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<br /> �048-$LO�'I'8 $ARTI.L'TT CO.,Prinling,Lilhogra�hinp and Co�nty Supp[zes,O�aahe. -�"-
<br /> _ _. - _ __ __._.__ _ ,-__,__ ,_..__- _- ---- --- . _,__, _._-::-. -:-_ _ _ _ - - ---- .�
<br /> -- �."::`-�--- . �_.:a�r . __.�__-- . .. _ . .. .... --- � - - - — _.---_ _------------_--_._----=:_.`.�-��_---
<br /> __ _ I
<br /> 1
<br /> FROIYI I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and �
<br /> i
<br /> filed for record this_..__ _-_--- __218�-------day of__4C_tQ1�8r-------_----_ _---------- �
<br /> :�, D,, 19_11 __, at 9•30 -o'clock -- --. _- - A• -M. '
<br /> --- - -
<br /> Harr-y--�d=Ru�se_ll.---8s--�if� --- ----- WarrantY -- — b '
<br /> TO , Deed. �/ (� /�
<br /> �
<br /> '�_l{-t ��zc 2 t�`���f�.. * '
<br /> - - _ -- - - - -----
<br /> ---- --
<br />; Register of Dee �am�x ;
<br /> - -__ --- - - _ -J_.E.._Stoufer ---- - -
<br /> __ .-
<br /> - - - --- - - -- -- --- ------- --- -- .-----
<br /> I
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> _J
<br /> � Kno�v AlI l�Ien b� These Presents:
<br /> That- �re--Harr_y__�d.Ru�_�e�1�--and-Mary---A_.Russ�X_]., _h�band__�.�_�t_#,�e - - -- --
<br /> - - - -- -- - - --- --- -- - -- ---- --
<br /> of the County of_----_-__F��11----- -----_-_- . _and State of---_._-�T8bT8�ka____ --___-- -._----- -__----- _-_-_---- -_--- --Grantor_�___., in consideration
<br /> of the sum of- �'hiT�_y-f�Y�--HU.71S9.��d__�nd n4�1QQ----------�----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS, �
<br /> in hand paid, do___.____ _____hereby GRANT, BARG_AIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto.___J.E_.StOtifAT____._ ._____.__,______ _ "�
<br /> . - _ - --- - - --- -- - ---
<br /> of the County of_. - - -- -- __ --- -- -- --and State of -- Id3h0-- -- --- -- -- --- -- - - � Grantee-- -,the following
<br /> described premises, situated iii the Courity of______ ._____. .___Hal�.__________________ _ _and State of I�ebraska, to c�it:
<br /> ---------The__East----one--hz�ndr_etl_.fee�-----(-lUD-'-)---nf--Lot--Nina----(-9-)---in---the--Count-y--�ubdiviaion -t�---the-_Y311aga------ ''
<br /> --------Qf---�Pflfld__River_,---Diebraska,---c-omprising- -a -r-ec-�ar�g-ular-_strip-a�.--l�d ana hu�dr-ed-�eet---(-lOD-'-1�� ---------- �,
<br /> � ---- ---- '
<br /> -----------by--Six__hu��lr�.d._�_iat-Y----f-g-8t---�---fiGO--'--�,--_-accarding--tA----the--�auzat-3r- S�arve-y-ther-eaf-,-------------------------------
<br /> -- ---- - - - --- - - - - - ------ --- --- - --- -- - - -- - - -- - -- ---- -- - -- - -- ------ -- ------- -- - - - - - - - - ------ --- -------- -----
<br /> ---- - ---- -- - --- - - --- - - --- --- - - -- -- - ---- -- - - --- __ - --- - -- -- - - - - - --- - --- -- - - ------ --------------------
<br /> ----- ---- --- --- -- --------- - - ------ -
<br /> --- --- -- - ---- -- - -- - ---- -------- - - - -- - - --- ___ --- ----- -- - ------ -- - - - - -----
<br /> -- ------ - - - --- --- -_ - - --- ----- -- - - - - -------- -- -- - --------- - --- --- -�-- -- - - - --------------- -------- - ---- -------------
<br /> Together with aIl the tenements, hereditarnents, and appurtenances thereunto helonning, �,nd all the .Esta-te,Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim and
<br /> Demancl whatsoever of the said Grantor___8____, a�-e�ei�e�-ef-� of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof, '�
<br /> TO K4VE AND TO HOLD the above-described p2°emises,with the appurteliances, unto the said Grantee_____.___and to_______.._____hi�__________________heirs and ;
<br /> assigns forever, And__________�e_____ ______hereby covenant_.____with the said Grantee____________that.___-_we________.___hold_________said premises by good and perfect ;
<br /> title; that._________�@------..---_ha_y_e_.good right and lawiul authorit,y to sell a.nd convey the same; that they are free and clear of a,ll liens and incumbrances �.;
<br /> whatsoever----------- -- ---- - ------------- - - ------- .__._ _. --- -- - -- ------- -- --------------------- ;
<br /> -- ---- -- - -- ----- ------- -
<br /> --- ------- ---- - ------ _ - - -- - ---- --- - - -- _And----- - - ---- - - �B----- - -- ------------------covenant------to warrant and �
<br /> the i
<br /> defend�said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoevel°, ___.__. .._.___________._____________________ _____________________________________.________________ ._ ;
<br /> �
<br /> --- ------- - ------ - - ---------- -- - ------ --- ---- - --- - - - ----- - - - ------- - ----------- -------- --------- -- ------------------------------- ----------- ----- ;
<br /> Pated the-- -- --Third - - ---- - - --�a3' of- - Q�t 4kler - - - - - -----------A. D,, 19--11---•
<br /> WITNESS ------------------Harr y--�_.Ru$se l 1----------------------------------
<br /> II,, . ___'"'"""____""___���"__AA3f���_SQ�i_'_""'_"_"""_"'_"""'_"_'__"__'_"_"' � -
<br /> --- ------ - -------�_�L_.-�gr-agwe - -- -----------
<br /> ss,
<br /> -----_--_-_-�iall ___County, On this--__-__-__---7th_----------_-----_-_-_day of_-_--_---4_�'�Ob�-T_-_--------------------A. D., 19_ll---, before me, the �
<br /> I�' undersigneci, a li�otary Public_____________________________.__._______________within and for said County, personally came __________________________.___ _________________._______ �
<br />', ------- - Harry._�d,Rus�e11--and--�ar�---A,_Ru$sel�.,----hu��Zax�s�--and__xrif_s------------------------------------------ �
<br /> �
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�________whose name_fl_____8r8 ____________..a�xed to the above i��stru- ;
<br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor_$_______, and______�h�y_____________severally acknowledged the same to be________�h�iT__________voluntary act and deed ;
<br /> for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS W�IEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my� and affixed my ofCicial seal at______________________________________________ '
<br /> ____________�OOd,_RiYE3r___iri.._S_3i.d._G4Llri��C�--------.-on the date last above written. '
<br /> ---------------------- --�/.L.Spr ague----------------------- '
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires------------------------ ---- ---------- ---------------------------------�-e�Ch...�7-----19--��---
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br />