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<br /> r� _�., � �
<br /> �� D D ° � ° � o
<br />_ _ �_ __ __� � _ _ _ _
<br /> 500�8—�LOPI'&BAX'1 L1.7"I'Cb.,Printinp,I,ilhographirzg and Count�SuppZies,`6^nahc. � �
<br />—__ : :
<br /> FRO�'�T I hereby certify that this instrun�ent was entered on Numerical Inciex and
<br /> filed for recorc� this--._----27th.-----------day of__._..4C.�Ober_ . ------------- -
<br /> A. D,, 19 l_l. , at- -_____ - 2..15 ---dclock-- - P._1V1.
<br /> -----Hugh__Ilsve-r--& -mtif.s __--- - ----- - - Warranty _ ,
<br /> - -- TO .
<br /> Deed. "
<br /> _�22;����- _ _ - - - - -
<br /> Register of Deeds �'a�i�dii�Cac
<br /> -- ___ - - -- -J.ohn_F.Dever - - -- _ - :
<br /> --_ - - - - - -- - - - -
<br /> -_ -- - --
<br /> De�uty,
<br /> Know All 1VIen by Z'�ese Presents :
<br /> T11a�-- we,- Hugh...�2evar. _an�l--Alc-i-ncla--S_.DavQS----.� _husb.and__and__�if�___}._ -- ---- - ------ ------- ------
<br /> of the Ccunty of-------__-------H�11 ----- ------- --and State of------_TJebraska _ - -------, _ ---,--- - --------Grantor-8----, iri consideration
<br /> oi the suln of--- One--Thoia���nd_e�'1�1. n9/�4_Q_ _- - ---- -- -------- --------- - - ---------------- ------------------- ----DOLLARS,
<br /> in ha�ld pai1, do_ __ __ _______hereby GRANT, B�IRGAIN, SELL, At��D CONVEY unto_________ .�0�1�__�'_.�?8V_QT_____ ___________ __. _________
<br /> of the County of_-----__ ____ _----.H&1�-------------- - ---------.__and State of---- -_ .__N�br�Bka-------------- ---------, Grantee-------,the following
<br /> described prexnises, situated in the County of_______ ._____._ -_ ____-____�IAIl__ _____ _____________a,nd State of Nebraska-, to wit:
<br /> __Lots No.. Six.. �o� _and---�even---(-�-}-- in_B1Q_ck--Numbex__T�relv�_ .(_��}-- i.n__��rans---Addi_tion__ �o_rrand.-----
<br /> --------- - Island,_--t�.Qb�a�k� -,-as--�he----s-aae--is-S_ur_yeyed_�lat�e-d--a..�d--re_corci_e_d._ ------ ---- ------- --------
<br /> --- -- --
<br /> - __ . -- - ---- ---- - -- _ -- -- -- -- - - --- -- --- - ---- -- - --- - - - - -- ---- -- - - -- - - - - - ------- ----- - --
<br /> ToPether with all the tenements, 1lereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__8_:___, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO H4VE AND TO HOLD the above-descr°ibec� prerrzises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee.__._____and to_________ _______hiB_______________heirs and
<br /> a,ssigns forever, And___.___..__�e_ ______________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee___________that___________.We______hold_________said prernises by good and perfect
<br /> title,; that______t�le___ _._.________havft__good right and lawful authority to sell a,nd convey the same; that tliey are free and clear of �,Il liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------------- --- ---- - -- ----- -- -- ----- ---- ------------ - -- - -- - ---- --- ----- - -------- - --- -------------- - --------------- -----------
<br /> ---- ------ ..--- ----- ------- ---- ---- ---- ------ -- ---- - -- ---- - -- --- - --- ---- -------------- ---- --------------------- ------------------ -------------------------------------------
<br /> --- - - ---- -- ---- -- -- -- And- ---�re -- -- -----------------------covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> -- the �
<br /> defend �said premises agafnst the lawful claims of all persorzs w11on1soever°, ____._______________________.______________________________________________________ ._
<br /> Dated the_- 21St- - - ---- ---- ---day of_-- -------J1�1y - --- --- - - --- - - --------A. D,, 19_49---�
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------���---D�1FQ-�---------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------------Alc inda__S_.Deeer---�-----
<br /> -- --
<br /> -- - - -- ----------- --- -$.Q.Hust on- -- - ------
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ---------------Ii317.-------------County, On this-------------17�h----------------------day of----------S�t�t_gTi'thes---------------------A. D., i9_��---, before me, the
<br /> undersigned, a I�otary Public_____�.pt�_03nt_�3d__________________within and for said County, personally came________.___.__________________________________________________________
<br /> ---- - ------- ---Hu�h_Dever--anc�--�lc_�._�d�--�_:��vvr_,----�--�iu�band-�nd---��-8---}------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person$_________whose name__�_______are __,___affiaed to the above instru-
<br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor_�___.__, and_______�h8_y_____________severally acknowledged the same to be__._______�h�_iT_______voluntary act and deed
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> n�g�
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my h�and affixed my ofr'icial seal at____________________________________________
<br /> _________ar3nd__ISland�___NebraBka_____________________on the date last above written.
<br /> -------------------�:C_�HustO�_-----------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires----------------------July_ -25_th---------------------------------------------------------��2-------
<br />