<br /> �� � � �
<br /> �,z. � � � o v �� � �
<br /> s .,. �
<br />:- .... . .. .. .. . ..._ . . .. . .. . .. _....-._ --.�_-.�:_ . ..._ _._�.�
<br /> 500�8—ICLOPP&BAK7'LE4'T CO.,Printing,Lithographinp¢nd County Supplies;O+nalaa. _ - --_— -_---—�-_--—_---i� _:._---���--._—-_�.—_
<br />-_ < ,: __._ _ _,. , _ _�..�.�, ,.�:-
<br /> FRO1Vl I hereby certify that this instrun7ent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> filed for reccrd this__ __ --- --- -;'��1----- ... _ __day of__._ Nove�ibs-T------------------
<br /> 3. D., 1911 � � at___ lla_1.5. _ _.. --_ - -o'clock-- - - - --- -.A.-_M.
<br /> - -- - -- -L�.ura_:i._IIund3r �-hu��and- - - Warranty
<br /> l0 Deed. (�
<br /> -- —�/----ic%2%`�?�— _�Z� _—------------- --- — —
<br /> Register of Dee�s ���
<br /> -- _- - ---- _Ar_ahe_lla---Hendershatt --- _
<br /> - -- - ---- - -- -
<br /> -- --- - -- -- -- -- - ---
<br /> � Depu�y.
<br /> I�nozv 1�11 16�Ie� �y �'lies� Presents :� � ��
<br /> T���,t - - Laur� _H_._Aunc�.�-an�i -Oli_�rer__�_._�und�'__ - - - - ' -- __ _ - - - - _-- - -----� - -- - - -- -
<br /> _ - - - - -- ----- --
<br /> _ _ - - - _ �i�e_ and_h��band _ -__ - -
<br /> of the Count� of_-------------�all -------------- __�,nd State of--- _...Nebra.skel---- -- -.------- - _---_ --------- ---------- -----------Grantor-�----, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of --._ __QnG___&._riQ�100- - - = -- __ ----- ------- -- ----------------- - - ----------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do.__ _______ __hereby GRt�NT, B�IRGAIN, SELL, �ND CONVEY unto_ ____._��be_11@_..HendeTSh_Ott___ ____ _ _ _
<br /> of the County of_-- -------- ------F.al-1,------------ - --------------and State of----- ----------- ------- _ Nebra�ka -------- ------- ----- --- . ..-----, Grantee------,the following
<br /> described premises,situated in the vonnty of._ ._._.______Ha_11._ ___.___ _______ _______________.__and State of Nebraska,, to wit:
<br /> 1 - �—
<br /> ---- --------- -The---Nor_th_--(N, ;;�---anQ__ha.7.f- -o�_�o_t --(1�----�ne--F3.lock----�3F-}---Thir_t_y_-a3.x-���. ina�--t_own_.now__Cit-y_---------
<br /> __ _- �f--�rand Isl�rd, _H�1-7. �ou�t�',-_Nebra��a� -- - _ - - - - ---- - - -
<br /> -- --- - - -- -- - - -- -- - - ---
<br /> -- -- --- --- - -- - --- --- ---- -- -- --- - -- - - --- -- - - -- -- --- - ----- - ----- - - ------ -- - -- --- ------ _------ ----
<br /> - ------ --- -- -- - - -- - - - -- -- --- - - - -- - ---- -- - - ----- ---- - - - -- - --- - ---- - - - -- -- ---- -- -- - -- - - -----------
<br /> -- - --- ---- - -- - -- - --- - - -- - -- -- - ---------- -- --- - _ ---- --- - - - --- - - -- ------- - -- - -- --- ------ -- ----- -------.,
<br /> --- ------ - --- - -- --- - - - -- - - -- - --- - - - - - -- - ------ - - --. - ---- --- - - --- - - --- ---- ----- - - - - --------- ----------..
<br /> ---- -- - - - - - - -- - --- ------- - -- - - - --- - -- - --- --- --- ----- ----- --- - - ------ ------ --- - - ------ ------- - --- ----- -----
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereclitaments, and appurtenances ihereunto belonging, and all the Estate,Right, Title, Ititerest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br />' Demand whatsoei�er of the said Grantors._______-, ar,d of either of tliem, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br />�� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,witli the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_______and to____________ ____�1er_.____________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And_______�'�e______________________hereby covenant______u�ith the said Grantee___ _______that_______i��___________hold_.________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_____.___�e_ ________ _____ha______good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that theyare free and clear af a,ll liens ancl incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-----------------------.__ --- -- - ----- -------- ------ -- --- - - -------------- - -------------- ---------------------- --------------------
<br /> ---- ----- - -- --- --- --- ---- --- - - --- -- -- -- - -- - ----- --- - ----- - ------ - -- ------------- --- -------- ----- ---- - ------- -------------- ---- ----------------------------
<br /> -- ----- -- -- -- - --- --- - -- - - -- -- -- ------ ----- - -
<br /> ----- - -._- -And------------ -------- �e----- - - ---- --- - -- ------------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> t he
<br />' defend� said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, ____.______
<br /> I ---- --- -- - ------ - - ---- - - -- - ------ ---- ------ - - --- ---- - ----- - ----------------- - - ------ -- �- ---- ------ --- ------------------------------------------------
<br /> I�ated the_- - ------ - 25th --- ----- -----day of_---- -- �G�Ober------ -------------- ------A, D., 19--��----�
<br /> I
<br /> WITNESS -----------�-------Laur A---��Bu?�d�-------------------- -------------�-----
<br /> ------G�..�Y�x_._C_.�t�.21�.�-- ----------------------------------
<br /> ------------ - ------- ----- ----1,,...i.�.'fi�Y �'T�- -- - ---- -
<br /> ss,
<br /> --------- -hall -- - -- ---County, On this- --25th- ---- - --- --------day of_------QCtober----------------------A. D., i9_ll--, before me, the
<br /> undersi�ned, a Notary Publc__-------------__-__-------_------------------within and for said County, Personally came_-______-----------------__---------------------__-----------__
<br /> __Laur a_H..�_i:nay--a_r_.d__O1 i_v__er--C_,_Bundy-------------------
<br /> � - ----- ------------------
<br /> �•rife an� husbar.d
<br /> -- - - ------ ---- ------- ------ ---------------- ----------- - - - -- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------- ---------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person�______._whose name__8_________�_8_____..________________affixed to tli.e above instru-
<br /> ment as grantor.8________, and_________�hEy.________severally acknowledged the same to be__.__thgiT________.___voluntary act and deed
<br /> (:EAL) for �he purpose therein expressed.
<br /> n2tme
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afC'ixed my ofC'icial seal at______________________________________________
<br /> -----------rr�llti---Is_1_az^�d--------------------------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> ----- ---------I-�R_„�ltez___Jr-------------------------------------
<br /> � Not�,ry Public,
<br /> My cominission expires---------------------------- ---Au�---23----------------------------------------j�3-------
<br />