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<br /> __.__
<br /> __. _ .___._. � �_ __ � ��_�
<br /> i
<br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Pdumerical Index and ,
<br /> filed for record this--__-- 31St---. - ---------day of__OCtObeT----_- ---- -------- �
<br /> A. D., 19 1l� , at ---- - 11_._l� ---dclock-- - - -- p, -M.
<br />' ----- ---H_ertr�---P.Sanders_ &__4Yif 8-- ---------- Warranty ;
<br /> TO Deed. • ���G�
<br /> �
<br /> -- b- --- - --- - -- - - - --
<br /> Ae?ister of Deede �a�lc
<br /> - -- -- -- --k�.srman _Str��mann - -- - -
<br /> _ - -- - - - - -- - - ----_- -
<br /> - ---- -- Deputy.---
<br /> I�novo� All 1VIen by These Presents:
<br /> That_ -- ���.ry P_._�ander�--and Cl�-a--S_andersr h_�band and_taifQ ----- - ---- - ---- - -- - -- - ----- - -- -----
<br /> �
<br /> of the County of______._._�i_all_____________ ___ ______and State of________ Nebraeka.__.____ __________ _ _.__,____________ __.________.__.________Grantora___., in consideration i
<br /> of the surn of-- - - One - &_nQ�1QQ-- - -- - - -- -- - - -- -------- --- --------- - -----
<br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do____ _____hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, All'D CONVEY unto_ ____K@rk1�.n .��ra'�?na?'u?______ __- ___ . �
<br /> of the County of-- -- - ------ ---- - -- Hall -- and Sta.te of_ Nebr2tSk3 - - -- -- - - - ---- , Grantee--- - ,the following ;
<br /> described preniises, situateci in the County of_________ ___________ ____________Hall_--_.___ _______________and State of Nebraska, to wit. ,
<br /> -------Bloc�;_.Fort_y-f ot�x---�44)._-i.n---7Y�smex-l-�--s.a�Qnd---ad�l�.�.iQn__ts�--tha.__Ci�y---9-f--�xand---�.�i�n�,----�$---ahown----..------
<br /> ----_---}�-y_--the--r_Q_c_a�_de�i__platt___ther_e_of__duly--_f_i_led_-and --r_eco_rde.d- in---the-_offiae----of---the_-C_ount�r---�l�_rk_--_-----
<br /> ------of Hall-Coun�y,_--affo�e�ai-d. - - -- -- -- - ---- - -- - - -- -- ---- ---- - - ------- ---- -- -----
<br /> -- --------------- -- ----------- - --- - -- - - - - --- ------ - - --- --- ---- - - - - -- ---- -- --- ----- - - - - -- - ----------- - - --------- --
<br /> - -_ ------ - -- - - - --- - --- -- --- - - ---- -_ __ - --- -- ----- ----- ----- - - - ----------- --- - - -----------
<br /> - ------ -- --- -- ---- ----- --- ---- -- -- -- --- -- -- --- - -- - - ------ ----- -- -- - ---- ---- - -- -- - - - -- - -- -- -- --- - -- - ----------- --------
<br /> --- --- --- - ----- ------ -- - - -- - ------------ -_ - - - -- -- ----- ----- ----- --- -- --------------- -------- -------- - - - --------------- - --- - -----------------
<br /> Together witll all the tenements, hereclitanaents, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, �,nd all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the saicl Grantor , and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HqVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________.and to_______________h__i8___.__________._____heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever. And___�e______________________hereby covenant__. ___with the said Grantee____ _____that______v?9__._______.___hold________said premises by good and perfect
<br /> title; tl�at___._!Re__________________hav@_good right and lawful aut,hority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever_ -- ---..- ------------- ------ -- --- ---- --- - - - - ----- - - - ------- --- -
<br /> - ---- - -- --- ------- ------------ ------------ -------------------------------
<br /> - -- ----- ---- --------- - --- - - ------ ---------- - -- - - ---- - --- ---- - --- ----- ---- ----- ----- - - -- - ---------------- - -- - -- ---------------------------------
<br /> ---- -- --- - ----- -- - --- - - - -
<br /> - - - -- -- -- _- ---- -- And-- -- ---- - -�-e------- - -- - --- - -- - - ------------covenant------to warrant and i
<br /> the �
<br /> defend�o said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, _______ __ _.____________________.._._.___.._.______________________._.____________________________________________.___._
<br /> i
<br /> - - -- ----- -- --- ----- ------- _ ._
<br /> --- ---- - ------- -- ---- - - ------- --- - - --------- -- - - - - ------ ---------- -- ----------- �
<br /> �
<br /> Dated the---- - 16th -- -- -day of_- ----- OetObBT- - ----- - - --- ------A. D., 19_11-- •
<br /> WITNESS --------------------Renry_--P,.�ande r s-----------------------------------
<br /> ----------------���r�_�_�nc�e�s----------------------------------------
<br /> - ---- --------------�.H.Thottpson------------- ----- ------ ---
<br /> ----- -- - -------- V_..�_._Aarbczgas� - ---------------- ------ - -- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------- ;
<br /> �ss,
<br /> ----------iiall------------_.County, On this---- - - Y of_----.----QCt_Q�?.��-----------------------A. D., i9_�,�---, before me, the ,
<br /> --3_4_th---- ------------da,
<br /> undersigned, a Notary Public----------------------------------.----------------within and for said County, Personally came-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- '
<br /> --------Henr_�r--P_.�andes-s---and--C_lara__Sandars,---husband---and---�ife---------------------------------,------------------- ;
<br /> �
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___B____whose name_ __a�@__________________________.____af�xed to the above instru- ';
<br /> (SEAL} ment as grantor___$_____, and______._8a�h_______severally acknoWledged the same to ue_____.__�he_ir_________.voluntary act and deed '�
<br /> for Ghe purpose therein expressed. �
<br /> narae
<br />�I 'i
<br />' IN ti�ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed myYt�and afl'ixed my ofCicial seal at_____________________________________________ ;
<br />', �'rai�d__I����S��___��?__s�l_�1__�0_Ltrit_y_________________._______on the date last above written. !
<br /> T.O.C.Harrison
<br />' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public. �
<br /> My commission expires--------February---l�---------------------�912_-------------------------------•--�----------
<br /> (
<br />