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��r �� <br /> � <br /> � � � ��_� <br /> . D D ° 0 ° D � � ��:_�� <br /> a . <br /> _._, :_ .__ __ _ __ __ _ ._ _, ___,- .— __ __ _ . - ___ _ ___- _--—_ __ —__ _ — <br /> __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _______ _ <br /> _ <br /> 500�$_-h"�Ol'P c�$ARTLFTT CO.,Printing,Lx(hographing and Count�Supplaes;Omahc. — <br />_._ __. :,<_ ��.�, -_-___. . _��---= _- ,.- - _ :_ -- _- _- - --- - - -_- --,--_�.-_- _ - --- - -- - -- -- — -= <br /> � <br /> _ --- _..- _._ _-__ �_� . _--- --__.—�—_ <br /> 1 <br /> FR0147 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and �' <br /> ---- - -- - -- -- _._._. - - -- .- - --- -- --_ - <br /> filed for record this---_-- -- _7th----------------day of__I�1OVembGT----- ------------------ , <br /> 3. D., 19 _11 _ , at_ -- _ -- 9_�10-. _ -dclock--- -- - A.--M. ' <br /> Eug-ene---Beland--&--t�ife..__.____ Warranty ' <br /> - - - , ��!� <br /> TO � Deed � � � � �� <br /> ��z� - <br /> - - - -� <br /> - - - - - <br /> F�egigter of Deeds �ax�Cx�e�x <br /> _F_r_ank_ She�hard,_and_.21e11ie_ She�her. � <br /> , <br /> --- -- -- --- - - -- -- - <br /> -- - - - --Ueputy. -- ; <br /> I�notiv All 1VIen by Tlaese Pres+e�ts: <br /> � � <br /> That-- -- Eugene -Be_1_and--and__Arnss�ia._A.Beland,- -- -- - --- -- --- - - - - -- -- - ------- ---- - ----- - - -- - --- -- <br /> ----- -- - ----_ ._ - - - - -- - - - _ - -- _ _ _ �iu�b�ns�..arc�__w��e- -- --- -._. ----- <br /> - --- - - - - --- --_ ------ <br /> of the Cc�untY of---- ---------- Hall --- -------and State of__-- -- Nebraska_------ ----- --- --- ------ ----_--- - ------- - ----------Grantor-�---, in consideration <br /> of the sum of - Thrae Huridr_ad--_and-n��1Q0 - -- - - - ------ ----------- ---------- --- - -------- ------------- ------- -------DOLLARS, ! <br /> in hand paid, clo---.------- ---hereby GRANT, B:�RG�IN, SELL, AI�'D CONtiEY unto- ---------__-- _----------------- ----------------- --------- --------------------- - <br /> - __ _ --_ -----__ Frank._S_hepherd_ anci_ Nellie _�he�?herd_--- _---- - - <br /> _ _ ---_. - - ____ - ---- ------ - -- - - ------- <br /> of the County of- - ---------H3_ll------ ----__. ----------and State of-------- __--_i�eUT_ask3--- --------- ------------- -----------------, Grantee-�----,the foilo�ving <br /> described premises, situa.ted in the County of ________HEill______._.__.._ _ _______________a,nd State of Nebra�ska,, to ti��it: ' <br /> --------Lo�_s___Si:��y---Nine---(�9�----ar;d--S_�yen�X---(-?-Q-)----in--�Ia�rth��ne_ _Place,---s_ai_d__Hac�thox.��--_P7.�c�_.being--a------------ <br /> -- - ___._Subciivis�.on-- of--a�-pa�t----of___tha--North_ �[e�t--�ua�ter;---�N_.�._�}--�f---Se�t_i4n__T�rent_�r-tRQ----(�2)---3,�-------------- ; <br /> -----�oWn�hi�--E�s.ven_ -(11�----D�orth__af- Rar_�e---Nine:- -j�-}- --��st--o#'- th-e--S-"-- -��inc-��al-Msx ir�-ia�- ---- ---------------- <br /> -- ------- ---- - - -- ---- - - - ----- -- - - -- - - --- _ - ----- -- - --- - - - --- __-- ------ -- - --- -- - -------- --- <br /> ---- _-- - - ---- - ------- --__ - - - - -- -- -- - - -- - - ---- - - -- -- - ---- - - - -- - - - -- -- -- --- --- - -- - -------------- <br /> � <br /> - ------ - --- -- - -------- - - - --------- -- - -- - ---- -- - ---- --- - - - - - - -- ---- -- ------ ------- - - -------------------- -- - - ----------------- , <br /> Tobether witli all the tenements, heredita�ments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd a11 the Estate, R.ight, Title,, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_s-------, and of either of them, of, in, or to the sanie, or any part thereof. <br /> TO KAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenan.r,es, unto the said Grantee___S____and ta_____�h93T____._._______.____.heirs and ; <br /> a,ssigns forever. And__________Yl�_________.______hereby covenant______with the saicl Grartees____._____that___vY$________________hold______._said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that______WQ____ ______.___ ___ha_Y_B__good right and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all lierls and incumbrances ; <br /> whatsoever-------------- --------...- -------- -- --- ------------ ---- - -- -- -- --- --- -- - - - ------ - - - -- - - ---- ---------- --- ------------------------ <br /> -- ----- ------ ------- --- ---- - -- - ------ - ---- <br /> -- -- --- -- ----- - - -- --- - --- - -- -- - ---- --- ---- - ------------------------------------- ' <br /> -- - - ---- - - And------ - - ---- �e - --- ----- - - -----------covenant--:----to warrant and � <br /> the ' <br /> defend�o said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, __________________ __._ ___._______._______.__._----___--__---__-_ __-----------_-._-_-.-_- -- ; <br /> Dated the- --27n- ---- -- --- ---------day of -- OCtObeT-- - ----- - - ----------A. D., 19_11-----� <br /> WITNESS ------------=-------E_Ll��l1�----$Q_1�1d------- ; <br /> - - -- ---------,�rmedia__A_,_1��land------------------------------- , <br /> - ------------T-._�1._C_.Harx_ie�-n---------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, � <br /> �ss, ' <br /> h8��-].-- - -----County, G►n this------ --- -- 2ry»------ ----------------day of_ ------ OC�ober------ -------------A. D., 19_11___, before me, the <br /> undersigned, a Notary Public______________________________.___. within and for said G'ounty, personally came_ __________________________________.__. j <br /> - -_---__ Eugene- Beland__a_r_.d_Armedia_-A._�el.arl�i,,----husban-�i---�.__r._d---��fe-------------------- ' <br /> � <br /> - - -- -------- ---------------- -- ------------ ---- ------------ ---------�-- -------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_._�._____whose name__B___8T_e_______________________________affi�ed to the above instru- � <br /> (SEAL} ment as grantor_8_____.__, and______thH_y____._._____severally acknowledged the same to ue___._______their______.voluntary act and deed ! <br /> i <br /> for the purpose therein expressed, n�e <br /> IN u'ITNESS WHER�OF I �'�ave hereunto subscribed my]ti�and afiixed my ofCicial seal at____________________________________________ '.. <br />, __�ran�__I_�_�andr____I_1��27C,3sk8____________________________._on the date last above written. � <br /> ------------------------------T.�,C_,_Harricon---------------------- ' <br /> Notary Public. i <br />', My cominission expires------------------------------------�`e1��t����---�0--------------------------------1�1.�_------ !; <br /> , <br /> ' <br /> i <br />