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<br />— 3I)DJS—SLOPP&B�RTLE'TT CO.,Printing,Lili�ograph.ing¢nd County Supplies,-CTmafic. `" � - -�'`�� � �
<br />_- _ _ : _ _. _ _...__,._ _ ..
<br /> _._... _ .v..=.-- ..�,--,,
<br /> FROM I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nunieric�,l Index a,nd
<br /> filed for record this_--_ .._.31_8'�.-----------day of_---.Q�t_QbS_T --_---------------
<br /> :�, D,, 1911 -, a,t- - - _ --- 11•�5--- -- - - ._o'clock- ---- ---- - P�--M•
<br />' -----�srmail _Stra�rtann- - --- - -- -- --__ - Warranty
<br /> TO Deed p
<br /> �1��r� '
<br /> __.. - - -- -
<br /> --
<br /> Re�i s t e r o f D d s � �xat�c��e�
<br /> - _ Clara. Sa.ildexs _ _ - -- - - - - - �
<br />, - _ -- -- -- - - ------- - -- - --- - - -- - ---- - -
<br /> - lle�uty.
<br /> I�now A�ll 1VIen by T�iese Present�:
<br /> That- - _Herm��___St_r_atmann, single - - - - - - - __ --_ _ _-- - - - -- -- - --
<br /> of the Courty of_ -- ------- -------��.�1�.----- ------------- ____arld State of ---Kebr�sk2 ---- _-------------- - -,_..- ------- -----------Grantor-------, in cozisideration :
<br /> ofthe suni of - --- - Qn�--�'e__nQ/10_0-- -- -- - -- ------ ------- ---- ------- ----------------------------------------- ------ ---------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in nand paicl, do---._ _------hereby GRANT, }3ARG!?I1�', SELL, AND CONVEY unto-- --____----C13Z8�___S_$TLd��B----------- --------------------- -
<br /> of the Counvy of-- --------_---__:�all_..----. - __ _ __ ------and Statie of _- --- --Z1@brdGka---__ _- --------- ------ - , Grantee--- ---,the following
<br /> described premises,sitlaatzd in tne County of_________._________________H311_____ ___________.--------.._and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -f 7d s ' Q�or� _-�l���iqn_to---th�-_C_�� __--o�---rrand._Island as shown
<br /> B1 c o 44 ex--� _S � - --- -------- -- - - -- ---- ---
<br /> o_ k F-rt - �our- -- -�� - a-r� Y
<br /> --- - - _ Y t �
<br /> --___--_-by__the---�ec_ox�le_c�_�lat--.�_heseQf---f_ila_d_ an�3 __re.c.ar_sieci._in-_t.he _Offic_e__�f----�he---Co-�a.z�-�y- -C�.erk-- of---said--_
<br /> --- -- County_-- --- -- - - - ---- - - -- --- - - -- - - - -- -- - -- - - --- ----- - -- - - -
<br /> - --- -- - - --- --- ---- ----- ---- - ----- ----
<br /> --- -- - -- --- - - - .
<br />, --- --- - -- - - --- - -- -- - ---
<br /> �
<br /> -- -- --- ----� - - - -_.---- - - -- ---- - ------ - -- - ----- -- - -- ------ --- - ------- - -- -- ---- - -- - - ----- -- --------- - ------ ---------- -- - - --- -----
<br /> Toaether with aIl the tenements, hereditanients, arid appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, �,nd a,ll the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, Interest, Dower, Cnrtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor._________, and of erther of them, of, fn, or to the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to__..____hB�.________________________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And________�_._.__________________hereby covenant_.____with trie said Grantee._.________that_____________.____I____hold_________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; that_______I_________________ha__Y_B_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that theyare free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> I whatsoever-----exce�t---t-ax---Qf---19_1Q---&--1911--�rhich--$�an�_e�---assu�ness---an�_.agr_eas__tfl--P-a�t------.- ---------------------------
<br /> ------ -- ----- ---------- -- --- -- ---- - ----------- - --- - ---- ---- -------- - - -- --- -- ------- -------------- - - - ------------ ------------------- ----------------- -
<br /> ----- --- --- ---�- --- --- -- - - - ------- -- -- ------------ - ------ - --- - - ---------- ----- --- --- ------ ----- - --------- - - -----------------------------------------
<br /> -- - --- - ---- - -- - -- -----_ ----- - - -
<br /> ------- -- ------- ---- --- - ----.And------------ -- I-- - ---- ------- --- ------ -----------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> t11B
<br /> defend t,�said premises against the lawful claims of a,ll persons whomsoever, ___exCe�t___a�__3b4V8___stetA�_________________________________________,_________..
<br /> i Dated the--------- ---lot�l-- - ----- - -- --day of_---- OCtOi78r----- ------------ ---- ------A. D., 19--�1----•
<br /> WITN�SS ----------�;e��fl��l.__��r��.z���'iSl---- --------------------------------------
<br /> - -------------�_.H_.Thorapson--- - -- - ----- ----
<br />' -- ------ -------------V�F.._�rti-o.�as� ---- -- -- ---- -- - --
<br /> ss.
<br /> ------H�11_---------Count , � On this------------30th-----------------------day of_-------OCt_Ober-- --------------------A. D., 19__il__, before me, the
<br /> _ y
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public---------------------�-----------•.---------------within and for said County, Personally came---------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> � Fierman St�atmann �
<br /> ----- --------- ------- ------ ---- ------------ ---- ---------- - ------- --- ------- ----------------------------------------- --------------- ----------------
<br />� to me personally known to be the identical person_________whose name__.___________i�__________,__._________affixed to the above instru-
<br /> �5��+ ment as rantor.__________, and__.______h.e._ y acknowled ed the same to �e___________�?38._._._______voluntar act and deed
<br /> � g ____._._____severall g y
<br /> for �he purpose therein expressed. netmA
<br /> IN WITNESS WFIEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my�and afl3xed my ofI'icial seal at____________________________________.__._.__
<br /> �r and__Island___in__$si.d___Co_unt3r�_-------------------------on the date last above written.
<br /> T.O.C,Harrison
<br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires----------------------- - -------- --- �'_�b�u�JCY------�Q-------------------------19---12---
<br />� a
<br />