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r <br /> I ��A �'���:�� <br /> D D ° 0 ° D � <br /> 0 <br />_.__� __ � __ = -_ _ _,_� i ___ _ _. ___ ______-_- ' __ ___ _-_ -__ __ ___ _ -___----___-_-_ _ <br /> _ _ _ _ = __ :-._ _ _ __ _ <br /> 50018 KLOPP&BARTLETT CO,Printing,_Lithographinp and County Supplxes Omahc. - _— <br /> ,,_— -- --.-_ — _ .,::— ,___ , ------ ---:- -,-- --- : _ _,,� __-- =-- <br /> __,-- `__ —=—_—�� _- <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and � <br /> ---.-------�r�rr1�--B-�---S�El�-S---&--HTIBb------------ filed for recorcl this_---. ._-- -1-7------------------day of-----NOVl32Cib-E:2'--- ----._- .--------- , <br /> �, D., 19�1 -, at --9_ -- - -_... _ __ -o'clock- - - - --- A.--M� ' <br /> -- ----_ _-- - - Warranty ' <br /> -- Deed. <br /> TO ; <br /> - � - - �� - -- -._. __.__ ------- ------ <br /> David____D.0�Kan�-- - --- - - Register of eeds '' <br /> -- - - - ---- - - -- - - --- ------- - ---- � <br />� � Tlepuiy. �� <br /> � Know All 1VIen by Tliese Present�: �������� <br /> That_ __We__ CarriE -B--Spelts_ .and_.Williatn-T--Sp.e�.ts . ��_Wif_e--�,nd_.Ht,isband- ---- -------- -------- ----- ------- --__--- ------------- <br /> of the Courity of_--. __------ H311 . ._and State of_------- - - NebT181C3-- -------- ----- - ----------Grantor_�----, in consideration <br /> of the sum of - --.._. Orie �00 ----------_------_----------------------------------------------- DOLLARS, ! <br /> -- -- ---- - - -- - - -------- ---- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------- <br /> in hand paid, do____ ._..._____1lereby GRANT, BARG_�IIN, SELL, AI1'D CONVEY ufito__________ ____D�V1d _D 0!Ka2'12__,_ __.___ <br /> � <br /> -- - ---- - - --- - - - --- -- -- - _ _. _ -- - - --- - - _- - - - - -- - --- -- - --- -- ----- --- <br /> of the County of - ---- -- Hd.11 --- -- ---- --and State of- - -- - -- NEhr�,Sk3 - - - -- - -- - - , Grantee---- -,the following <br /> described premises,sitizated in the County of________.________Ha,ll __ __._._______and State of Nebraska, to wit: ' <br /> ---- ----Lot�_N�.imb�r--�'1Y�---(-5-�- -and__S�_yen---f.7-�---af._F_o�_t�ra--Sub�li-vi-�-ion- o�'- �.ca�-s--�1-�v�r� (�l) and -T�t�lv�------ <br /> -----------(l�)__oP__ �ood _Lawn_ Subd�,v�.si_on_Qf---par-t- -$tzar-�er----of Sa��-h eas� -Quarte�-and -- ---- - <br /> ---------pa,_r__t -of---S�uth..east---c�u��_te-r-Ql'--N��_zh--�a.�t---of- �_e�_ti-an-Twen�3�---F-our--�.n--�a�s2�ig- T-�� �1.Ca � No��l�- <br /> --------Range---Twelv�---( _l_2-)--we�t---6th-- P..�,._ .a,c_cor�iing---t-o- the---r_ecor-de-d--}�lat--th�r-�e�'.------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> --- - ------ -- --- -- - ----_ --- ---- --- _ - - --- -- - - - ---- --- -- -- - -- - - --- - -- -- - ---- ---- ------ -- --- ------------ <br /> -- ------ - --- ---- - - - -- - -- ----- - - - --- - - -- -- - -_ -- - - - - - - - -- - --- - ----- - - -- - - -- --- -- - -- ---- -- <br /> - -- - -------- -- ------ -- --- - - - - - --- -- -- --- - <br /> -- -- --- - ---- <br /> ---------- - ---- -- - --- ---- - -- ---- - - - ------ -------- - --- --- , <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate,R.ight, Title, Interest,, Dower, Curtesy, Claim a�d � <br /> Dem.and whatsoever of the said Grantor_ , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, <br /> TO N!�VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___._.___and to___.__H18_______________________heirs and <br /> assigr�s forever, And____.__�e_____.___________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee___________that____�[E______________hold__________said premises by good and perfect i <br /> title; bhat___We___________________ha��___good right and la��ful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens ancl incumbrances ' <br /> i <br /> whatsoever•------EX�_�p_t._TaX�-B----1911-- - ---- -- -- --- - - - --- - ------ - --- - -- ---------- -- -- -- -- - -- - - ----------- ----------------------------•- � <br /> ---------- -- --- -- --- ----- ------- ------- --- -- ---- ._- --- - - -- ---- -- --- - - --- --- - - --- --------- -- -- -- -- ---------- ------------------------- <br /> --- -------- -- - --- - --- --- - ----- - ------- - - - --------- --- - ---- -- ------------- --- -------- -- --- -- --- <br /> ; <br /> - - - -- - ---- - <br /> -- -- - ---- - -- --- - -- -- And----- -- --- -- -- W�- ----- ----- ----------covenant--------to warrant and i <br /> defend�said premises against the lauful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____ ___._______._________________________.__ __________________________________________._____________________________.. i <br /> � i <br /> ' -- - --- --- --- - - -- ----- - -- ---- - - - ----- - ---------------- - ------- �- � <br /> Dated the_ l�th ---- - - - --------day of_- - - -- NQY--- --- --- -- - ------------A. D., 1911-----� <br /> WITNESS ---------------------��-d.2'�'i�--,$�---SpB�,t_�.---------------------------------- � <br /> ---------Willi-am--�-Spelt_� ------------------- I <br /> ---------------------- -H.P,Burmood - ---- - -- - ------ - <br /> ----- ------- - ----- ------------- -- --- ---- - - ---------- --------------- ------------- ----------- <br /> --------- � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> -----------=-H111---------County, On this----------------1��21----------------------day of_----------IZQ4Gri1b�T-------------------A. D., 1911----, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public---------------------------------.----------------within and for said County, Personally came--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----Ca��i�--B-S��lt-s--and--�'il�-i�----T---��e-1-�s--W�fe---ar�d---I�i�Z�s��c�-- ----------- i <br /> ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ' <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_.?�__._whose name�_________q,r_�_ <br />�ixed to the a,�ove instru- I <br /> ment as grantor�________, and______��'l�y.____._____severaliy acknowledged the same to be_.__��g�r__.__________voluntary act and deed �; <br /> for Ghe purpose therein expressed. � � <br /> ��c— ! <br />�� IN ��ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afC�xed my ofCicial seal at___________________________.__._...__..____. i <br /> (SEAI.) ._____WOOd_�_iV�r__N6br��u.��-�_���-____�,r�___----on the date last above written. i <br /> � <br /> ---------------------- -H.P-.BI�'B14Cd-------------•--------------- � <br /> Notary Public. i <br /> My cominission expires----------A�-Z--�_._-------------------------------------------------------------------------------19-�5----- <br /> ; <br /> � <br />