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, - <br /> �� � � , <br /> ,{�, , D � D ►° 0 ° D <br /> � o <br />- 56048—KIAPP'&BARTLETT CO..PrinlinB,Lilho9ra.phing and Caunty Supptiest O�:ahc,. . _- , - . ,=._ - :_,.r . ,._ —=-__._.^__ --_-,�_--�.—=.�, <br />�_ , ___. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_< .—_,__, ___�:_ _�_�_.—.->--=- _= <br /> -- —_----�- —:.-- �__° <br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> h filed for record this--------13-----------------_._day of_.__:Iove���e.�._..----- ---------- <br /> - -- - ---J..E.DilI_an�__iri�Q_.a�t� - ---- - - <br /> .1, D., �9--�,1--, at_. ---- --- - 1_1_�5�- --- --o'clock- -- ----- -- -�A� -M. <br /> -_- -- --- _S.__C_ .Hust_on _and---�vife --- ------- --- 1�Varranty <br /> TO _ Deed. <br /> - � ���=���- <br /> - _ --- --- - <br /> Register of De s �n��x <br /> - -- -- -�mtn�_EmilY-- - ---- -- - <br /> - - - --- ---- -__ <br /> - ---- - - - Deputy.-- <br /> Know �11 1VIe� bgr T�iese Presents o <br /> That - _ _.�e, __�'_.E_.Dill--�.nd -rvif_�--,I_as�si�--� - _ - - - � --- ---- - -- - --- . - <br /> -- ---S_.C_.Hua�on _�.nd__t�ife Anna A_,_Hua-ton- -_ --- _._._ _ __ _-- -- - .- --- --- _ _ - <br /> of the Councy of_ ______.__�I�1_1_____ _._____ _ __and State of________ 1`rs_vx_38k�-__-_-_________ __ _______ _________ .___._.___Grantor_&____, in consideration <br /> of the sum of- One Hundrec�- 3nd__no�lOQ ----- -- ---- --------------- -------------- ---- - -------------------------- ---------------------DOLI.ARS, <br /> in hand paid, do____ _____________hereby GRANT, B�IRGAIl�', SELI., A�'D COiVVEY unto_.. __ �mma__EI�_'1_l�t_.________._.______________ <br /> --- ----- -- - --- <br /> -- - - --_ - -- . . <br /> of t11e County of--- FrUn�ipT-.--- -------- --------- -----ard 8'tate of_ ._ --------I��k��3�k� _------ ------ ------ ------, Grantee-------,the following <br /> described prem_ises, situated in the Coulity of___ ._.______________H�1�._.___________.-____________and State of lYebraska, to wit: <br /> __ _____Lot___rlu�ber _Ten__�IO� __in _ _B_lock__tlumber Fift_e_en __(1_5__)_ _Meths_ _Addition__ to_._�rand__Islanc�____ <br /> ------ ----- -Ne��.ras�;a, --a_s .surve�recl_.p13��_e�i--and_ recc�rdeci,- --- ---------- ---- <br /> - --- - -- - - - - --__ --- ------ - --- - ---- - - - - - - ---- -- ---- - - ---- - - -- --- -- --- --- - ------- - - - ---------- <br /> ---------- - - - -- -- - - -- - -- ---- - - ---- � ---- - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - - --------- --- -- - - -- - ---- -- - --- - - -- -- ---- -- - -------- <br /> -- ------ - -- - -- - - - - --- - - -- - --- -- -- - -- - - ----- - -- - ---- --- ------ --- - --- - -- -- - --- --- ----- ---- -- ---- -- --- --- -- <br /> Together with ail the tenements, hereclitan_ients, and appurtenar2ccs thereunto belor��ing, �,nd all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_�_________, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thareof, <br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee______and to_______._______he�_.____________..heirs and <br /> �ssigns forever, And_____.':�t�._________.____ __hereby covenant________with the said Grantee___________that_______"Y9_________hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that__________�1�___________ha_VQ_good right arid lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear of a,ll lieris and incumbrances <br /> w�atsoever----------�t�l��e��---t-�---taxe-a---�Qr--191Q----and--aub_s_ec�wen�---t-ax--------------------------------- ----------- - <br /> - ------------- - ------------------------------- <br /> ---- -- ---- - ----------- -- - ------ - ----- ---------- - ------ - ----- ---- --- ------ -- --- ---------- -- - -- --- -------- -------------- ------------------------------------- <br /> - ----- ------ - - -- ---- - - -- - ------- --- --- - ----- --- ---- - ----- ----------- - ----- -- ------ --------- -- ----------�--------------- - ----------------------- <br />� -- - - - --- - ---- -- - - -- - ----- - ---- --- ------- - - -- - --- -- - And------ -- �1e--- ---------- ---- - - - - - ----- ------------covenant--------to warrant and <br /> de€en�'�i8aid premises against the lawful claims of all persor�s whomsoever, ____._______e:cCBpt_._as__aboV9.________________________________________________________________ <br /> Dated the-- ------------ ilth__ day of_- ----- NoVerAb@r---- - -------- --------A, D,, 19--i1----• <br /> WITNESS ---------------------s?_._E�-I?�-�-�---------------- --------------------------------------- <br /> - ----------------3�ssi�--�_._�il�------------------------------------ <br /> __._ftos�__E_.Hanas-n----- ---------------- � <br /> - ----- - -- -----------------5_,_C_.Hu��on--------- -------------------------------------- - <br /> __.__Anna--g.Hua�on------- --------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. ' <br /> -------------�i_�.11-----------County, On this-------llt ------------day of_--------�IoYQS�l?E3�-------------------A. D., i9__�.�__, before me, the <br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Public____________________.__________________________within and for said County, personally came___________________________________________. _______._________________ <br /> - ----J_._E._Di_ll__.�n�i__wi�� -�e_ss-�Q---r-._Dill---an�-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - � S_,�._�3��_�_�n_az�sl__��_�,_�e---,A_n__n�__A�Hus_�on--- -------------- ------------------------------------------- ------- ---- <br /> ------- ---------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_8_______whose name�_____�r�___________.__________________afTixed to the above instru- <br /> (��AI,) ment as grantor__8_______, and__________tr_8Y________severally acknowledged the same to be___.__th8ir.___.______.voluntary act and deed <br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. <br /> name <br />'i IN WITNESS WHEREOI' I have hereunto subscribed my�and affixed my of�cial seal at_____________________________________________ <br /> I', __=i ASi�__I8_1_a,21d__I�$hT3SkE1�_____________________________on the date last above written. <br />, . . ------------------------------R os e__E..Hans en------------------------------ <br /> Notary Puhlic. <br /> Mycommission expires--------------------------------------- -----------------------�-al---��-------------------�9---1-°----- <br /> , <br />, ..�>:i.. _ _ . <br />