -- -- -- --- - --_ . - -- - - - - __ - - - ___ -- -- - - -- -- - - ------- --- --- - -- - - ----- -- --- --- ----- ----- --- <br /> -- - -- - - - - - --- -- -- - -- - --- - - - ---- - --- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - ----- - ----- --- ------- - ------- <br /> - -- -- -- _-- _ - - -- - - - --- -- -- - -- - ---__- - -- - -- ---- - - - ----- - - -- - -------- ------ - ------- ------- <br /> - - -- - <br /> - --- - -- ------ -- -- ----- -- - --- - -- --- -- --------- - -- --- - - --- --- -- ------ -- --- -- -- ----- -- --- - -------- - -- <br /> -- --- --- - - - - -- ---- - -- - ------ - - ----- - -- - -- -- -- --- ---- - --- ---------- --- --- ----- --- - ----- --- - ----- --- ----- ----- -------------- <br /> To�ether witli all the tenements, hereditarnents, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,izd all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, vower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Gra,ntor_!�___.____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO HAti'E AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to__________.__his__ __heirs and <br /> a,ssigns forever. And_________?�l e__________________hereby covenant___.___witih the said Grantee__________that_____._�e________hold__.______said premises by good and perfect <br /> title,; that______tiYe..__________________ha_V_8___good right and lawful authorit,v to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------------------------.. --- ------------------ ------- ---- --- --- - ' ----------------- -- --- - -------- --------- - --------- ---- ' <br /> ----- ---- - --------- ----- ------------------------ <br /> ------ - -------- - - -- --- --- - -- - - -------- -- - ----------- --- - - ---- - -- -- ------ - ------------- -- ------- ------------ -------------- ----------------- ---------- ----------- <br /> - --- -- <br /> -- --------- ----- -- --- -- ------- --- -- - <br /> ---- - -----And------- --- -- -- -.�ve- ---- ----------- --------------eovenant--------to warrant and <br />' th8 <br /> defend �said premises against the Iawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _ _________________._____________________________._ <br /> Dated the- - - - - --��'�h--- ---- ------ --day of_ - -- --r10YeT'1b8r---- ----- - - ------A. D,, 19--11----• <br /> WITNESS ----------------------reorge---B.Be11- ------ --------------------------- <br />' -----------------Etnma_H,B_�_1,�,------------------------------------------ <br /> Fred A.�fates <br /> -----__---- --- - ------- --- ---- ---- -- ----- - - -- ---- - -- <br /> -- -- --- -- ----------�eo H.--Paine <br /> STATE OF ; Ill;�.riO.�.s <br /> ss. <br /> ------ ---- -��SJk- - ----- ----County, On this-- -- - - 14th--- - --- ---------day of-- ---- �doVembBr----------------------A. D., 19_.11__, before me, the <br /> undersigzlecl, a Tvotary Public_____._________________.________._______________within and for said County, pet°sonally came__________________________________________________________. <br /> ---------------- <br /> -- _-�3eorgQ _B.Bell_-and Er�a__�-i.Bell� his wifa <br /> - -- ------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_s_______whose name8___&Te________,________.________at�xed to the above instru- <br /> ment as grantor_S_______, and________thgY----__.__severally acknowledged the same to be_________theiT_________voluntary act and deed <br /> �~E�`� for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> na�se <br /> Il�' WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afl'ixed my of3"'icial seal at______________________________________________ <br /> ___ChiCago�___I_llinOis _________on the date last above written. <br /> - --- ----------------------------- <br /> -----------------------F red..A.r at e s------------------------------------ <br /> -- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My commission expires--------------- -------i�iay_---11------�---1911-------------------------------------- - - <br />� � i <br />