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<br /> 560�8-{�LOf'P 3 $ARTLETT CD.,Prinling,Lithogr¢phtng¢nd Counf�Supplzes;O+nakc. i
<br />��— -�:... - -...-. ?t-... :..._,_ �_�__ .__ -,: .--._ _ ...,__� �---�� - --- �-- ---.—_ -�_'-" -�---- --�-- �-- - -�_���-=__—'- -�---_----_= - ---- .-_._— .__-_.._. ._ --._._�—k__�_�
<br /> FRO�"T I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br />, filed for record this---.. --- -----13_-- --- ------day of------1STQYeL1}��_Y'_-. - ___..--------
<br />' --- - --------- - -- -- - -- - ---
<br />', �. D., 19_ _ll , at- - -- 1•�0_- -o'clock -- -- -- -__P•- --M.
<br />'', - Cr�ille-F13:s�,ra�'th � wife -- - Warranty ,_
<br /> TO Deed. � /�J' �
<br /> ��/L_ _ ___ _- -__ . ___ _._ .
<br /> --- - --
<br /> Regi�ter of Deeds 6�at��
<br /> Cr.arle-s--H.,_Kincii�---- - -----_. ___.__
<br /> -- ------ - - -
<br /> - - - - ------ ---- --- ----- ----- �
<br /> Depuiy.
<br /> Know All 1VIen by Tlaese Presents s
<br /> That_ _. ___. Orville___Ells��or�h_ and_ L_ott_ie __Ellsrr__o_rth, _his r�ife ___ _ .___ _ '
<br /> . - --- ------ --- -- ---- - - -- - -- -- --------
<br /> of the County of---------H311__--------------------------- . ----�,nd State of_------Nepraska------ -- -----. - - ----------------------------Grantor-------, in consideration '.
<br /> of the sum of------FOUT---�u�'?dZ.ed--------------------------- -
<br /> ------ --- - -------- ------- ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, i
<br /> in hand paid, do__s�___ _____hereby GR�1NT, BARG!lIN, SELL, AI�'D CONVEY unto______ _Ch�rle� __Fi_._Kin�lig____.______. __ !
<br /> of the County of---- ------- Fi3i1_-------- -------- -----------and State of__ _-- ---T19braska -- -- - - --- -------- -- --------------, Grantee------ -,the following '.,
<br /> described premises,situated in the Cour�ty of________ __ __�~:ull_____ .________ _ ___________________and State of Nebraska, to wii:
<br /> --------Coramcing -----at---a--no_in�--�n__.the--�ou'th--s-zd-�--o�---P�.um__�tr_ee� --��---�T�11�ge--9f._Do�ilhan,---three-----------------
<br /> -- -----___h__urc�xe-�1--a�cl--n�.ne��-_ (390-)---fs_et -East--Qf -the---�snt-e-r_- -Qf----ths___St--�IQe---a�d_�.I_.F,_._A.--_r_uz�n�n�-------------------
<br /> ------�hen�e---E_a.s�__ 4re--hundr_ad---and_f�rty--one---�141�- --fe�et,- --�xi-e��e--�o_uth. _QnQ---h_undr_ad---f_�rty-_fnzzr-------------
<br /> ---------(�.44-�--f_���i----tY��ncQ--�Gsst---Qne---hundra-d--_and---f's�.ryy- -ar�e----(141�- -f_�e�,----ths_rce-- �dQxt�__one hunc�red_---------- ;
<br /> ---- -- ---and---f�rty_ .four___�144}---feet- -�o---�lace--of--be_�inning,----bein�--�--Part--�f__�r.e---$.�t-,=4--of---the-------------------- '
<br /> - -- ---�-E.�'--of �e�--F�ue (5} To_wn 9,--�an.�-e �-. --- �- - -- - - - --- ----- ------ --- - - - - - - -------- - - -- ------ --- -- ----------
<br /> �
<br /> -- ---- - --- ---- - - -- --- - - - -- --- --- ----- ----- - -- ----- ---- -------- -- --- ---------------------------- !
<br /> To�ether witli all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurteliances tliereuiito belonaing, �,nd all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and '
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__________, w�u�`:,��::��-�'#�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, '
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenaiices, unto the said Grantee__..______and to_______.______.hi$_________.____._____heirs and ;
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And____. __'�`f�____________________hereby covenant___ ___with the said Grantee__._.____._that__._______?�re___ ___hold__________said premises by good and perfact ;
<br /> title; that.____'Et_�________________.__ha_V�_good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that tlleyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------- ---- - --__- ------------ --- ---- - - -- --- - - - - ------- - --- - ---------------- ----------- -------------- --- ------------ --- --------------------
<br /> -- ------ - - ----- -- ---- - -- - --- -- ---- ---- - -- - -- - ----__.- - --- ---- -- =--- ------ -- - - - - ------ -- - ----- - ----------------------------------------
<br /> --------- -- ---- - . --- --- ----- - - ------- -- -- -
<br /> - -- --- And------`�e- -- - ---._.._ ---- - --- -------------covenant-----�--to warrant and ;
<br /> defen��eaid premises against the lawful claims of all persons wl�omsoever, ----.- ----- --------------------�---------------------_-------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --- -- ----- ------ - - - - _ - -- -- ---- ----- - -- -------- --- - ---- - - ---- --------- ,
<br /> �
<br /> Dated the- -- -�d - - --- --- ---------day of_--- �CtOb�:�:; _ --- - -----_ .__A. D., 2911------�
<br /> WITNESS --- ---------------Orville---Ellawo�h-------------------------------- :. .
<br /> ------ -------I�ottis--E_llsz�or_�h------------------------------- ;�.
<br /> - ---- --- ------------ -------E_�C_.Sharp----- - - ------- -- -- ,,:
<br /> --------- -- --------Cha6__�I_.�ium�.�hr_��-------------- , ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
<br /> �ss. ;
<br /> -----------HO�t.----------------County, On this---------3rc1--------------------------day of_--------OCtOveT---------------------A. D., 19__11__, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a iJotary Public------------------------------------------------._within and for said County, personally came------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ____________.Orville__ E11sFVOr_�h__ard__L4�tie,__Ellswortri;___hi_s__wife________ ;
<br /> ( 3 E A L ) ----------- ------------------------- -------- -- -------------- ---- - - --- - ----- --- - ------------------------------ ------------------- ---------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__________whose narne_.___________,i8-------------------------af�xed to the above instru- i
<br /> ment as grantor_____________ and_._________.hg________several�y acknowledged the same to be______hi�________._____.voluntary act and deed ';
<br /> for tihe purpose therein expressed, '
<br /> n�e �
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my and afI'ixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ '
<br /> __ _ __ _ _ ___Ii'12��n �beb iri said___countVa_on the date last above written.
<br /> --------- -- ----�---------- -----------
<br /> 2�1�commission ex}ires Se �t 4th 191� E.C.Sharp _____ '
<br /> .��...� ------ - -- - - ---- ------------ ------ '
<br /> �.._.__._.�._.:�-Y,.:�-.:.�-.-�....
<br /> �. - --- �
<br /> Chas J H h]C y Notary Public. I
<br /> { 5 E A L ) My commission expires-------�pril--25r---1916 -----------------------------------�-----�0-��3� 1�b�:�C. I
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> ;
<br />