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� � � �:. _ �„ <br /> � _�_ �� <br /> D D ° �0 ° � D . ��: <br /> 0 <br /> _ .._ _ �� . _ ___M ___ -___ _ __ _ _ ___ _ ________ ____ - <br /> � _ _� __--__ ._�_ _ _ _ _:_ _ . __--____ . <br /> _- . _ _ _!_ ___-_--____- <br /> 54018-KLOPP&EARTLETT CO.,Prantinp,Lilnographing and County Supplxes;Omahe. -- <br />---. . :, -_.-�-+ --- - --- ----- -_ _ _ �,_. --.- -__ _- -_- --_ -- _ ,-• - -_.-_ __--_ _- ---- _------- _--= ---- -- -_---.._ _.._— <br /> . ._._,.:-_ _- --,�_ � _ _.� , �_ <br /> FROM I hereby cer�tify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> filed for record this------�18�-- ---------------day of_.------4��4b8T_ -----.-------- ' <br /> 3. D,, 1911__ _, at - - -- 4 <br /> -o'clock- - - P_..__M. <br /> ----M�ry--A_.Ri�-9,--_unmeu�'T.ieCi_ ----- ---- Warranty - , i <br /> � TO Deed. � �� ' � ' <br /> �1_(-�,c����� - �- - - --- -- -- I <br /> Register of Deeds �` G�a�� <br /> --- MarY-J_.Ryan_ _ - - -- - - -- -- - � <br /> ; <br /> - -- - - ------__ - - --- --- -- - -- ----- -. ---- <br /> llepuiy, <br /> ----__- -- - - -- - ---- - - - - - - -- - ----- - - - <br /> - — — � <br /> � <br /> I�.no�v All 1VIen b� These Presents; <br /> That_ _ _. __ -I,.___Mary -A.Rices --unmarriad - -- -- -- --- - - --- - - ---- - <br /> -- -- - - - - - -- -. -- - - -- - - - -_ . _ <br /> - -- - - ---- _. - <br /> - - --- -- <br /> - - - - --- - -- ---- -- -- -- ----- -- <br /> --and State of---------NAbT3�Bb�t---_. _----------__------- -------------------------------Grantor------, in c�nsideration � <br /> of the CoizntY of_ -- -H�ll - -- i <br /> of the sum of-------�'our__Huri�lr�_d__A_0_I104-------------------------------------- - <br /> -- --- ------------- --------------------DOLLARS� i <br /> � <br /> in hand paicl, do---- ------ ----hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AR'D CONVEY unta-- - _ MaTy ,I'_.RyR21--------------------------------------------.------------------------- - � <br /> -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - --- - -.. -- - - - _ ----- -- . __. -- - -- - -- - - -- - - - -- - - ---- � <br /> of the County of_------------------------H��-�------- _ _ ---- ---------_and State of___------------N8b1�.a�kA__._.-----------------------.._-.-------------------, Grantee------,the followirtg �� <br /> de,scribed premises, situa.ted in the Courity of__._.____.____.. __.I�ie�7.1.. ............... ....._---- ---__and State of Nebraska, to wit; <br /> -- -------Lo__t-�--�went_y-�ight---(2$_�._ansl--T_w�n�_y-n�.z�e_ --(29_)_ __of__�ia�thor_ne-P_�ac�r_ __b��ng--�__.subdivi�ion--of---a----- ' <br /> • ---- ------�ar-t--�f_._�ha__N_orth --�a��--�uar-�e-r---of---3aa�ion--T�rax�ty-�wa_-422-)---in---To�nahig--Elevan---(11-)---North,------- <br /> -- ---of_Range _Ni�z�e._���- �_es�- of �he �th--P,�. � s.urvay�d,--pla��.ed-�.--- - - - --- - ------ - - , . <br /> -- --- - - --- -- .- - - - - - - -- ----- ---- --- ------ --- ----- - ---- - -- - ---------- -- <br /> -- ---- -- - _- -- - - -- ---- -- ---- - - - -- - - -- ------ - -- -- - - ---- ---- --- -- -- -- ------ - - - - ------------ <br /> ------ ----- - -------- - --- --- -- - - ------ - --- - - - -- -- -- --- - - ---- - ---- - --------- --- --- -- :--- ---- -- --- ------------------------ <br /> Tog•ether with all the tenenlents, hereclitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�ing, and all the Estate,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and � <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor ,.��.sf��ar..c�€-t�e�r of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. . � <br /> TO �IAVE AND TO HOLD the abo�e-described premises,with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__________and to__-_________ ___h�T________ ____._____heirs and <br /> assigns forever. And___ _I_______ ____________hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee____.______that_________I__.________hold__________said premises by good and perfect ', <br />� title; that__________.I______.________ha_ttH_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbranees <br /> whatsoever--------------------- _-------- --- - --- - - - ------ --- -------- ---------------- ------------ - ------------------------ ! <br /> ' - -_ ------ - -- - -- ---- ---- - ---------------------------------- ' <br /> --- - -------- ------ - - --- ----------- - -- --- - --- --- - -- -- - - --------- -- -- - , <br /> -- ----- -- ---- - -------- - - - ------- --- ------ - - -------------------- <br /> - ----- - - - - --- ------ ---- - - - - ------ - --- -- -- - - -- _ _ _- - ----- -- -- --- � <br /> _ i <br /> ----- --- - - - --- -- ---- -- -- -- - - - --_ ___ --. .__And---- - --- - ----I- - ----- - - ----------covenant--- ---to warrant and ' <br /> �he <br /> defen im said premises against the lawful claims of all persons tivhomsoever, --- - ----------- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! <br /> --- ---- - - - -- - _ <br /> Dated the------- -- 18th --- -- --- ---day of_ _ OCtOber ----- - - -------- - --A. D., 19-11-- • ; <br /> WITNESS ---------------------�t$T y---A,�RiC A---- <br /> ---------- --------------- -John_All�n - - - - - -- _-- -- - <br /> -- - - ------ - - - --- ----- ---- ------------ ------------------- �------------- -- -- -- ----------------- <br /> ; <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, � <br /> ss, <br /> � ----- FiR7.1------County, On this-----------1$�h-----------------------day of_-----------0��_�b_Q2----------------------A. D., 19__11._, before me, the ', <br /> undersigned, a IVotary Public--------------------------------------------------within and for saia Count , personall came---------------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> Y Y � <br /> ----------�ary- A.�_i�a ----- - -- -- ----------- ------------- ------------------ --------------------- I <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_____.____whose name._-_____________._ig_____.____________af�xed to the above instru- . <br /> (��y�� ment as grantor______.___, and._.____$he.___._____-_s�e�e�acknowledged the same to be____________he_r____.______.voluntary act and deed � <br /> for the purpose therein expressed. ! <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my �and affixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ ! <br /> II1 � <br /> _�r�nd___Z&land,_-_i�l--s-aiti--Cou�t-3t----------------on the date last above written. ' <br /> -------------------------------John_._Al.lan------------------.,..------------- � <br /> Notary Public. , <br /> : My commission expires--------- ---------- -����--5_-15�---------------------------------------------------�------------ <br /> ; <br /> ,. i <br />